August 2017 babies!

I found out I had a silent miscarriage at my 12 week scan last time. That was hard but we both kind of agreed that it clearly wasn't to be. I feel more symptoms this time like feeling exhausted and a emotional so u feel more positive this time. I am about 6 weeks and I had a reassurance scan last week and all looked OK. Now Its waiting until 23rd for my next reassurance scan to confirm again its all moving along. So nervous though!

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That is the best mind set to be in Prrrfect!

Welcomr Jill and congratulations! I am so sorry to hear of your previous loss. I can imagine that feeling nervous is a normal thing to feel but it's great (in a way!) that you have more symptoms. Hope you continue to have a lovely healthy pregnancy xxx
Yes best of luck Jill..
The symptoms aren't always nice but they remind us everyday that we are growing a baby in there!

Decided I'm going to surprise my mum and dad and hubbys mum and dad with the news at Christmas this will be before any scans at only 7 weeks approx but can't keep it from them any longer also no awkward why arnt you having a drink conversations!
Also January sales!
Maternity clothes,
& Want to buy a few neutral bits and bobs is this too early?
Lots going on on this thread.
Hello prrfect, Jill, 123 and Spuds.

So sorry for you previous loss Jill. Glad your early scan was reassuring and everything crossed for you that this is a healthy and happy pregnancy.

Lovely to hear some relaxed and positive attitudes, thank you Prrfect. Definitely trying to harness some of this. You are right to try and enjoy it as much as you can.

Timings wise it's all a bit awkward, I would tell my close family at Christmas if I'd had an early scan and seen a HB. But I want the scan after 7 weeks so that will fall after Christmas. And to be honest I wouldn't risk getting bad news before Xmas anyway. So there will be some elaborate strategies to avoid the "why aren't you drinking" question for me.

I have already told all my close friends though as I know I would rely on their support and want them to know what's going on etc.

Haven't booked in with midwife yet. Not sure what I'm waiting for.

Feeling very tired still and called in sick half way through a 12 hour shift at work on Monday as felt so terrible. Feel I am getting the beginnings of some nausea too, I notice it if I haven't eaten for a bit.

I'll stop rambling now. Hope you are all having a good day.

I haven't arranged midwife yet either- job for today!

I couldn't trust hubby to keep it a secret at Christmas he's terrible at keeping surprises I've had all my Christmas presents bar 1because he gets too excited :) it's ok I find it funny but yes he'd burst if he had to wait till 12weeks!

12hour shifts ohhhh no!!!! You poor thing :(
Take it as easy as you can!

Have a good day :)
This will be my first baby too :)

I am feeling a lot more positive today (about 100x more ha). Provided I make it through tonight with no mishaps I will be further along than I got last time yay :)

Talked with the OH about an early scan, he's been feeling really worried too bless him but didn't want to make me feel worse so kept quiet! He was happy to pay for a scan if it was what I wanted, and probably if I had been able to get one the week after xmas I might have done. Typical that if I wanted to drive 40 miles to the next closest one I could have done as early as next week! I guess Plymouth is just busy with babies at the moment!

I am feeling so exhausted and sleeping about 2-3hrs a night more than I used to, and then still feeling dead by 3pm at work! Thank goodness I work in a nice cushy office job ha. I definitely didn't get this last time. Boobs are a bit less achy, have more of a full feeling. I'd be happy for them to not grow an awful lot cos they aren't tiny atm!
I found out I had a silent miscarriage at my 12 week scan last time. That was hard but we both kind of agreed that it clearly wasn't to be. I feel more symptoms this time like feeling exhausted and a emotional so u feel more positive this time. I am about 6 weeks and I had a reassurance scan last week and all looked OK. Now Its waiting until 23rd for my next reassurance scan to confirm again its all moving along. So nervous though!

Sent from my E5823 using Tapatalk

I'm so sorry to hear that Jill, it was hard enough at 6 weeks but I can't imagine getting all the way to 12 and then finding out. Good luck with your next scan :)
Hi girls, mind if I join this lovely group? My EDD is 9th of August.

I only got my BFP last Sunday morning, 12 days after my AF was due! Sounds silly and sad but I kept postponing my testing as was too scared of testing and then losing it, like my m/c back in January :( As if losing it without seeing a positive on a test first would make it less real :( I had not realised how traumatised I still am and how very very scared. I am so sorry for all of you also having been through such a heartbreaking experience. Constant knicker/tissue/pad checking over here!!!

I am trying to be positive, I think I gradually am feeling slightly more and more relaxed, stress can't be good for our lil beans! Eeek I am entering week 7 tomorrow!

I've read through all of your comments, and I am so so glad I have found you all :hug: You have no idea (no, in fact, you do!) how much I am rooting for all of us, for all of our beans to be sticky and healthy and strong!!!

Looking forward to chatting with you all in the months to come and to holding each other's hand virtually - 'cause we have something so big, so wonderful in common! Sending positive thoughts and the stickiest (you know that type of glue that's called "industrial strength"?? That kind of sticky lol) babydust to all of you xx
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Hi girls, mind if I join this lovely group? My EDD is 9th of August.

I only got my BFP last Sunday morning, 12 days after my AF was due! Sounds silly and sad but I kept postponing my testing as was too scared of testing and then losing it, like my m/c back in January :( As if losing it without seeing a positive on a test first would make it less real :( I had not realised how traumatised I still am and how very very scared. I am so sorry for all of you also having been through such a heartbreaking experience. Constant knicker/tissue/pad checking over here!!!

I am trying to be positive, I think I gradually am feeling slightly more and more relaxed, stress can't be good for our lil beans! Eeek I am entering week 7 tomorrow!

I've read through all of your comments, and I am so so glad I have found you all :hug: You have no idea (no, in fact, you do!) how much I am rooting for all of us, for all of our beans to be sticky and healthy and strong!!!

Looking forward to chatting with you all in the months to come and to holding each other's hand virtually - 'cause we have something so big, so wonderful in common! Sending positive thoughts and the stickiest (you know that type of glue that's called "industrial strength"?? That kind of sticky lol) babydust to all of you xx

Hi there, welcome and congrats :)

Everything you said resonates so much with me. I didn't test for a week either because I was happy in denial for a bit. I am also obsessively checking my underwear! It's so stressful lol.

Fingers crossed for you as well!
Hi girls, mind if I join this lovely group? My EDD is 9th of August.

I only got my BFP last Sunday morning, 12 days after my AF was due! Sounds silly and sad but I kept postponing my testing as was too scared of testing and then losing it, like my m/c back in January :( As if losing it without seeing a positive on a test first would make it less real :( I had not realised how traumatised I still am and how very very scared. I am so sorry for all of you also having been through such a heartbreaking experience. Constant knicker/tissue/pad checking over here!!!

I am trying to be positive, I think I gradually am feeling slightly more and more relaxed, stress can't be good for our lil beans! Eeek I am entering week 7 tomorrow!

I've read through all of your comments, and I am so so glad I have found you all :hug: You have no idea (no, in fact, you do!) how much I am rooting for all of us, for all of our beans to be sticky and healthy and strong!!!

Looking forward to chatting with you all in the months to come and to holding each other's hand virtually - 'cause we have something so big, so wonderful in common! Sending positive thoughts and the stickiest (you know that type of glue that's called "industrial strength"?? That kind of sticky lol) babydust to all of you xx

Hi there, welcome and congrats :)

Everything you said resonates so much with me. I didn't test for a week either because I was happy in denial for a bit. I am also obsessively checking my underwear! It's so stressful lol.

Fingers crossed for you as well!
Me too! I get so worried when I don't have symptoms like feeling sick etc. Who would think I would be hoping to feel sick haha! I am sure this time for us all will be better!

Sent from my E5823 using Tapatalk
Hey there ladies!

Just crashing out after a 13 hour shift, yawn! (how I'm going to cope with these long days from here on in, I really don't know!!)

Welcome Hoping4Rainbow!

MissCharli - happy 6 weeks!!

Jill - sorry to hear about your silent miscarriage. I agree at any stage it's hard, but at 12 weeks that must have been so tough for you

Really interesting to read what everyone's plans for telling loved ones are..I will just have to tell my mum this weekend when I visit. I think she 'knew' a few weekends ago when I complained of heartburn and belched incessantly, however I bare-faced lied to her on the phone about getting my period because I really want to tell her in person :)

Was almost chuffed to have a strong sense of nausea this morning..I might have started wooping if I'd been sick lol!

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I giggle in resonation at how pleased I am at nausea or cramps returning after a period of time feeling empty and worried. Probably ridiculous but sounds like most of us are the same, so that gives me permission to continue. It is lovely when hubby asks if there are any new symptoms; shows it is freshly in his mind too. I suspect there isn't much they can do to help and as they aren't feeling any of it physically, are probably more in the dark than we are, whether everything is OK or not.
Welcome to all the new joiners. So lovely to have a group of us now, due around the same few weeks. I have told a close friend too but no family as yet. I couldn't face the devastation of a MC and having to tell them weeks later that it was gone again.
Morning all!

spuds, I know what you mean about OHs, can't be easy for them being quite far removed from the situation in many respects. I wonder what's going through their little heads haha?! Bless him, DH text me yesterday saying 'i miss you and my little mate'. That followed by a group of school children singing Christmas songs on the ward, and I was practically a blubbing mess! Argh hormones!

Had a brief moment of paranoia this morning, when I felt like my breasts were less full and tender. Like a fool, I decided to poas (smu as I'd already peed!), and it was like magic seeing that test line come up before the control line..phew!
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Welcome Hoping4Rainbow and wishing you a fabulous and healthy pregnancy!

Haha DocL I did this a couple days ago, took another test to "make sure" I was still pregnant!!! It's so silly isn't it!

MissCharli, so glad your feeling more positive!!! Let's enjoy this now!! I am bloating out so much it's unreal!! I have already told close friends and family as I'm just so excited to keep it secret! And I'm always the one to never pass on a glass of Pinot so they will all know something is up!!

My son is at grandma's house today so I have a lovely day to myself cleaning the house and watching Christmas films!! I quit my job after being back for 1 year after maternity as the place wasn't the same as when I left and I didn't feel like I was fitting in anymore. And now there doesn't seem to be a point to get a new job now until after number 2 arrives (if I can be bothered to go back!! Housewife/stay at home mum is so appealing!!) X
Welcome Hoping4Rainbow.
Thanks for your lovely message. Yes, also wishing us all the stickiest of beans and very healthy pregnancies.

I've been naughty too and have been doing digis for reassurance. Definitely gave me a boost getting a 3+ this week. An expensive habit though!

Can relate to what you are saying about OHs. My poor DH was so confused last month with the whole chemical pregnancy thing. He didn't know what was going on, he really has no clue about fertility stuff or the menstrual cycle. We've only just started really talking about this pregnancy.

123eggs enjoy your day without child! I love those days the best. How wonderful to be a stay at home mum. I work part time now and I like that balance. But some days I wish I could stay at home all the time.

Must be a positivity vibe going on which is great. Feel quite rough but that's making me feel good.

Right. Back to work. Xx
Welcome hoping4rainbow!

Yes hoping we all are sticky too! Haha!
I feeling increably lucky to work part time self employed at this point in pregnancy and really feel for those who are
Working long hours!

Hubby has a bug and is coughing really loud all night in all directions!! :(
I don't want to catch it but with no sleep last night and a full head ache all night listening to him blast!
I got up and felt so sick and unwell!!

I was going one mile an hour!
I forced some breakfast down thinking it would make me better but just wanted to throw!!!

So went back to bed and slept for hours more!

Hope I don't feel this sick tomorrow :(

But again I'm realising from you all with previous bad experiences to embrace the symptoms!

I'm telling my family Christmas Day- we are arranging 2boxes with helium balloons ��
In that will say nunny and grandad on for our perants!!
Thank you for the warm welcome girls :)
I really enjoy reading all of your posts xx

123eggs, I am exactly like you job wise, had been with them for 7 years, went back after maternity (I have a 2year old boy) and hated it, really struggled to make myself fit and was so miserable I decided to quit after a year in order to focus on finding something else, make a fresh start.

Unfortunately straight after my m/c, my dad had an accident and needed surgery and a long post-op recovery so I moved with my parents for a while (a couple of months or so I thought) to care for dad helping out my mum. A few months later I unexpectedly lost my mummy :'( I want 2016 to go! Gave me so much pain, lost me a baby and my beautiful mummy :'( I miss her so much :'(
So here I am. Hoping for 2017 to be better, help me heal. Help us all heal and bring us good news and baby kicks and smiles only :petal: :stork:

I feel so ewwww queasy nauseous :sick: but, like you all, not complaining - symptoms all welcome! Although I do hope it eases off and doesn't get worse! Boobs sensitive/sore. And bloated. Struggling with food, feeling hungry but nothing seems to satisfy me as I'm constantly queasy and only feel a tiny bit of relief WHILST eating only. Then back to feeling :sick: Also constantly thirsty wanting cold water but again water doesn't kill my thirst :( AND makes me run to the loo even more often!!

Sending love to all of you and your lil beans :hug:
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Ha ha girls, I totally get your re-testing habit! I was planning on checking pregnancy progression with a digi this coming Sunday, a week after my first test, but to my surprise it already maxed out at 3+ weeks so I can't check progression anymore! xx

I hope you don't catch OH's bug, and that you have a better night's sleep tonight! And what a wicked idea, the boxes with the nunny and grandad helium balloons, love it xx
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