Hi girls, mind if I join this lovely group? My EDD is 9th of August.
I only got my BFP last Sunday morning, 12 days after my AF was due! Sounds silly and sad but I kept postponing my testing as was too scared of testing and then losing it, like my m/c back in January
As if losing it without seeing a positive on a test first would make it less real
I had not realised how traumatised I still am and how very very scared. I am so sorry for all of you also having been through such a heartbreaking experience. Constant knicker/tissue/pad checking over here!!!
I am trying to be positive, I think I gradually am feeling slightly more and more relaxed, stress can't be good for our lil beans! Eeek I am entering week 7 tomorrow!
I've read through all of your comments, and I am so so glad I have found you all
You have no idea (no, in fact, you do!) how much I am rooting for all of us, for all of our beans to be sticky and healthy and strong!!!
Looking forward to chatting with you all in the months to come and to holding each other's hand virtually - 'cause we have something so big, so wonderful in common! Sending positive thoughts and the stickiest (you know that type of glue that's called "industrial strength"?? That kind of sticky lol) babydust to all of you xx