August 2017 babies!

H4R you are almost certainly right about your dates if you were monitoring it all. My second baby was really big all the way through from the 12 week scan onwards so I would be expecting your little one's arrival a bit before your EDD.

I have my gender scan booked for 15th March :)

Feeling fed up this week, I'm grumpy, on edge and tearful. I guess I've had a lot going on but I just feel rubbish. Today I had my niece's birthday and I'd told my brother and sister in law about being pregnant as well as my mum and dad but told them all not to tel anyone else. We can't have been there more than 15 minutes and my mum came over to say she had 'let the cat out the bag' to my sister in law's mum by accident as she had 'forgotten' I hadn't told everyone. Then from more things that were said throughout the party I think it was fairly clear my sister in law had blabbed to half her family as well. She did the exact same thing with my second baby and it's just really annoys me because when you've specifically asked someone to keep a secret you don't expect them to betray your trust. Then her and my brother just openly laughed about the fact that we set up email addresses for our children so we can send them photos and notes about their important milestones for them to look back on when they are older. They apparently think it's a stupid idea. I was pretty offended they couldn't even keep it to themselves that they think it's stupid. They just have this attitude that they are better than everyone else when they really aren't and it makes mine and my partner's blood boil!

I think I'm feeling stressed because I still feel like it's so long til my scan :( even though I'm 12 weeks tomorrow x
I have an email address for Athena too. I send her things as often as I can. I am also teary. She headbutted me and I burst into tears and made my husband take her out for a walk why I cried... I am clearly a bit overwhelmed haha.

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Aww Jill that's such a shame, but kind of reassuring others are feeling a bit hormonal too! X
Rise I love the idea of having an email address then it's personal but it can be shared anywhere. �� It's just a modern day photo album if you think about it ��
Rose sending you a huuuuge hug :hug:
Shame on them for breaking your trust and I too think that the email idea is the sweetest thing ever!!!

When is your scan?? xx

Sending love and hugs to all of you xx
Scan is the 23rd when I'll be 13+4 :( I suppose time will go fast, a good friend is getting married on Sunday so I have that to look forward to this week.

How is everyone feeling -'are you all starting to feel a bit more glowy and a bit less sicky? X
Aww Jill that's such a shame, but kind of reassuring others are feeling a bit hormonal too! X
Haha yeah I feel stupid Now but at the time I was so inconsolable. Poor hubby just looked shocked! I'm not one to really get like that haha x

Sent from my E5823 using Tapatalk
Hi ladies, sorry I haven't been on here much, I needed some headspace as was getting very nervous before our dating/NT scan. And we are also moving from London to Manchester tomorrow, so lots going on!!

Had our scan on Tuesday and got to see the little one, wriggling and kicking away - so amazing!! Got some really good pictures and am totally in love!!

Got our result same day from the doctor, 1 in just under 4000 risk of down and 1 in 60000 risk of the other trisomoes. All bloods came back fine! So relieved! Cannot wait for the next scan. Although we have decided not to find out the gender, want to keep it a surprise for the birth. Although funny to hear what people guesses are with the scan, had two girls and one boy so far - haha.

Hope everyone is feeling better on the cusp of tri2!! Xx


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Great scan pic Delta! Long legs! :-)

My nausea seems to be easing now Rose. I'm 11 weeks. So hopefully that's that symptom done! Boobs still sore and get headaches some days but I can handle that more than nausea! How's everyone else doing? Xx
Hi Everyone,

After what seemed like the longest wait, I had my scan today. I am 13wks 5 days. Due date is 16th August 2017 !! :-)
I will try to upload the scan pic when I'm next on the PC.

Had to revert to Blood tests for the Downs due to fetal position, but she didn't think she could see noticeable neck swell. Another few weeks of waiting for that so we've decided we're going to tell the family this week, regardless.

The first words she said was "there's the heart beating away" which meant I could relax for the rest of the scan.

Stupid question but does anyone else think it actually hurts when they press when scanning, I was gripping the side of the bed at one point trying not to yelp ! LOL !!
Hi Everyone,

After what seemed like the longest wait, I had my scan today. I am 13wks 5 days. Due date is 16th August 2017 !! :-)
I will try to upload the scan pic when I'm next on the PC.

Had to revert to Blood tests for the Downs due to fetal position, but she didn't think she could see noticeable neck swell. Another few weeks of waiting for that so we've decided we're going to tell the family this week, regardless.

The first words she said was "there's the heart beating away" which meant I could relax for the rest of the scan.

Stupid question but does anyone else think it actually hurts when they press when scanning, I was gripping the side of the bed at one point trying not to yelp ! LOL !!

That was the first thing she said to me as well, she was like well your bladder is so full I can't see anything else but it's definitely in there and beating lol. Made the rest of it so much more enjoyable.

Fingers crossed for the bloods. I had to proper wiggle to get mine to move into the right position, pesky babies! Mine reeeeally hurt cos the best view was on top of my hip bone, I swear she bruised me haha. She told me to tell her if it hurt, but she had to do what she had to do!
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I have my dating scan on Thursday will be 12+2, my midwife put me down as due in September, but my last scan showed right size for August mum, so I've been in September thread alot! Can't believe I'm 12 weeks tomorrow.
Anyone have a doppler? X
I have my dating scan on Thursday will be 12+2, my midwife put me down as due in September, but my last scan showed right size for August mum, so I've been in September thread alot! Can't believe I'm 12 weeks tomorrow.
Anyone have a doppler? X

Hi PB :) I'm so happy that you seem to have sticky one this time! I think pretty much everyone is rooting for you!

I don't have a doppler. I was tempted, but my mum who was a midwife was pretty negative about it. She said she could teach me how to use it but thought it wasn't worth the stress if I couldn't find it one time. Decided that she knows best, I don't feel like I need it now so much after my scan and my anxiety is less.
H4R you are almost certainly right about your dates if you were monitoring it all. My second baby was really big all the way through from the 12 week scan onwards so I would be expecting your little one's arrival a bit before your EDD.

I have my gender scan booked for 15th March :)

Feeling fed up this week, I'm grumpy, on edge and tearful. I guess I've had a lot going on but I just feel rubbish. Today I had my niece's birthday and I'd told my brother and sister in law about being pregnant as well as my mum and dad but told them all not to tel anyone else. We can't have been there more than 15 minutes and my mum came over to say she had 'let the cat out the bag' to my sister in law's mum by accident as she had 'forgotten' I hadn't told everyone. Then from more things that were said throughout the party I think it was fairly clear my sister in law had blabbed to half her family as well. She did the exact same thing with my second baby and it's just really annoys me because when you've specifically asked someone to keep a secret you don't expect them to betray your trust. Then her and my brother just openly laughed about the fact that we set up email addresses for our children so we can send them photos and notes about their important milestones for them to look back on when they are older. They apparently think it's a stupid idea. I was pretty offended they couldn't even keep it to themselves that they think it's stupid. They just have this attitude that they are better than everyone else when they really aren't and it makes mine and my partner's blood boil!

I think I'm feeling stressed because I still feel like it's so long til my scan :( even though I'm 12 weeks tomorrow x

Hugs! - Ignore them, they are clearly just hating not having the lime light. I think the email sounds like a really lovely idea and I wish I'd thought of it myself ! I'm keeping a little book of records at the moment. We're hoping to tell the family at the same time and then if they pass that on, then at least the close family all know together/same day. If someone rings before we even get a few miles down the road to the next person, we shall be pretty pee'd off, I tell you!!
Take it easy. How are the symptoms?
Just realised I had my mc a year ago today... dunno how I feel about that! Hmm.

It is bitter sweet isn't it. I think if you were not pregnant it would probably hit you a lot more. This pregnancy is going to the end for you.xx
Scan is the 23rd when I'll be 13+4 :( I suppose time will go fast, a good friend is getting married on Sunday so I have that to look forward to this week.

How is everyone feeling -'are you all starting to feel a bit more glowy and a bit less sicky? X

My nausea turned into short spurts morning and evening and/or vomiting instead (mainly bile). Now it has eased but am nearly 14 weeks. I actually think it's the vitamins causing most of it now.
Just realised I had my mc a year ago today... dunno how I feel about that! Hmm.

It is bitter sweet isn't it. I think if you were not pregnant it would probably hit you a lot more. This pregnancy is going to the end for you.xx

Yeah I agree, I think I would have thought about it a lot more. It's just strange that the worst day of my life pretty much feels so long ago now. I'm so much more positive this time around, the risk now is minute x
Delta and Spuds,
so chuffed for you both, wonderful news on your scans :cloud9:
Spuds, is it the combined bloods test that you'll have, but need to wait for another appointment for that? xx

And Peanutbutter, happy 12 weeks, so so happy for you and your sticky miracle :cloud9:

Love and health to all of you August mamas and babies, can't wait for all of us to be on the tri2 thread together xx
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I have my dating scan on Thursday will be 12+2, my midwife put me down as due in September, but my last scan showed right size for August mum, so I've been in September thread alot! Can't believe I'm 12 weeks tomorrow.
Anyone have a doppler? X

Hi PB :) I'm so happy that you seem to have sticky one this time! I think pretty much everyone is rooting for you!

I don't have a doppler. I was tempted, but my mum who was a midwife was pretty negative about it. She said she could teach me how to use it but thought it wasn't worth the stress if I couldn't find it one time. Decided that she knows best, I don't feel like I need it now so much after my scan and my anxiety is less.

Aww thanks! :)
How awesome is it to have a mum as a midwife right now! Jealous heh. :lol: I have a doppler purely for reassurance, I keep going through phases where I think baby has died :eh: idk why, but then I hear HB on doppler and all is fine again. Took me over a week to find it and loads of youtube videos to tell the difference between sounds aha. X
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Delta and Spuds,
so chuffed for you both, wonderful news on your scans :cloud9:
Spuds, is it the combined bloods test that you'll have, but need to wait for another appointment for that? xx

And Peanutbutter, happy 12 weeks, so so happy for you and your sticky miracle :cloud9:

Love and health to all of you August mamas and babies, can't wait for all of us to be on the tri2 thread together xx

Hi, AI believe it will be the combined blood tests. To be honest, it was chaos there and I didn't have a clue what was happening most of the time. I am back early march for the bloods for Downs.
How are you feeling about everything now?
Hi, AI believe it will be the combined blood tests. To be honest, it was chaos there and I didn't have a clue what was happening most of the time. I am back early march for the bloods for Downs.
How are you feeling about everything now?

Apart from the awful nausea and exhaustion not giving me a break, I think I am starting to relax a bit now, thank you my lovely xx

Still want to see the private consultant in London to feed back to him and get his opinion in case he recommends I need to do anything earlier than my anomaly scan (NHS consultant will examine me again re. the growth to review possible need for MRI a day after my anomaly scan on 23rd March at 21+ weeks). The private consultant seemed to recommend MRI and consultation with radiologist straight away, whereas NHS consultant had a more laid back attitude (as in, we'll review in 6 weeks time - which on one hand reassured me, on the other hand I do need consistent opinions. Definitely not stressing as much now though, just making sure there isn't anything I should do that I'm not I doing :)

Hope you are doing very well my lovely, are you finding out the gender?? xx
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