girls xx
Lovely to see you back
DocL! And beautiful scan pic

I feel dreadful with nausea, feeling sick still non stop (no difference if hungry or full or snacking or drinking even a small sip of water!) and unbelievable exhaustion
BUT I have good news!!
Came back from hospital late afternoon yesterday. We have low risk for syndromes and trisomies this time round, no need for risky invasive diagnostics!

Sooooo relieved, I was crying, couldn't read the letter!
Saw the consultant (another internal long and painful examination

pressing here and pushing there on the inside

to locate the mass as it cannot be seen through normal ultrasound), he was thorough and reassuring that the chance of it being sinister is slim. The good signs are it has not grown since last measurements, it seems mostly muscly with few vessels and low blood flow/supply to it, but still cannot diagnose if it's originating from the ovary as it's outside, behind the uterus (if ovarian, that's where the slim chance of malignancy could lie, but he thinks it should be ok, most probably still a fibroma).
His plan is to re-examine and measure it at 20 weeks just after baby's anomaly scan and go from there, see if it needs to be assessed by radiologist through MRI. Seems vaginal birth would be a no-no because of its size and location causing obstruction (wanted to opt for waterbirth again) but I won't worry about that, whatever is safest for baby.
I am 15+2 today jeepers creepers, according to dating scan! And in denial, here, still, in Tri1 lol with all of you my favourite mamas (although I still think I am 14+2 as I KNOW through dual hormone digi OPK exactly the day I ovulated!) Thank you for creating and hosting our special tri threads
Rose, I hope your babyboy gets back to himself soon, it is so so hard and heartbreaking to see them suffer like this with blocked little noses and temp
Lots of love to
all of you
and your
li'l prunes/lemons/peaches 