August 2017 babies!

Glad to hear you're home Rose!
Hope your babyboy gets back to himself 100% very soon xx
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I got my letter yesterday saying baby has 1 in 3789 chance of having downs. I was chuffed but it arrived on my 30th Birthday!! I couldn't help thinking, what if it hadn't been so positive! Talk about extra possible stress on my birthday

How long did your letter take to the results not get given day of scan? (Haven't had mine yet).

Spuds I got the results of the nuchal measurements the day of my scan and the letter telling me 1 in 100,000 chance from the blood tests a week later. Sorry it's such a late reply but hope it helps!
Welcome kiwi and congrats on the scan Rach, fab photo! I hope you and your little boy are feeling better too Rose, I'm glad you managed to get home from hospital.

I'm 14 weeks on Friday too Misscharli so officially second trimester :) has anyone got a bump yet? I think I have a tiny one which appeared last night, my tummy has gone much harder and a slightly different shape! I can't wait to have a proper bump though as it still sometimes doesn't feel like I'm pregnant, despite the fact I've seen baby on a scan!
I'm huge! Third baby and not losing the weight round my tummy from 1 and 2 has not helped but it's really quite obvious something is going on even though it's a pretty jelly belly bump!

My poor little man is now suffering from a streaming green nose and a high temperature :( at least we are at home though and not trapped in a hospital room. Pregnancy wise I'm feeling fairly symptomless now which freaks me out a bit when I still have two weeks to wait until my scan but as I think I can feel some movements they tend to put my mind at rest x
Ah no bump here, I'm overweight anyway so didn't expect anything this soon tbh. Would like one rather than just being fat though :lol:

I think my tummy feels different, but not hugely. Mostly when I'm trying to sleep on it ha. I don't feel pregnant much now, esp that the fog of fatigue has lifted! I am full of cold though :mad:

But yay 14 weeks today :D
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Hey ladies!

So sorry I've been quiet for so long!! Just needed to get away from obsessing over pregnancy stuff for a bit..
Plus I had been feeling rough pretty much constantly :(:sick:. Seems to finally be abating though yay!

Had my scan last week, at 13 weeks. Baby was being very naughty, with its bottom wriggling up in the air haha! I could have cried watching my DH's face!

Really hope everyone is well, and your pregnancies have been going as smoothly as possible!

MissCharli - congrats on being 14 weeks! I now have an EDD of the 10th of August too!
Time to move into the 'Second trimester' section! :)

Just looking back and seeing people's 12 week scan pics, so lovely!

Hey ladies!

So sorry I've been quiet for so long!! Just needed to get away from obsessing over pregnancy stuff for a bit..
Plus I had been feeling rough pretty much constantly :(:sick:. Seems to finally be abating though yay!

Had my scan last week, at 13 weeks. Baby was being very naughty, with its bottom wriggling up in the air haha! I could have cried watching my DH's face!

Really hope everyone is well, and your pregnancies have been going as smoothly as possible!

MissCharli - congrats on being 14 weeks! I now have an EDD of the 10th of August too!
Time to move into the 'Second trimester' section! :)


Yay due date buddies :dance: Ha the scans are amazing, so good to see them wiggling about in there. Love that it was misbehaving already!

I don't wanna move to tri 2 yet... feels like I'll be leaving some people behind!
Okay I have made a tri2 thread, but it's up to y'all whether you want to come across now :)
Yay MissCharli. Thank you for setting it up. See you there tomorrow. :)

Lovely to have you back DocL.

Rose, so sorry your baby boy has been so poorly.
Glad to hear you are home from hospital and I hope he is fully better very soon.

Hello girls xx
Lovely to see you back DocL! And beautiful scan pic :cloud9: xx

I feel dreadful with nausea, feeling sick still non stop (no difference if hungry or full or snacking or drinking even a small sip of water!) and unbelievable exhaustion :(

BUT I have good news!!

Came back from hospital late afternoon yesterday. We have low risk for syndromes and trisomies this time round, no need for risky invasive diagnostics! :cloud9: Sooooo relieved, I was crying, couldn't read the letter!

Saw the consultant (another internal long and painful examination :( pressing here and pushing there on the inside :( to locate the mass as it cannot be seen through normal ultrasound), he was thorough and reassuring that the chance of it being sinister is slim. The good signs are it has not grown since last measurements, it seems mostly muscly with few vessels and low blood flow/supply to it, but still cannot diagnose if it's originating from the ovary as it's outside, behind the uterus (if ovarian, that's where the slim chance of malignancy could lie, but he thinks it should be ok, most probably still a fibroma).

His plan is to re-examine and measure it at 20 weeks just after baby's anomaly scan and go from there, see if it needs to be assessed by radiologist through MRI. Seems vaginal birth would be a no-no because of its size and location causing obstruction (wanted to opt for waterbirth again) but I won't worry about that, whatever is safest for baby.

I am 15+2 today jeepers creepers, according to dating scan! And in denial, here, still, in Tri1 lol with all of you my favourite mamas (although I still think I am 14+2 as I KNOW through dual hormone digi OPK exactly the day I ovulated!) Thank you for creating and hosting our special tri threads MissCharli! :kiss:

Rose, I hope your babyboy gets back to himself soon, it is so so hard and heartbreaking to see them suffer like this with blocked little noses and temp :(

Lots of love to all of you
and your li'l prunes/lemons/peaches ;-) xx
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Thanks for setting up Tri 2 MissCharli :)

Thank you Elspeth and Rainbow! And Rainbow I'm so pleased for your good news, and the news about your growth does sound reassuring, so that's positive. And we'll all being willing it to be benign and to cause you and bump as little hassle as possible :hugs:
Sorry you're feeling so rough, it does wear you down..But it slowly gets better, and the worst bits start to feel like a distant memory haha!

Has anyone brought much in the way of maternity wear? x
No worries :)

Glad all has gone well H4R, hopefully it will stay that way :) Definitely weird about the dating though, I guess you have a big'un in there! Were you dated as expected at the early scan?

Haven't bought anything maternity yet, still no bump so have just bought a few tops in a size up and cheap primark jeans to last me a few weeks!
Sounds very reassuring H4R. Sounds like things are a bit more under control now for you. Great news about screening result too. Must have been a big weight off your mind.

I have a cute little bump now which is crazy. My friend has leant me this bump band contraption which seems really great for this stage, where you can't do up any of your trousers, but aren't quite ready for full on maternity wear.
I have to admit I completely love being pregnant and what it does to your body. I feel strangely more sexy?? My sickness is definitely easing this week. It feels so good to be enjoyed the pregnancy.
I'm 14 weeks today as I got put forward 2 days at my dating scan. :) Look forward to seeing you all over in trimester 2 very soon.

Hey ladies, not been posting much but have been reading everything. I hope everyone is doing okay and now heading in or close to Tri w 2 the horrible symptoms shift and we can start blooming.

I am 12 weeks today which feels a huge milestone and can't wait to get into tri 2 and move over. Scan on Thursday and I can't wait to see baby again.

Is anyone planning an early gender scan? X

Hugs to all
Hey ladies, not been posting much but have been reading everything. I hope everyone is doing okay and now heading in or close to Tri w 2 the horrible symptoms shift and we can start blooming.

I am 12 weeks today which feels a huge milestone and can't wait to get into tri 2 and move over. Scan on Thursday and I can't wait to see baby again.

Is anyone planning an early gender scan? X

Hugs to all
Mines is booked for the 1st of march. Can't wait!

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H4R you are almost certainly right about your dates if you were monitoring it all. My second baby was really big all the way through from the 12 week scan onwards so I would be expecting your little one's arrival a bit before your EDD.

I have my gender scan booked for 15th March :)

Feeling fed up this week, I'm grumpy, on edge and tearful. I guess I've had a lot going on but I just feel rubbish. Today I had my niece's birthday and I'd told my brother and sister in law about being pregnant as well as my mum and dad but told them all not to tel anyone else. We can't have been there more than 15 minutes and my mum came over to say she had 'let the cat out the bag' to my sister in law's mum by accident as she had 'forgotten' I hadn't told everyone. Then from more things that were said throughout the party I think it was fairly clear my sister in law had blabbed to half her family as well. She did the exact same thing with my second baby and it's just really annoys me because when you've specifically asked someone to keep a secret you don't expect them to betray your trust. Then her and my brother just openly laughed about the fact that we set up email addresses for our children so we can send them photos and notes about their important milestones for them to look back on when they are older. They apparently think it's a stupid idea. I was pretty offended they couldn't even keep it to themselves that they think it's stupid. They just have this attitude that they are better than everyone else when they really aren't and it makes mine and my partner's blood boil!

I think I'm feeling stressed because I still feel like it's so long til my scan :( even though I'm 12 weeks tomorrow x
Ah Rose that's so annoying :( For what it's worth I love the email address idea!
Just realised I had my mc a year ago today... dunno how I feel about that! Hmm.

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