Hi, AI believe it will be the combined blood tests. To be honest, it was chaos there and I didn't have a clue what was happening most of the time. I am back early march for the bloods for Downs.
How are you feeling about everything now?
Apart from the awful nausea and exhaustion not giving me a break, I think I am starting to relax a bit now, thank you my lovely xx
Still want to see the private consultant in London to feed back to him and get his opinion in case he recommends I need to do anything earlier than my anomaly scan (NHS consultant will examine me again re. the growth to review possible need for MRI a day after my anomaly scan on 23rd March at 21+ weeks). The private consultant seemed to recommend MRI and consultation with radiologist straight away, whereas NHS consultant had a more laid back attitude (as in, we'll review in 6 weeks time - which on one hand reassured me, on the other hand I do need consistent opinions. Definitely not stressing as much now though, just making sure there isn't anything I should do that I'm not I doing
Hope you are doing very well my lovely, are you finding out the gender?? xx
Differing opinions...just what you didn't need. Keep on at them all, u til you get the answers.
I would like to know the gender but hubby not sure. We will decide at 20w scan I think. I guess I go for practicalities of gender I.e planning but I do quite like the element of surprise too!