August 2017 babies!

Hi, AI believe it will be the combined blood tests. To be honest, it was chaos there and I didn't have a clue what was happening most of the time. I am back early march for the bloods for Downs.
How are you feeling about everything now?

Apart from the awful nausea and exhaustion not giving me a break, I think I am starting to relax a bit now, thank you my lovely xx

Still want to see the private consultant in London to feed back to him and get his opinion in case he recommends I need to do anything earlier than my anomaly scan (NHS consultant will examine me again re. the growth to review possible need for MRI a day after my anomaly scan on 23rd March at 21+ weeks). The private consultant seemed to recommend MRI and consultation with radiologist straight away, whereas NHS consultant had a more laid back attitude (as in, we'll review in 6 weeks time - which on one hand reassured me, on the other hand I do need consistent opinions. Definitely not stressing as much now though, just making sure there isn't anything I should do that I'm not I doing :)

Hope you are doing very well my lovely, are you finding out the gender?? xx

Differing opinions...just what you didn't need. Keep on at them all, u til you get the answers.
I would like to know the gender but hubby not sure. We will decide at 20w scan I think. I guess I go for practicalities of gender I.e planning but I do quite like the element of surprise too!
I have my dating scan on Thursday will be 12+2, my midwife put me down as due in September, but my last scan showed right size for August mum, so I've been in September thread alot! Can't believe I'm 12 weeks tomorrow.
Anyone have a doppler? X

Hi PB :) I'm so happy that you seem to have sticky one this time! I think pretty much everyone is rooting for you!

I don't have a doppler. I was tempted, but my mum who was a midwife was pretty negative about it. She said she could teach me how to use it but thought it wasn't worth the stress if I couldn't find it one time. Decided that she knows best, I don't feel like I need it now so much after my scan and my anxiety is less.

Aww thanks! :)
How awesome is it to have a mum as a midwife right now! Jealous heh. :lol: I have a doppler purely for reassurance, I keep going through phases where I think baby has died :eh: idk why, but then I hear HB on doppler and all is fine again. Took me over a week to find it and loads of youtube videos to tell the difference between sounds aha. X

Haha yeah I'm sure it will come in useful over the next few months :good:

I am slightly jealous though of everyone with a doppler, cos I haven't heard the hb yet! I think they will try at my appt on the 27th though!
I have my dating scan on Thursday will be 12+2, my midwife put me down as due in September, but my last scan showed right size for August mum, so I've been in September thread alot! Can't believe I'm 12 weeks tomorrow.
Anyone have a doppler? X

Hi PB :) I'm so happy that you seem to have sticky one this time! I think pretty much everyone is rooting for you!

I don't have a doppler. I was tempted, but my mum who was a midwife was pretty negative about it. She said she could teach me how to use it but thought it wasn't worth the stress if I couldn't find it one time. Decided that she knows best, I don't feel like I need it now so much after my scan and my anxiety is less.

Aww thanks! :)
How awesome is it to have a mum as a midwife right now! Jealous heh. :lol: I have a doppler purely for reassurance, I keep going through phases where I think baby has died :eh: idk why, but then I hear HB on doppler and all is fine again. Took me over a week to find it and loads of youtube videos to tell the difference between sounds aha. X
Hi everyone. I have a doppler as well and I love it.
Could not find the heartbit at 12 weeks though (now I know I looked a bit too high) but got it in 10 seconds on week 13 and now when I know whereabouts it is there is no problem in finding :)
Ah I really want to just try one haha, but as far as I'm aware I don't know anyone I can borrow one off!
Takes me ages to find baby still, s/hes very active and all over the place, and when i do find it baby shoots off somewhere, dont think s/he likes being pressed down on lmao.
Charli theyre only about £25-30 on amazon, my hubby didnt have a choice as soon as 9 weeks scan was ok i bought it aha. xx
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My DH says that our baby is just as lazy as I am since I got a positive test (I really don't feel like doing anything :)).
I envy you ladies who saw your little ones moving on the scan. Mine was fast asleep :nap:
Ahh bless it Svetlana. I had to do some very undignified bum wiggling to get baby in the right place so he was definitely awake! I get to see it again in 2 and a half weeks for my gender scan. Can't wait :D
How accurate is a gender scan that early? I cant wait for mine aha, i just wanna buy pink or blue i wanna know now!!! Do you want a boy or girl or are you not fussed? I did the gender 'old wives tales' and i think its pretty even for me, had dreams about a boy and a girl! Whos knows. Hubbys guessing boy. xx
Well I'll be 17+1 and they do them from 16 weeks, so I'm hoping it'll be big enough! But honestly not sure. Even if we don't find out its for my OHs birthday, and they do a free rescan if they can't see it. It's £59 which isn't too bad, would be £39 if I was 18 weeks though!

This is what I get for my money:

I really don't mind what we have tbh, I would just like to know now so I can start buying stuff properly! I think it's a boy, but idk why :P
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I've had the gender scan at 16 weeks with both of my children it was totally accurate, as soon as the scan moved to my little boys bits they didn't even need to tell me, I knew what I was looking at! And more or less the same with my little girl, there was nothing between her legs - like a barbie lol! X
I'm desperate to know! And I don't even need to buy stuff as I obviously have everything from both sexes already. I feel like a terrible mother but I'm going to be devastated if it isn't another girl. We've always planned to have four children and I pictured it being two of each but I never had a sister so in my head I really want my daughter to have one and now my partner is saying he maybe doesn't want four anymore. Basically he is still freaking out after our son was in hospital last week, he gets so scared of stuff happening to them that he doesn't think he can cope with the worry of four :( I imagine he might change his mind a few years down the line but he sounds quite certain at the moment. I wasn't ready for this to be my last pregnancy! X
Mine costs 80!! Might look somewhere different tho in Stoke. Hopefully somewhere will have a cheap one lol. I'm so excited for my scan tomorrow, is it the 12 week scan you can guess gender from nub and skull, or is it a further along scan? Xx
Well I'll be 17+1 and they do them from 16 weeks, so I'm hoping it'll be big enough! But honestly not sure. Even if we don't find out its for my OHs birthday, and they do a free rescan if they can't see it. It's £59 which isn't too bad, would be £39 if I was 18 weeks though!

This is what I get for my money:

I really don't mind what we have tbh, I would just like to know now so I can start buying stuff properly! I think it's a boy, but idk why :P

That's a nice price MissCharli, I should have gone there for my early scan, I paid £130 :mad:. It should have been £100 but when I was already out they told me it was a scan+doctor consultation as they don't do scan only. I was not in the mood to argue, but I'll never go back there again.

And this place has so many options at all stages, amazing! I now feel like I may want to book a private growth scan around week 30 :)
Mine is £37 whenever the gender scan is done but I'm in Scotland and whenever I've discussed prices with people from all over the uk nowhere else seems to have prices quite that good. It's exactly a month today until my gender scan so that's exciting!

Peanut butter it's the 12 week scan you can make guesses from x
Hayy just wanted to say I bought my Doppler today 2head phones are a must!!!

Listening to babies heat beating for the 1st time was the best!!
Made me laugh and I almost blown hubbys ear drums!!!

Hubby was the best at finding heat beat
Baby did move from one side of my belly button to the other!!!

Didn't need gel either..
sounding strong and healthy

P.s hubby said we could have early gender scan now if I wanted !!!
PeanutButter I had a gender scan lady at peek-a-baby on hagley road west which isn't too far from you I don't think and was £45.x

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