August 2017 babies!

Yeahhy peanut butter still in August:)
Look forward to seeing your pic maybe Rose can guess if you wanted?

I have found gender scan for £37 in my area so looks like I will be going after all haha!!
Yeahhy peanut butter still in August:)
Look forward to seeing your pic maybe Rose can guess if you wanted?

I have found gender scan for £37 in my area so looks like I will be going after all haha!!

My pic is really bad, i have a thread about my scan in first tri. Baby is lying on the side I think, I can't really tell what the side the head is anymore :| gonna have a private scan in a week or so xx
My pelvis hurts alot, to stand, to sit, lying on my left side, when I have a wee :/ idk if this is ok... x
dont worry PB! mine was so sore throughout the beginning its just things growing! mine hurts today feels heavy and like there is alot of pressure in there!

i thought i had a wee infection as it hurt to wee, was just my uterus etc expanding and growing, just rest :)
Pb I've had the same too. I've read loads online and it's normal xx


Just back from my consultant appointment, they said I have low blood pressure which is probably why I keep feel like I'm gonna pass out when I'm standing. Says on google to eat more salt, i eat loads!! X
Anyone else been told to take aspirin daily to avoid pre-eclampsia?
Me Spuds, I keep forgetting though... I was really good with the folic acid but this just seems to be cos I'm fat...
Me Spuds, I keep forgetting though... I was really good with the folic acid but this just seems to be cos I'm fat...

I wasn't given the trigger reasons but mine was probably same reason!lol
I haven't which is strange after me having it in my last pregnancy. Tbh there wasn't much I didn't have! High bp, gestational diabetes, pre-clampsia.... Was so much fun!

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So I officially belong in September babies now! Had my dating scan on Friday and my EDD is 3rd September for definite now. Had to complain to get a quick rescan for a decent image but very pleased with our scan pic now! We told everyone this weekend. Wow that was emotionally overwhelming!! Lovely though ☺ we have gone from owning no baby things to about 12 baby grows, a few hats and socks lol. Telling work tomorrow... my headteacher is NOT the lovely, understanding kind. But my colleagues are, so I'll look forward to that!

Did we say week 13 is 2nd tri?

Hope everyone is doing well. I may pop in occasionally if that's still okay! Baby could be early and be an August birthday... you never know lol. Xx
Peanut butter - hope you feel better soon!
I have pelvic pain when getting up from laying down on my back or sides some days worse than others !

Spuds and Charli how much aspirin advised ?
I'd definitely like to avoid pre eclampsia!

Ahhh mrsduckie of course you may go early!
And still have August baby :)

I've began to feel little movements when laying down in bed at night pretty amazing!!!

Can't wait till hubby can feel too :) :)
Hey girlies, I am on aspirin too,
was on it in previous pregnancy due to my uterine arteries showing high resistance values (hence difficulty in blood flow) and now also in this pregnancy too due to this history. Was assessed as high risk for pre-eclampsia or it could manifest as IUGR (intra-uterine growth restriction) so could affect the baby's growth, hence regular growth scans were needed.

So my prescription was based on these measurements indicating possible placental defect but it's also typically given to girls whose mothers had pre-eclampsia whilst pregnant themselves.

Typical dose is 75mg ("baby aspirin" /also dosage for those recovering from heart attacks/strokes to prevent further). WE NEED to stop taking it a few weeks before birth though to prevent excessive bleeding!!! As it's a blood thinner! Can't remember exactly when though, I think more or less at some point after 36 weeks when we're considered full term and could possibly give birth any time.

Love to all of you and your bumps xx
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I'd be careful about taking anything that hasn't been prescribed for you though. Back when I was ttc my daughter and had had two miscarriages I was obsessed with finding a reason for my losses and I tried everything other people were trying in this forum. One of those things was baby aspirin and it didn't agree with me, I basically developed what felt like a constant cold and I discovered you can get something called nasal drip from taking it.

It's finally the week of my scan! Only 3 days to go! X
^^ Totally agree! ^^

Yayyyy Rose finally, excited for you! :cloud9:

I've been having an annoying niggle (although low risk according to nhs 1:150 cut-off, my odds are not exactly fantastic), so decided to book a Harmony test for Thursday. They do a scan first, before drawing bloods for the test, so I'll get to see the baby again :cloud9: ...And I guess apart from piece of mind...finding out the gender chromosomes will be an added bonus of the test! ;) xx
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Hoping4rainbow - I've been thinking about the harmony test, baby was in the wrong place for 12 scan and they have me back today for another go. If I don't get a answer today I think I'll go for it. Do you mind me asking how much you paid? X

Rose yay for scan week, I hope it flys by for you x

Hey Tashap sweetheart,
I'll have it on Thurs morning at the Surrey park clinic in Guildford, for £520. Scan first and then bloods which are then sent for analysis and results within 7 days from then. They asked for £130 deposit by card on the phone.

Seems it's around the £500 mark in most places I've looked at, I was thinking of going to the Birth Company (also £500) but I prefer avoiding London if I can as it's always a bit of a mission for me to get there!

Good luck for your rescan, I am sure babe will behave better this time! Please let us know how you get on and I will for Thursday, lots of love xx
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Thanks lovely, I had the most amazing scan lady she tried for 40 mins to get the measurements and lots of different positions and cameras . And we got them in the end. She even let us hear the heartbeat. Because I was in there so long the blood test place closed so I have to go back this morning. X because baby was being awkward the pictures aren't clear but she got what she needed and says everything looks normal x


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