August 2017 babies!

Wow MissCharli, on the day of the scan! sounds amazing!

Spuds, here in Portsmouth it's 1 week if high risk, or 3(!) weeks if low risk. i.e. My.Area.Sucks.

JillMcCoy, chuffed for you and yep, ohh my gosh, on your birthday! xx

Still waiting for mine, had my scan last Wednesday, so praying for no news this week (no news=good news)! xx
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Hi ladies, pregnancy wise I think I'm doing ok and morning sickness has definitely subsided. But my little boy has been in hospital since Sunday morning and we are in overnight again tonight. He has a viral tummy bug but has got really unwell with low blood sugar because he can't keep anything inside him so he is on a glucose fluid drip :( hoping we might get let him tomorrow. I've rate he ridiculously being trying to catch a pee sample from him for 30 hours now with no luck, in that time we've had 3 wees only, one got contaminated by diarrhoea and two took us by surprise and we didn't catch enough to be of any use. Currently got him asleep with his little man dangling in a urine specimen tube! X
Ohhhh no Rose :( poor babyboy and mummy :hug:
I hope he gets better quickly and you get to take him home soon sweetheart xx
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Hi ladies, I haven't been posting for a while, but I keep on reading.
It's so strange that all hospitals are different. I got my results on the day of the scan as well and the sonographist explained them to me.
I've been also wondering whether there are any differences in the antenatal care by area. I read somewhere under NHS you get about 10 appointments with the midwife with your first baby. My hospital only does 3 (including the very first one) + 2 sessionas with GP (I wonder whether my GP is aware) + extra one with midwife at 41 weeks (if you don't give birth by then). There are 3 more appointments for women with specific health conditions (not my case). Is that the same in your area?
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Sorry to hear that Rose and hope he is well enough to go home asap. Bless you all xx
Thanks ladies. I was violently sick twice last night too so can't decide if it's the same bug or whether it was pregnancy related. Pretty horrific either way! Little boy is still pretty sorry for himself but they are hoping they might let us home tonight. I won't hold my breath though as that's been the plan each day and then we've had a set back x
Hello everybody, I have been reading all of the august posts since the beginning of the thread, but have been so nervous to post due to previous miscarriage. I have had my scan this morning and everything seems okay so feeling I should introduce myself now. Hope you are all well and looking forward to going through this journey with you all. Hope you don't mind me joining in late.
Ohhh Rose :(
hope you do not have the bug as...well, you can do without it really! And pregnancy nausea/sickness is awful enough!! Keeping all of my fingers crossed for you and for your babyboy to come back home very soon and get back to his normal little self xx

Welcome Kiwi :wave: Wonderful news on your scan! :cloud9:
Oh no I hope both you and your son get better quickly Rose.

Hi Kiwi 😊

I had my dating scan today and I have been put forward 2 days so that means I'm now due 16th August and I will be 13 weeks tomorrow 😮

Here is little legs I would love any opinions on gender we both think boy but now I'm not too sure haha!


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Hello everybody, I have been reading all of the august posts since the beginning of the thread, but have been so nervous to post due to previous miscarriage. I have had my scan this morning and everything seems okay so feeling I should introduce myself now. Hope you are all well and looking forward to going through this journey with you all. Hope you don't mind me joining in late.

Welcome to the group.x
Thanks for the welcome guys :) I forgot to put that I too was pushed forward at scan which has made my due date the 16th as well. I am just hopeing for an August baby as my son was born at 36 weeks, although all went okay I would love to be able to go to term with no health worries, but will just have to wait and see :)
I'm going girl for you Rach but it's a tough scan for skull shape, think it could be interpreted both ways!

Think we're in for another night :( x
Eee we are due date buddies Kiwi! And fingers crossed I would love a girl but I think I'm not that lucky ��

Oh no �� But the plus side is atleast you both have the care you will need. Fingers crossed you's are well enough tomorrow though x
Hello everybody, I have been reading all of the august posts since the beginning of the thread, but have been so nervous to post due to previous miscarriage. I have had my scan this morning and everything seems okay so feeling I should introduce myself now. Hope you are all well and looking forward to going through this journey with you all. Hope you don't mind me joining in late.

Welcome :) I'm glad it all went okay! I had a mc too last year so totally understand how you felt.
I have now updated the front page with everyone's updated EDDs... let me know if I have missed you :)

I'm not sure when we should move to tri2... I'm 14 weeks on Thursday!
Thanks for adding me :) it lovely to be in a group of ladies so understanding. I hope everything goes well for us all from now on :)
And as for tri 2 I think anytime will probably be fine :) as we are all getting pretty close. But just whenever everybody else feels too as I really have no clue which is the "official" week so to speak xx
I think 14 weeks is official, but obviously some people will be 14+ already and some won't be 14 for a few weeks! Hmm!
I'm not on the front page yet charli, we're working with the 27th August at the moment but as I haven't had my dating scan yet that's not confirmed x
Me and my littleboy managed to get home from the hospital this evening. He is still suffering with the bug but is eating a bit more and seems more himself and blood sugar was s good level. I could have stayed another night if I wanted to but I thought he was ready x

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