August 2017 babies!

I would have ended up taking home about £200 a month after childcare and petrol to get to my job (I moved an hour away from it). I'm in the fortunate position that my partner does a lot of freelance events jobs and £200 is one evening's work to him so he just said it wasn't worth it at all. But someone in my family has gone back to work just to effectively earn £50 until her first child goes into a free nursery place because she can't afford not to work then x
Hi lovelies, how is everyone doing? I haven't been on much as back at work this week and it's been though with tiredness - I've been in bed by 8 each night. How do you cope with little ones? X

How was the scan today Elspeth? X

Hi there, I am doing ok thanks tashap, morning sickness (which lasts all day for me) has definitely ramped up, but I just make sure I eat every couple of hours now and it's more manageable. Started back at work this week, luckily a half week and working from home. I normally travel a lot for work but that won't start till week after next. Someone asked earlier, this is my first and I am based in London, although moving up to Manchester in two months - a bit nervous about the fact I'll have my 8 and 12 eeek scans here and first midwife appts, and then will have to transfer it all to Manchester!

I have my 8 week scan tomorrow. Was really looking forward to it, but just had a really bad fall after getting out of the bath, doorbell rang and I hadn't dried off properly, feet slipped and fell hard on my back and elbow :wall2: so stupid!! Calls DH crying and he was really angry at me for not being careful (I can be rather clumsy). Feel really stupid. No bleeding or cramps, just a few bruises, cut elbow and really painful toe. Having a lie down now, really hope everything is ok!!

How are you doing Tashap? You have your scan next week right? How was your scan Elspeth? I'm looking at the harmony test too, I like the idea of non-invasive and knowing. Except when it come to the gender, given we did IVF everything has been so controlled to date, I like the idea of some mystery, but haven't really discussed it with DH yet. He hasn't wanted to get too excited about the pregnancy until after our scan, we've wanted this for so long, I think he is afraid to get attached too soon.

Hope everyone else is keeping warm! It is positively Baltic outside here at the moment x
Hey delta, lucky you working from home although I don't think I could face the traveling right now. Exciting about the move I'm sure the transition of care will be smooth. People must fit it all the time.

How scary having s fall, I'm sure the baby/babies and snuggled in and everything is good.

I've got to wait till 16th for my scan , and the time is dragging. Xx

thanks Tash, I haven't had any cramps or bleeding or anything like that, just sore and feeling rather dumb. I am really pleased I get to work from home a lot, well I can work remotely from wherever really. My boss is also very understanding, being a single mum of two, the two of us work a lot together and she has been very supportive throughout Treatment and early pregnancy, has made the process a lot easier for us!

It'll be the 16th before you know it! How are you feeling? Any more symptoms? X
Oh you poor thing Delta. I'm sure your little bean is very snug and well protected, I can imagine you are a bit shaken up though.
Good luck for tomorrow, I can relate to the nerves, your symptoms sound very reassuring and I'm sure it will be good news.
Keep us updated.

Scan today went well, little one was there, you can just about make out the head and limb buds. Good heartbeat. The relief was immense and wonderful. Feels like I can start believing a bit more that this is really happening. Measuring 8w +5 so a day ahead of my dates.
Hi lovelies, I am also an ex teacher (Further Ed/College) but had quit, just before I fell pregnant, to focus on to applying elsewhere (realised I was working too hard to seriously/vigorously look for and apply succesfully to other jobs, so I decided to quit that job first as I was unhappy or else I would just carry on working in the same place for the rest of my life lol) and in the meantime I fell pregnant. I too considered the idea of switching part time and putting my 2 year old in nursery but they are so expensive even for a few days a week. So I'm better off looking after him until Sept. when he gets his free preschool hours.

Sending you hugs :hug: for that fall of yours, ouch for the bruises and soreness but so relieved to hear all else feels ok, no cramps etc! Look after yourself and put your feet up as much as you can sweetheart xx Good luck for your scan tomorrow, I'll be thinking of you xx

Had my mummy's 6 month requiem today and feel so blue :( 'cause I miss her :cry: (and I hate social stuff/requiems of that kind which is the expected norm here in Greece) :(

10w3d today! Flying back to the UK on Sunday, can't wait so I get the ball rolling with my appointments! Plus I need to have an MRI for that scary 6cm ovary growth of mine :( Please be ok little bean!

Nausea is constant and awful but I am so grateful if that means the bean is growing strong! Sending loads of love and sticky babydust to you and your beans, we can do this ladies! :pompom:
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Awwwwww how wonderful to read your scan went well Elspeth! Believe it, it IS happening my lovely :hug:
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Mrs duckie I teach maths at a secondary school so ages 11 to 16, I just got a TLR before the holidays so my workload has increased just at the time I'm always exhausted haha!!
What's the etiquette of telling people in a school? Who should I tell first? My head of dept is trying for a baby and keeps telling everyone that she'll be pregnant soon so it's a bit awkward that I'm going to come along pregnant! I'm keeping it to myself until 12 weeks :)

My husband is going back to uni in sept so it'll be interesting to see how that pans out but I'm hoping if I can work part time from 6 months around his uni schedule then we can manage without childcare for at least the first year!

I'm feeling very sorry for all you ladies with nausea, I've still had none, in fact my only symptoms are bloating (I honestly look the full 9 months gone after a meal!) and some cramps still. I had a craving for salsa and jalapeños today so hubby made nachos for tea, what a legend! I ate the full jar of jalapeños!!

Glad your scan went well elspeth, I must admit I'm a little jealous of you getting to see your baby, must have been amazing :)
Wow lots of people have had a scan in the last few days, how exciting, I'm envious of you all! I'm 9 weeks tomorrow and have my booking in appointment, then I can book mine for 3 weeks time :)

Has anyone else put on weight or got any signs of a bump yet? I seem to have put in 2-3lb in the last 10 days and I'm sure my tummy is looking bigger, my husband says not though so perhaps I'm dreaming!

Haha BexTez that's a brilliant craving! I've not really had any yet, but I keep finding things that turn my stomach and I really don't want to eat, and all I want to drink is water!
I am literally counting down the days until my scan on the 27th! I want it now haha.

I haven't really noticed any change in my stomach, but I am slightly on the chunky side and it's already on my stomach so I don't think I will notice anything for ages tbh...

I haven't had any morning sickness or anything, which I'm really glad about but I do sometimes worry that it is a bad sign :/ But I am absolutely knackered all of the time and I wake up about 3 times a night to pee!
So am I misscharli, the only bit I'm dreading tomorrow is getting weighed as I know my BMI is slightlly higher, I have been doing weight watchers so I'm going to take my card in the hope I can record my Christmas Eve weight, which is 2lb less! My husband is convinced I'm having twins, oh no �� I'm probably just imagining it, but I felt bigger in my swimming costume at aqua aerobics this evening, perhaps it was just because I knew that no-one else in the pool knew I was pregnant!

I'm with you on the tiredness, I would be asleep by 8pm every night if I could!
I'm also 'chubby' I'm actually considered obese, I'm the tiniest bit over lol. On my midwife booking appointment with my last pregnancy, she told me of should lose weight whilst pregnant and was sending me to a dietitian woman. I wasn't even offended ha! Everytime i go on a diet though I end up pregnant! So it's really hard to lose weight.
My morning sickness has gone away, which makes me worried to :(
I'm massively overweight now from three pregnancies so close and not losing all the weight :( I basically have two and a half stone from my first pregnancy that I never lost before my seocnd but have lost his weight x
Hello, can I join this thread? I think my due date is 31 August but it may be in September. I'm 6+1 today I think. Had pink spotting last night and am hoping it stops today. I spotted at 6 weeks and 7 weeks, with red blood, with my little boy so I was expecting it could happen again but it's terrifying. Really hoping things turn out ok. Hope everyone is doing ok.
I've got so much weight to loose :( but priorities have changed now I'm breastfeeding and pregnant. I found beams he on my Doppler today so I must be around 6. Weeks xx
Oh god I am a tub just now. Doesn't help with my cravings PD nick nak crisps
Haha well when I say chubby I am considered obese too. But I'm a size 14 so I think I am just heavier than I look! I feel much better after losing 2st last year. I'm just trying not to worry about it now, though it wasn't nice being weighed at my booking appt.
Hello, can I join this thread? I think my due date is 31 August but it may be in September. I'm 6+1 today I think. Had pink spotting last night and am hoping it stops today. I spotted at 6 weeks and 7 weeks, with red blood, with my little boy so I was expecting it could happen again but it's terrifying. Really hoping things turn out ok. Hope everyone is doing ok.

Hi Luella, welcome and congrats :)

I hope the spotting turns into nothing but you should get it checked out if you are worried x
Hello, can I join this thread? I think my due date is 31 August but it may be in September. I'm 6+1 today I think. Had pink spotting last night and am hoping it stops today. I spotted at 6 weeks and 7 weeks, with red blood, with my little boy so I was expecting it could happen again but it's terrifying. Really hoping things turn out ok. Hope everyone is doing ok.

Congratulations! That's my due date too! :-) If you had the spotting in your previous pregnancy then I'm sure that's normal for your body. If it gets red and heavier then seek medical help but I bet it won't xx

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