Hi there, I am doing ok thanks tashap, morning sickness (which lasts all day for me) has definitely ramped up, but I just make sure I eat every couple of hours now and it's more manageable. Started back at work this week, luckily a half week and working from home. I normally travel a lot for work but that won't start till week after next. Someone asked earlier, this is my first and I am based in London, although moving up to Manchester in two months - a bit nervous about the fact I'll have my 8 and 12 eeek scans here and first midwife appts, and then will have to transfer it all to Manchester!
I have my 8 week scan tomorrow. Was really looking forward to it, but just had a really bad fall after getting out of the bath, doorbell rang and I hadn't dried off properly, feet slipped and fell hard on my back and elbow

so stupid!! Calls DH crying and he was really angry at me for not being careful (I can be rather clumsy). Feel really stupid. No bleeding or cramps, just a few bruises, cut elbow and really painful toe. Having a lie down now, really hope everything is ok!!
How are you doing Tashap? You have your scan next week right? How was your scan Elspeth? I'm looking at the harmony test too, I like the idea of non-invasive and knowing. Except when it come to the gender, given we did IVF everything has been so controlled to date, I like the idea of some mystery, but haven't really discussed it with DH yet. He hasn't wanted to get too excited about the pregnancy until after our scan, we've wanted this for so long, I think he is afraid to get attached too soon.
Hope everyone else is keeping warm! It is positively Baltic outside here at the moment x