August 2017 babies!

I still don't know if I want to find out if its a boy or a girl. I always thought I'd want it to be a surprise and I thought my OH did too. But we talked about it the other day and he wants to know... so I'm undecided now ha.
I always said I wouldn't find out!
But soon as I became pregnant I felt I wanted to know!

We also have names but have decided to keep that a secret till birth..

Hope you decide and are happy with your choice!

Speaking of choices.... I have midwife coming tomorrow she sounded nice on the phone and said we can go though you
Decisions on what tests you would or wouldn't like...

Well I've been reading my leaflet they sent out and I feeling like I'm not going to have any of them!

What's everyone doing about the tests?
Thanks girls xxxxx
I think I do want to know... ah I don't know. If we found out and chose a name I would keep that a secret though!

I decided to have them all I think, it's just a blood test and an extra bit on the scan. If there is an issue I'd rather know about it tbh. But it is very individual and I can understand people who wouldn't change anything regardless of the result.
I think I do want to know... ah I don't know. If we found out and chose a name I would keep that a secret though!

I decided to have them all I think, it's just a blood test and an extra bit on the scan. If there is an issue I'd rather know about it tbh. But it is very individual and I can understand people who wouldn't change anything regardless of the result.

I am of the same thinking as you on the tests. I think I would rather know and there are ones that do not have a % of risk of miscarriage, so seem harmless in that respect. The ones that do carry a risk make me nervous, so those I am not sure of!
Forgot to ask ladies, has anyone had or are you planning on getting the flu jab? Nhs website seems to recommend it xx

I went to get my flu jab when I first found out and was told because I'm pregnant I have to wait until I'm 18/19 weeks or more for some reason.

When I saw my midwife, she said she recommends a flu jab for anyone that's pregnant. I said I'd go and book it on my way out and she said yeah that's fine, ask at the reception desk. She knew I was only 6 weeks. I have mine Friday PM and midwife is abroad until I see her next week so have no way of knowing now?!
MrsDuckie - how did you get on at work? My first day today and it really was a struggle not being able to just get away from anyone and feel nausea in peace ! I couldn't tell anyone so had to just plod on. It proved a long day. Two more days until the weekend!!
I think I do want to know... ah I don't know. If we found out and chose a name I would keep that a secret though!

I decided to have them all I think, it's just a blood test and an extra bit on the scan. If there is an issue I'd rather know about it tbh. But it is very individual and I can understand people who wouldn't change anything regardless of the result.

I am of the same thinking as you on the tests. I think I would rather know and there are ones that do not have a % of risk of miscarriage, so seem harmless in that respect. The ones that do carry a risk make me nervous, so those I am not sure of!

At the moment I'm just having the blood test and scan bit. I think you get a result that anything above 1 in 150 is alright, something like that. If its low risk then you don't need to do the ones with the miscarriage risk, but I'll cross that bridge if I need to!
Well I was 6 weeks yesterday (I think) and the morning sickness hit me hard today. We went on a trip to the zoo which is over an hour in the car and I had a horrendous headache caused by serious neck tension which made me feel rough to start with then I started feeling sick before we left but as soon as we were in the car I felt awful. A few times I thought I was going to have to open the window and spew out it! It all wore off mid afternoon but I hope this isn't the beginning of weeks of feeling like this! Especially as I'm about to start potty training my eldest!

We'll definitely be finding out the sex - we did with both our two and I'm just such a control freak I couldn't not know! X
I'm feeling so nervous about my scan tomorrow. Similar to what DocL described last week, I'm convinced there won't be anything there.
I just need to hang on in there and see what happens. I've been feeling much more positive the last few weeks but that seems to have evaporated now. :(

I would get screening test and have even considered getting one of these non invasive diagnostic tests for downs and other trisomies. Think I will wait and see what my risk comes out as first though.

I plan not to find out the sex this time. I found out last time as I had a preference for a girl and felt I needed to prepare myself ( was convinced I was carrying a boy). This time I really don't mind either way so it would be nice to have the surprise.

Sending hugs to those ladies suffering sickness and back to work exhaustion.

Roll on the weekend.

MrsDuckie - how did you get on at work? My first day today and it really was a struggle not being able to just get away from anyone and feel nausea in peace ! I couldn't tell anyone so had to just plod on. It proved a long day. Two more days until the weekend!!

Survived thanks! Haha. My class came back really well.. probably lulling me into a false sense of security lol. I can't wait until my scan and being able to tell everyone. Slight nausea this morning but nothing awful. One of those days where it almost slips my mind that I'm pregnant for a minute! How about you spuds? How's everyone else doing back at work?

Had my flu jab tonight. I'm 6 weeks tomorrow and the nurse agreed with the midwife that that's fine to have it done. There's also a nig campaign here on the possible complications that flu could cause in pregnancy and getting the jab. The nurse said I might feel unwell for a few days though... I hope not! Were ladies that have had theirs already ok after?
Ah, sounds like you had quite a good day back to work MrsDuckie; that's great. Mine was challenging but was auprised how well I managed not to feel as sleepy as I did at home and cope with the waves of sickness. Some of the lunch cooking smells were getting me so I took a walk instead and had some weird looks as it was a pretty cold day haha.
I think it helped energise me.

I had a bath tonight and suddenly no sickness. Isn't it so crazy how panic is the first thought, instead of relief when the sickness goes for a few hours. P.S the bath was warm, not hot and no fainting or vomiting this time !
I had my flu vaccine back in October MrsDuckie and it was absolutely fine afterwards. My arm wasn't even very sore. I wasn't pregnant though at the time but yes sure it is fine to have.
It's good to know you're protected.
Ah, sounds like you had quite a good day back to work MrsDuckie; that's great. Mine was challenging but was auprised how well I managed not to feel as sleepy as I did at home and cope with the waves of sickness. Some of the lunch cooking smells were getting me so I took a walk instead and had some weird looks as it was a pretty cold day haha.
I think it helped energise me.

I had a bath tonight and suddenly no sickness. Isn't it so crazy how panic is the first thought, instead of relief when the sickness goes for a few hours. P.S the bath was warm, not hot and no fainting or vomiting this time !

Are you in education too spuds? I bet the walk was nice! I've vowed to take a proper lunch break now rather than marking and planning at my desk whilst cramming a bit of food in!
I'm also on team teacher! Yesterday wasn't too bad but today ended up being in for 10 hours and only got a 15 min lunch break! Luckily I remembered to eat fruit, I'm finding it so much easier to eat healthy now it's not just for me, do other people feel like this?

Glad to hear your return wasn't too bad Mrs duckie, what do you teach?
Ah, sounds like you had quite a good day back to work MrsDuckie; that's great. Mine was challenging but was auprised how well I managed not to feel as sleepy as I did at home and cope with the waves of sickness. Some of the lunch cooking smells were getting me so I took a walk instead and had some weird looks as it was a pretty cold day haha.
I think it helped energise me.

I had a bath tonight and suddenly no sickness. Isn't it so crazy how panic is the first thought, instead of relief when the sickness goes for a few hours. P.S the bath was warm, not hot and no fainting or vomiting this time !

Are you in education too spuds? I bet the walk was nice! I've vowed to take a proper lunch break now rather than marking and planning at my desk whilst cramming a bit of food in!

No, office based but customer facing which proves difficult to similar in some ways i suppose.
I'm also on team teacher! Yesterday wasn't too bad but today ended up being in for 10 hours and only got a 15 min lunch break! Luckily I remembered to eat fruit, I'm finding it so much easier to eat healthy now it's not just for me, do other people feel like this?

Glad to hear your return wasn't too bad Mrs duckie, what do you teach?

Team teacher haha. Aw bless you. I know it's hard but do try and take a proper break. Xx Do you have additonal roles? I teach KS1, am KS1 leader and safeguarding officer.
Haha yes true on the customer to school comparison spuds! Made me chuckle thinking about certain parents!
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I'm a teacher too! But I quit my job in October so I can look after my two children full time - paying for them to be in nursery was going to take almost my whole salary so it made no sense to carry on working. I'm secondary but have done half a primary conversion course x
I'm a teacher too! But I quit my job in October so I can look after my two children full time - paying for them to be in nursery was going to take almost my whole salary so it made no sense to carry on working. I'm secondary but have done half a primary conversion course x

I appreciate that Rose. Must be lovely to get that time with your children :-) I must admit that does concern me for the future. I like the idea of part time but when I test it in a salary calculator it's pretty crap! We'll see I suppose.

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