August 2017 babies!

Forgot to ask ladies, has anyone had or are you planning on getting the flu jab? Nhs website seems to recommend it xx

I went to get my flu jab when I first found out and was told because I'm pregnant I have to wait until I'm 18/19 weeks or more for some reason.
Really Rach? What reason did they give? Or did they not? Good that you have yours booked too Spuds. Jill that's bad that you were just turned away. Were you told why?

I'm gona call today and see what they say about it. I'm a teacher so think I'm entitled to it anyway but have never bothered before. Obviously now is different!

When did you guys find out about your first midwife appointment? A dr referred me last Friday so I assume I'll hear by letter? Sorry if that's a silly question! It's obviously my first baby! :-) xx
Mrsduckie by me (West Midlands) you have to call when your 8 weeks, then the make you an appointment to see midwife. That's it really x
I am Devastated. I made an amazing chicken casserole... And then realized chicken is not for me right now. It happened with Athena too but later on. So gutted, I eat chicken all the time :(. Anyone else had any aversion s?

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I knoooow right? Cannot have chicken in any way. It makes me gag. Basically all meats make me sick :(
MrsDuckie the reason they said was because the baby is growing. I normally would have had it because I have asthma so I now have to just wait. I have already had my midwife appointment but that's only because they weren't sure how far in I was. They thought I was about 11 weeks when I seen the midwife so on their records I'm 13 weeks this week but really I know I'm 7 because I had a private scan x
Back at work today ladies and my god it's hard. How do you all manage it?

I am Devastated. I made an amazing chicken casserole... And then realized chicken is not for me right now. It happened with Athena too but later on. So gutted, I eat chicken all the time :(. Anyone else had any aversion s?

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I knoooow right? Cannot have chicken in any way. It makes me gag. Basically all meats make me sick :(
I am completely off all meat. I am gutted!! My poor husband is now comparing pregnancies and thinking we are having another girl. Keep telling him it doesn't mean that.

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Really Rach? What reason did they give? Or did they not? Good that you have yours booked too Spuds. Jill that's bad that you were just turned away. Were you told why?

I'm gona call today and see what they say about it. I'm a teacher so think I'm entitled to it anyway but have never bothered before. Obviously now is different!

When did you guys find out about your first midwife appointment? A dr referred me last Friday so I assume I'll hear by letter? Sorry if that's a silly question! It's obviously my first baby! :-) xx
The reason I got was flu jabs might not be safe in pregnancy.... I was like WTF?! There is a massive campaign in my area to encourage pregnant women to get it.... Think she was misinformed. I then got the cold so I needed go wait until it cleared.

I got my first MW appointment quite quick this time but only because I had the miscarriage. Last time I think I was about 8 weeks ish? The first one is always pretty long. Its all the family health stuff and bloods.

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Forgot to ask ladies, has anyone had or are you planning on getting the flu jab? Nhs website seems to recommend it xx

I paid privately for my flu jab the week literally about 2 weeks before I conceived ha! But it was only £5 from asda so that's alright.

I would have it however if I didn't already.
Really Rach? What reason did they give? Or did they not? Good that you have yours booked too Spuds. Jill that's bad that you were just turned away. Were you told why?

I'm gona call today and see what they say about it. I'm a teacher so think I'm entitled to it anyway but have never bothered before. Obviously now is different!

When did you guys find out about your first midwife appointment? A dr referred me last Friday so I assume I'll hear by letter? Sorry if that's a silly question! It's obviously my first baby! :-) xx

I think its different everywhere, I just rang my GP the day I found out and the receptionist booked me the appt with the midwife, which I had last week at 7+6. I then got a letter 2 days later with my scan date. Pretty simple here!
I think I belong in here my lb is only six months and just found out I'm pregnant so not really sure when I'm due end of August beginning of September I guess !
I think I belong in here my lb is only six months and just found out I'm pregnant so not really sure when I'm due end of August beginning of September I guess !

Congrats :) How do you feel about them being pretty close together? I imagine that will be a lot of work!
Gosh I have had to catch up on alot. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year ladies!!! I'm sorry I have been m.i.a but I have been feeling horrendous! This festive period was not my friend. Constant nausea, constipated (soz tmi!) And constant thirst which means peeing 20 times in the night!! I am going off all my favourite foods and it's difficult to choose what to eat at the best of times as I'm vegetarian and gluten intolerant!

But I'm slowly feeling more normal thanks to some fibre supplements and sleep and willpower!!!

Its nice reading and catching up with it all though. We will be in 2nd tri thread before we know it! All these scans already being booked up is so exciting!

I'll probably speak to you all again in a few weeks haha! Now hubby is back at work I'm even more tired from looking after my son by myself! X
Well I called the drs today to find out when and how I'll hear about my first midwife appointment, the reception seemed a bit confused and said oh no you just come in as soon as you know so there I was later today sat there having a form filled out! Not a lot else to report... pretty uneventful really! It wasn't the usual midwife though as she was at a home birth last night so perhaps the cover one just didn't do it the same? Forms going off to the hospital and I'm to sit tight and wait to hear from the usual midwife about my 'proper' appointment which will be at home and about an hour apparently? Then wait for the 12 week scan... if I don't persuade hubby on a private scan by then (me thinks I will... he's going mad wanting to tell people and generally being impatient haha).

Work was okay today but no kids in... they're back tomorrow! That's a whole different kind of day! Oh also booked my flu jab for tomorrow. The midwife said it's not too early apparently? I'm almost 6 weeks. I hope that's okay?
Oh and congratulations and welcome elfs! Everything happens for a reason! :)
Wow I have missed loads!!
Hope you have amazing Christmas & New Years!!!
Was so busy over Christmas and new year traveling to my mums and visiting loads of family sounds like everyone's symptoms have ramped up!!!
I was feeling hot in temperature and nausea over Christmas a manageable amount shall we say but it was all very tiring!!!!

But lovely to tell everyone the helium balloons where amazing we recorded mine and my Hubby's perants opening them it was amazing they thought it was just a huge balloon and we said read it!!!!

My mum was in tears it was amazing so so exciting!!!!
Everyone is made up!
And my mum thinks I maybe having a boy and so do I!!!!

We will see as I'm definitely finding out, what's everyone else doing?????

My early scan for people asking was at 5weeks and was external didn't have a full bladder and seen heart beat and everything!!!!!

We are from Chichester West Sussex

Welcome and congratulations to new mummies to be xxxxx
Wow I have missed loads!!
Hope you have amazing Christmas & New Years!!!
Was so busy over Christmas and new year traveling to my mums and visiting loads of family sounds like everyone's symptoms have ramped up!!!
I was feeling hot in temperature and nausea over Christmas a manageable amount shall we say but it was all very tiring!!!!

But lovely to tell everyone the helium balloons where amazing we recorded mine and my Hubby's perants opening them it was amazing they thought it was just a huge balloon and we said read it!!!!

My mum was in tears it was amazing so so exciting!!!!
Everyone is made up!
And my mum thinks I maybe having a boy and so do I!!!!

We will see as I'm definitely finding out, what's everyone else doing?????

My early scan for people asking was at 5weeks and was external didn't have a full bladder and seen heart beat and everything!!!!!

We are from Chichester West Sussex

Welcome and congratulations to new mummies to be xxxxx
Aaaaw that is so nice how you told everyone!! It is so funny how people can guess the sex so early! I felt i kmew i was having a girl last time, so much so that i think i wpild have been shocked if athena had been a boy haha!! We told my in laws and my FIL said oh well we guessed because you have put on weight!!! I genuinely haven't! He is just so rude!!!

I wasn't planning on finding out the sex but my hubby is so keen to know... Apparently because then he can mentally prepare if its another girl! Haha!

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Awww thanks I think the excitement before was just overwhelming!!!

Hahaha what cheek!!!!
I feel fat already at 8weeks!! So god help me with the weight gain!!

I know exactly what you mean I have a feeling it's a boy because I'm not feeling to unwell and they say girls make you poorly!!
You think that's true??

I really don't mind but now I think if I found out girl I will be like really are you sure!!?? Hahaha!!!

At least we can buy a few nice blue or pink bits either way and My Hubby's Nan will know what colours to knit in!!
I'm getting everyone to guess first it's fun!

Oh and you always get a few people say I knew you where pregnant!!!
Is it because I just got married or that I'm 30!!!! Hahahaha !! Xx
Awww thanks I think the excitement before was just overwhelming!!!

Hahaha what cheek!!!!
I feel fat already at 8weeks!! So god help me with the weight gain!!

I know exactly what you mean I have a feeling it's a boy because I'm not feeling to unwell and they say girls make you poorly!!
You think that's true??

I really don't mind but now I think if I found out girl I will be like really are you sure!!?? Hahaha!!!

At least we can buy a few nice blue or pink bits either way and My Hubby's Nan will know what colours to knit in!!
I'm getting everyone to guess first it's fun!

Oh and you always get a few people say I knew you where pregnant!!!
Is it because I just got married or that I'm 30!!!! Hahahaha !! Xx
Haha yeah I got that a lot! Everyone said they knew which was impossible! I feel I have put on weight now but at the time I was only about 4 weeks pregnant when we said to them.

I felt a bit crap the first time and this time I have been very Sicky and very very tired. With Athena, every time I got a scan ( which was often because of gestational diabetes) I got them to confirm that she was a girl.... Obviously they didn't say 100%, I always got ' in my opinion you are having a girl'. I think I will be happy with either. It would he cheaper if it was a girl haha!

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Oh yes when you have your girly things already!
I have a friend who has boys things for me and my sister has a few girls things for me including 2prams with are black and
Expensive makes so she said she'd always keep then for me rather than sell them for so little!

I'm sure people buy for the baby too especially 1st baby, Hubby's mums started a box and nans started knitting and my sister have said they cant wait to buy for him or her so one spoilt baba!!

Can't wait to find out though I won't be able to resist getting a few nice things of course!
I think boys maybe cheaper long term there just seem to be more with girls like tights and all the little extras!

Hope you and everyone here on thread has a good day today xx

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