August 2017 babies!

Luella really sorry to hear your news. Nothing anyone says will make the pain go but everyone will want to support you in any way they can. Good luck for you next time.

I haven't posted in a while as the anxiety about how things are going has been getting to me. It's lovely to see all your scan pictures. I had a scan yesterday and I was 7+5. Im hoping this helps me relax and let's me enjoy what is happening. Although I can't say the nausea is enjoyable.

I've been reading all your posts trying to catch up with what's going on. I'm hoping to be MW led care but have a family history of pre-eclampsia and gestational diabetes. Trying to keep myself healthy in the hope neither will affect me. Going to a personal trainer and doing some running and insanity workouts (although not at quite the intensity as I was doing before). What is everyone else doing for exercise?
Luella, I am so sorry x send you lots of love x

Luella so sad!!!
Everyone's worst nightmare we all desperate to get to that 12 week mark!!!
Hope next time you have a healthy happy full term pregnancy, wishing you the best of luck xxx
Thanks everyone. I'm very lucky to already have a wonderful 9 month old. Hoping to be back here soon with a little brother or sister for him, and I wish all of you the best of luck.
So sorry to hear your devastating news Luella. Noone can tell you anything that will make it better but I echo the sentiments of all of the ladies when I say that we are all thinking of you and are here if you need to talk. Take care of yourself and hope to see you back here soon. Good luck xx
I'm so sorry to hear your news Luella, take care of yourself, our thoughts are with you x
So sorry luella, its so terrible when that happens. Keep your chin up, I am sure you will back here in no time xxx

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So sorry Luella - I am sure you'll get lots of love and support from your family. Wishing you all the best xx

Luna baby, it is so comforting to have that early scan isn't it? Did you see/hear a heartbeat?

Spuds, I have the same - it seems when I am busier and out and about I have less nausea, or maybe I just notice it less! Although it does seem to wear me out more and the day after I feel worse again. Swings in roundabouts I guess. I've also read morning sickness peaks at 9 weeks, DocL, really hope it tapers off after then! Travel with work starts again from me next week, all in the UK though thankfully this month. Can't imagine spending hours in a rain/plane feeling like this at the moment... ps. I just got given a few pictures at my scan, didn't need to ask for them, but think it's a bit different as it was a scan at my clinic where almost all scans are looking at ovaries and uterine linings - I think doing the early pregnancy scan is nice for them as it's a happy one as treatment has worked!

I didn't realise you got a choice if you are Mw or consultant led. Does it depend where you refer yourself to? We've gone to UCLH, but are moving up to Manchester next month, so will only have booking in and 12 week scan here, then need to transfer everything! Going to be rather complicated I fear. Xx
Delta. Yes we saw a heartbeat and got some pictures. You don't get to choose consultant or MW it depends on other health problems/multiple pregnancy etc. I suppose if you went privately you could choose.
Delta I've had to change hospitals with both my babies midway through and its not been difficult at all so don't worry about it.

Where I am you are consultant led either due to health issues, previous pregnancy/labour issues or if you are adamant you want access to an epidural as MW led can't do that. I'll be consultant led due to the fact both previous babies have had grade 3 meconium in my waters (poo) so have been distressed x
Ohhhh Luella :( I am heartbroken for you :( Been there too sweetheart like so many of us, I know it can't take the pain of your loss away, but it did help me somehow to know that I was not alone. You are not alone lovely, most of us know and feel your pain and we are all thinking of you lots. You will get your sticky bean. When you are ready again. Hoping to see you back here again soon. Sending so many hugs :hug:
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No you don't get to choose. I was consultant lead due to my gestational diabetes and my sister due to her weight.

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Lunababy, that's great news about your scan. It's so wonderful to see. :)
I hope you can feel more relaxed now and enjoy. Such a good idea to get a personal trainer. I did lots of swimming in my last pregnancy, especially later on it feels amazing to be more weightless. My fitness is terrible but I'm sorry to say I'm one of these annoying people who eats lots and doesn't put on weight. I'm sure that will change one day though.

Just recovering after working 3 12 hour night shifts. Feeling really pants. I know my sickness is relatively mild but it's starting to get me down. Just constantly feeling sick and tired, there's nothing I want to eat but I know I need to eat. The only thing I can face is plain carbs and it's really not doing my digestive system any good.

Sorry for the little moan.
DocL, hope you're right about symptoms peaking this week. I'm ready to get some energy back and a pregnancy glow.

How are others feeling today?

Also Delta, we are planning to move 150 miles north to the Midlands in July!!!
The logistics of moving are concerning me. Hadn't considered antenatal care. I suppose I'll just rock up at a hospital and give birth.
Welcome Sarah! xx

I am joining you in feeling pants Elspeth :( For the first time instead of just feeling sick, I spewed this morning as I was sat on the toilet (sorry for tmi) I suddenly felt too hot and started sweating and excessively salivating and just about managed to quickly lean over the sink only to puke bile and saliva :( Felt a relief for a little while after that and then quickly got back into the normal constant queasiness for the rest of the day no matter what :( Almost everything apart from salty things is turning into an aversion. I find water to be the toughest bit. I crave it so much as I'm so so thirsty and nothing else can quench my thirst, yet it's making me feel so sick. :(

According to my early scan measurement I'm 10weeks today eeeeeeek

Sending love to all of you xx
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I'm massively overweight now from three pregnancies so close and not losing all the weight :( I basically have two and a half stone from my first pregnancy that I never lost before my seocnd but have lost his weight x

Welcome Sarah! xx

I am joining you in feeling pants Elspeth :( For the first time instead of just feeling sick, I spewed this morning as I was sat on the toilet (sorry for tmi) I suddenly felt too hot and started sweating and excessively salivating and just about managed to quickly lean over the sink only to puke bile and saliva :( Felt a relief for a little while after that and then quickly got back into the normal constant queasiness for the rest of the day no matter what :( Almost everything apart from salty things is turning into an aversion. I find water to be the toughest bit. I crave it so much as I'm so so thirsty and nothing else can quench my thirst, yet it's making me feel so sick. :(

According to my early scan measurement I'm 10weeks today eeeeeeek

Sending love to all of you xx

I hear you with the water. I wake up and my mouth is so dry, I worry it won't open. Bizarre...and that might be after only 30mins before having drank some water. I was worried about diabetes in pregnancy. Never had it, never been close/high readings outside of pregnancy but heard it was quite common in all sizes of women (normally associated to weight).
Spuds I've been checked for gestational diabetes with both previous pregnancies because my dad is a type 2 diabetic and because im overweight but both times I've been fine so just carrying some extra weight doesn't necessarily mean you'll get it. It's an absolutely horrible test to go and do so not looking forward to it!

My latest symptoms:
Really vivid dreams where nuts stuff is happening but I really believe it's happened when I wake. And I have a totally dry tongue as soon as I'm in bed, it's the weirdest sensation, literally the whole thing goes bone dry and feels like I can't move it until I get a drink! As I'm still getting up in the middle of the night to feed my little boy I go get a drink of water but I agree with others that this is making me feel a bit sicky too. I'm also starving and tired all day. My morning sickness has always made me feel like I need to eat and this is now my third pregnancy where I'm obsessed with having bacon sandwiches in the first trimester - I don't have them any other time! I'm convinced it must be something about the vitamins etc in them that my body wants.

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