August 2017 babies!

It looks like there are a few of us in a similar position! Im a size 14 too and my BMI is just in the obese category but only by 0.4, I've been terrified of being weighed since I found out I was pregnant as I don't want to be under consultant care and I'd also like to have a water birth at the birth centre. My aim was to loose another 9/10lb before I got pregnant but I didn't expect it to happen the first month of trying! I get weighed after my first scan though so I think I'll be more than I am now, as I'll be 12 weeks by then and also have a tummy full of water!

I had my booking in appt today and got told off because I hadn't eaten or drunk enough in the morning as I was so busy at work, I had to go back this evening to get checked again to make sure I wasn't dehydrated for any other reason! Luckily enough I was fine, and I found out I'm well within the limits for a birth centre birth :) Booked my scan for the 27th, the day I turn 12 weeks, 3 week countdown starts now!
Thanks ladies. Spotting still but it's pinky brown and still light so am going to wait it out. I've got a scan booked for 2 weeks time and hopefully that will give me some comfort. Feeling quite sick today which I am taking as a good sign!
Thanks for the well wishes ladies! Scan went well today, one very healthy baby growing beautifully. Measured at 1.4cm, one day behind 7+6weeks, new due date 19/08, but bet you he/she comes a couple of days early on my birthday, that's what my brother did too to my mum.:)

Doctor was really pleased with how the pregnancy is developing and I have been referred for ante natal care. Should get my booking in appt. in two weeks and 12 week scan in four weeks. It's feeling very real now, my husband really needed to see this to believe it, and he was so shocked by how strong the heartbeat was. We're over the moon!

Welcome Luella! Hope everyone else is doing well, and not suffering too much with morning sickness xx


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That's great new Delta. Really happy for you. :)
Lovely scan pic too. You can see your babies head I think?
Oh Delta that's brilliant news, what an exciting day you must have had! Luella, I hope you're feeling a bit better soon, if you're worried just ring the hospital even if it's only for reassurance x
Hi everyone, sounds like a lot of us are having the morning sickness now. I had two days back at work where I barely felt it; not sure whether I was keeping busier than I would at home or if the snacking was helping. It came back a lot stronger on the third day and today is the same. I had my flu jab yesterday; I am 8 weeks. For those of you that were refused it...I asked the nurse whether it is different in Wales to England and she said it is completely safe anytime in pregnancy although hooping cough won't be given until 16+ weeks. Maybe your surgery had somehow combined the injections??. Worth checking.
Thanks for the well wishes ladies! Scan went well today, one very healthy baby growing beautifully. Measured at 1.4cm, one day behind 7+6weeks, new due date 19/08, but bet you he/she comes a couple of days early on my birthday, that's what my brother did too to my mum.:)

Doctor was really pleased with how the pregnancy is developing and I have been referred for ante natal care. Should get my booking in appt. in two weeks and 12 week scan in four weeks. It's feeling very real now, my husband really needed to see this to believe it, and he was so shocked by how strong the heartbeat was. We're over the moon!

Welcome Luella! Hope everyone else is doing well, and not suffering too much with morning sickness xx

That is wonderful news. Thank you for sharing the picture. I wasn't allowed one at my early scan (just under 6 weeks), but my niece had received one. Hmm...wasn't impressed. I will be more forceful next time, although it will be 12/13 week scan by then.
Oh you poor thing Delta. I'm sure your little bean is very snug and well protected, I can imagine you are a bit shaken up though.
Good luck for tomorrow, I can relate to the nerves, your symptoms sound very reassuring and I'm sure it will be good news.
Keep us updated.

Scan today went well, little one was there, you can just about make out the head and limb buds. Good heartbeat. The relief was immense and wonderful. Feels like I can start believing a bit more that this is really happening. Measuring 8w +5 so a day ahead of my dates.

Elspeth, I am so relieved that your scan went well and the outcome. It sure is reassuring isn't it and if definitely does make it more real!
Mrs duckie I teach maths at a secondary school so ages 11 to 16, I just got a TLR before the holidays so my workload has increased just at the time I'm always exhausted haha!!
What's the etiquette of telling people in a school? Who should I tell first? My head of dept is trying for a baby and keeps telling everyone that she'll be pregnant soon so it's a bit awkward that I'm going to come along pregnant! I'm keeping it to myself until 12 weeks :)

My husband is going back to uni in sept so it'll be interesting to see how that pans out but I'm hoping if I can work part time from 6 months around his uni schedule then we can manage without childcare for at least the first year!

I'm feeling very sorry for all you ladies with nausea, I've still had none, in fact my only symptoms are bloating (I honestly look the full 9 months gone after a meal!) and some cramps still. I had a craving for salsa and jalapeños today so hubby made nachos for tea, what a legend! I ate the full jar of jalapeños!!

Glad your scan went well elspeth, I must admit I'm a little jealous of you getting to see your baby, must have been amazing :)

Wow, that's a very open HOD! I'm telling my head after 12 week scan then my team and staff in a meeting. Will tell the head literally just before the meeting thouvh as I do not trust her at all. She has a very big mouth! Don't think you're obligated to legally until 15 weeks before due date? In any line of work.

Exciting year for you and your hubby then! Hope it all works out well for you with his uni and work. Are your school good at accepting part time requests? Mine is NOT! But we'll cross that path when we get there and I'll go elsewhere (sadly) if need be.

Elspeth glad your scan went well and you feel more relieved now :-) and Delta wow! What a great scan pic! How far are you?

Hope everyone is doing okay. Apart from feeling a bit tired and some hip and back pain I'm okay at the moment... kind of want some more symptoms as silly as it sounds!
It looks like there are a few of us in a similar position! Im a size 14 too and my BMI is just in the obese category but only by 0.4, I've been terrified of being weighed since I found out I was pregnant as I don't want to be under consultant care and I'd also like to have a water birth at the birth centre. My aim was to loose another 9/10lb before I got pregnant but I didn't expect it to happen the first month of trying! I get weighed after my first scan though so I think I'll be more than I am now, as I'll be 12 weeks by then and also have a tummy full of water!

I had my booking in appt today and got told off because I hadn't eaten or drunk enough in the morning as I was so busy at work, I had to go back this evening to get checked again to make sure I wasn't dehydrated for any other reason! Luckily enough I was fine, and I found out I'm well within the limits for a birth centre birth :) Booked my scan for the 27th, the day I turn 12 weeks, 3 week countdown starts now!

My scan is also on the 27th, literally can't wait ha
Hi ladies!

Feel like I've been away forever... so many posts to catch up on haha!

Elspeth and Delta - glad your scans went well! It's amazing how much more real it seems once you see a nice strong heartbeat :love:

Fingers crossed for your MRI Hoping4Rainbow!

I hadn't quite realised the typical peak for morning sickness was 9 weeks (currently 9+1) in my naive state of hopefulness I'd thought that it might be a bit earlier than that! My poor DH has been seriously neglected on the dinner front, as I'm feeling too rough to face cooking and eating in the evenings..Bleurgh! Roll on tri 2!

Worked three 13 hour shifts back to back over new year which was exhausting! I also had to keep avoiding a surge of children who were admitted and happened to have chicken pox, so annoyingly had to 'fess up to my senior that I was with child!

How have everyone's symptoms been?
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Thank you my lovely DocL,
flying back to the UK tomorrow and planning to get the ball rolling from Monday, book GP appointment to get referred to midwife etc. plus book a private app'nt in London in the meantime in case it takes ages to get NHS app'nts - I need to have the MRI together with the 12week NT scan and I'm already approaching 10weeks eeeeeeek!

Hats off to you re. the 13hr back to back shifts! And big hugs!!!

I feel sooooo ewwwww I feel like I'm about to puke 24/7 but never actually do! Eating ANYTHING, even drinking water makes me feel sick! No relief, just constant queasiness and utter stomach misery :(

Also...Help.....I'm CRAVING BEER! LIKE MAD!!! WTF?!? I don't even like it normally :shock: ...This is diabolical :brat:
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Aww thanks Rainbow!
Not long now til you're 12 weeks so it's good you don't have an epic wait on your hands for the scan. I'm sure it will be fine but we'll all be sending positive vibes your way.

Totally empathise with that nagging nauseated feeling like you could constantly vom, but you never do.. I almost wish I was throwing up, at least it might give some short lived relief..! Hopefully it abates for us (and those other ladies suffering the same!) over the next few weeks, and we'll enter our second trimester feeling amazing lol!

Funny about the beer thing Rainbow! I had a really weak shandy over Christmas and really enjoyed it (probably as it was mainly lemonade!), but otherwise I'm so disinterested in alcohol..Probably just as well in the circumstances! I usually love wine, especially red wine. Annoyingly brought some expensive wine the month before getting my BFP.. hopefully it'll keep! We could all have a massive celebration come August haha!
So much to catch up on! Loving seeing scan pics now!! I am still just absolutely exhausted. It's not the best with a 1 year old . also I can't remember who said it but someone said they dotn want to be consultant led. I was last time due to the gestational diabetes and it was great! I got loads of extra scans, nothing was missed, OK, I did get kept in hospital towards the end due to my bp but again, even my normal midwife said they might have missed the need to be kept in. My sister was pregnant the same time ad me and started consultant led because of her weight... Poor thing was so I'll with my nephew she lost all the weight and ended up being taken off consultancy and never got the extra scans. Xx

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Ladies looks like I'll be leaving this group. Bleeding got heavier and hospital just confirmed miscarriage apt 6+3. I knew it was too good to be true. Only took us 2 months trying to get pregnant. Absolutely devastated. Good luck to you all.
Luella, so sorry to hear this. It's gutting :(
Take things very easy and be kind to yourself.
Wish you all the best in your ttc journey. I'm sure you will be back in trimester one very soon, not that that is much comfort now.
So sorry to hear that Luella, I know how devastating it is and there really isn't anything anyone can say other than that we are thinking of you x
So sorry Luella, I've been there too and it's the worst. Look after yourself x
Oh Luella, I'm so sorry. It must be so hard for you. It's not much consolation, but many of us have been there so we understand what you're going through.
Get plenty of rest and let your loved ones look after you, and try again when you feel both physically and emotionally ready. You will get your sticky bean.
Sending lots of hugs your way.x

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