August 2017 babies!

Happy Christmas all. Here's hoping we all have little ones having their first Christmas this time next year. Sticky baby dust to all.
Happy Christmas ladies xx this time next year will be different for us x

Merry Christmas everyone! I think I've managed to disguise our secret well today, hot Vimto that looked like mulled wine, fizzy elderflower that looked like champagne and then after struggling to find something that looked like white wine we mixed water with a tiny bit of yellow icing paste which surprisingly did the trick haha! Hope you've all had a wonderful day x
A belated Merry Christmas ladies! :merry:

Lol, mummytobe0817 - credit to how creative you were with you drink disguises haha!

Appetite was quite pathetic yesterday which was annoying as I only managed a measly portion of Xmas dinner.. But hardly any nausea today so made up for it :) Still, as much as I hate feeling nauseated, I feel reassured by it! It's so weird how some days, I feel a lot less pregnant!!

How are everyone else's symptoms?
That's brilliant mummytobe! Haha.

That's a shame docl but at least you have made up for it today! :-) I know what you mean. At times I get twinges, a bit of nausea or a headache but then there's moments where I think oh I feel normal lol. I think it's usual to feel symptoms in waves or periods like that, but equally to be worried about it too!

Belated Merry Christmas everyone! Xx
That's brilliant mummytobe! Haha.

That's a shame docl but at least you have made up for it today! :-) I know what you mean. At times I get twinges, a bit of nausea or a headache but then there's moments where I think oh I feel normal lol. I think it's usual to feel symptoms in waves or periods like that, but equally to be worried about it too!

Belated Merry Christmas everyone! Xx
Hello :wave:
Abit reluctant about joining this thread, as I've had 6 miscarriages, last one being last month with twins at 8 weeks. I got pregnant straight after with no af inbetween, so I'm going off the start of my mc which would make my due date 28th! X
Hi Peanut, I've heard parts of yout journey on the forum. I'm so sorry about all of the heartbreak that you've been through and your most recent loss. You're a strong person to keep going, I can't begin to imagine how you do it!
Congratulations on your bfp news! I'm sure I speak for everyone when I wish you a sticky bean and a happy, healthy pregnancy.
Hi Peanutbutter, welcome and I am sorry you've had such a horrible time of it. Wishing you the best and a happy healthy pregnancy xxx

Hello girls, hope you've all had a lovely Xmas xx

Thanks my lovelies, I am trying so hard to be positive, although as you know I was just hoping I'd be given a little bit of a break after such a painful year :( Seems 2016 really hates me! Bring on the new year already! But as long as this tumor doesn't affect my little bean, I'll be truly grateful, anything else I'll face. Fingers crossed xx

PeanutButter, welcome to August mummies to be, sending you a big virtual hug and the stickiest babydust in the world :hug:

Lots of love and sticky, magical, christmassy babydust to all of you lovely ladies :hug:
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Hello :wave:
Abit reluctant about joining this thread, as I've had 6 miscarriages, last one being last month with twins at 8 weeks. I got pregnant straight after with no af inbetween, so I'm going off the start of my mc which would make my due date 28th! X

Hi and welcome PeanutButter. So glad you joined. That is an incredibly difficult journey you have had so far; no wonder you were reluctant. We are here as support whenever you need it. How are you feeling today?
I have a cold aha! Started getting a sore throat yesterday and woke up with a stuffy nose, really bad throat can barely talk and watery eyes! Haven't been ill in over a year! You?

I've put myself on progesterone pessaries and low dose asprin this time round, my gp said I shouldn't because we don't know the cause of the mcs yet... so i was like, well I'm probably going to miscarry anyway, so at least I'm trying something! (Still waiting to be referd over to bham women's recurrent miscarrige clinic, been waiting since my 4/5 mc, and was a big delay with a 2 month stop because my gp forgot to send me a letter :/ we are gonna complain to someone about it because if thier was no delays my last pregnancy potentially could have been saved!) Xx
Ah, sorry to hear that. Just what you didn't need eh, a cold !
More reason to rest up perhaps.

Keep on at these agencies; people shouldn't be forgotten, that is ridiculous. Many can't get to your stage, so there is always a silver lining. Hopefully they can pinpoint what some of the issues have been and help you out. As long as what you are taking now can't have a negative, then if it makes you feel like you are being productive, then keep going. If in any way can it impact though, it probably is wise to atop.

What has been your longest pregnancy?
Me?,I mainly feel nausea on and off all day for the past few days. No other symptoms.x
My first and last one both miscarried at 8 weeks, theyre my longest, both of them stopped growing at the end of 5 weeks but heartbeats didn't stop until 7 weeks. The last was twins but only 1 of them had a heartbeat when we had our 6 weeks scan.
Supposed to go for a scan at 6 weeks with this one but epu don't open till tomorrow and I probably won't get fitted in until the new year!

Nausea is great though, you know everythings going fine :)
I've only ever experienced nausea with my first pregnancy. The only symptom I have is sore boobs, but thats useless... tbh I don't think this pregnancy will make it but I have the tiniest but of hope as always. X
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That's the worrying thing; there is absolutely no way of knowing what, if anything, is going on inside there. A scan today could be irrelevant even tomorrow. I can't even begin to imagine the anxiety you must be under. Each pregnancy is different. Maybe this one is 'the one'.x
Hello girls, hope you've all had a lovely Xmas xx

Thanks my lovelies, I am trying so hard to be positive, although as you know I was just hoping I'd be given a little bit of a break after such a painful year :( Seems 2016 really hates me! Bring on the new year already! But as long as this tumor doesn't affect my little bean, I'll be truly grateful, anything else I'll face. Fingers crossed QUOTE]

I think that is a great attitude and way of looking at it. You can beat whatever it does; as long as you also have the baby. That is how I would see it too. Pregnancy can shake a lot of things up but hopefully it will settle and stay settled for the duration.x
Hi again all! Sorry I've been absent a while, xmas is v tiring! I hope you all had a nice xmas and are doing okay :)

I have my booking appt tomorrow and I'm pretty nervous! I haven't really had any nausea still, which I'm kinda worried about. But I have been literally the most tired I've ever been, and my boobs have definitely grown already :p Also my sense of smell, I could smell olbas oil across the office ha!
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Hello :wave:
Abit reluctant about joining this thread, as I've had 6 miscarriages, last one being last month with twins at 8 weeks. I got pregnant straight after with no af inbetween, so I'm going off the start of my mc which would make my due date 28th! X

Hi PeanutButter, I'm really glad you've joined :) I had my mc when you had one of yours and I remember you around that time, I'm so sorry that you've since had more. My fingers are definitely crossed for you this time.

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