August 2017 babies!

We told our mums the day we found out (we just happened to be seeing them that day). I haven't told anyone else yet but the OH has told a few people at work who he is close with.

I'm quite happy not telling anyone else until 12 weeks, just because when I miscarried last time lots more people knew and it was horrible telling them all! But I think if you want to tell people then you should, whatever is best for you.
Welcome to the new mummies wh have joined today, there are a lot of us now! DocL you must be so exited for your scan!
I've unofficially got a date for my booking in appointment and it's on the day I turn 10 weeks, does that seem a little late?
Welcome to the new mummies wh have joined today, there are a lot of us now! DocL you must be so exited for your scan!
I've unofficially got a date for my booking in appointment and it's on the day I turn 10 weeks, does that seem a little late?

That's when mine is too. I think it depends where you live.
Thanks Lunababy, makes me feel better, it's all new to me and I know there are certain tests you need to do before 10 weeks so I just assumed it'd be before then!
Hi, because I haven't told anyone, this forum is the only place I can really talk about the pregnancy. I had some brown stringy discharge this morning and sharp pains which have now settled to period type cramps. Midwife wasn't sure if it was a worry or not as some is normal but for others it isn't so am booked in for an early scan tomorrow morning. I can't help but feel upset and worried, but am obviously trying not to. It is going to be a loooong day. Husband seems annoyed I am so invested that I have got upset this quickly and should anything go wrong, we can just try again. Personally, I found this the least helpful piece and type of information possible to be told at this time, so that has just upset me more!!
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Oh Spuds. Sorry to hear you are going through this worry.
Spotting is very common in early pregnancy, in all likelihood things will be all good tomorrow. I hope your scan brings reassurance.

I'd be very upset by that reaction too. Sending big hugs. These men, they are just on a completely different planet sometimes. I'm sure he's trying to be positive and helpful.

Be kind to yourself today and keep yourself busy.

Thanks Elspeth.
His heart is in the right place but the tact is more of a bull in a China shop lol. I am trying to spend time on my own or keeping busy so as to not end up having anything more said, as it really won't be helpful right now.

The period type cramps don't seem to be leaving. They aren't severe by any means but definitely persistant.
Oh spuds, sorry you've been having spotting and cramping. Hoping the bleeding settles for you. Spotting and cramping is more common than most of us think, and can be various reasons for it. I have my fingers crossed for you, and hoping your scan gives you some reassurance. Also frustrating that your OH was unhelpful, they can be so insensitive! But I totally know how you feel, my DH made me cry last night, and was very sweet once he realised he'd been a wanker, but failed to understand why I was hormonal...Duh!
Definitely keep yourself busy, it's important that you rest but you also need to keep sane!x

Mummy0817 - thanks, am so desperate to get to this time next week for my scan, I can't tell you (I'm sure I don't need to..Everyone else counting down the days to the end of the first trimester?!). I don't think 10 weeks is late really, I haven't seen my GP yet, so not got that ball rolling, so will probably be around 10 weeks as well.
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Hi Everyone
Been reading this thread for a couple of weeks now. And would now love to join in the pregnancy chat.
I am due around 17th August we think.
Not having An easy time of it. Been bleeding, browny discharge for around 3 weeks. Had a early scan last week then another today & we got the best Christmas present ever a tiny heartbeat! ����
Me & the OH are over the moon.
Also found out the bleeding is from a cervical polyp that is very angry! So this may continue ( what fun!!)

Positive thought to everyone!
Welcome and congrats Joey34!
Sorry to hear you've had a difficult time with the persistent bleeding, that must have been scary. So great that a scan has put your mind at rest, how lovely it must have been to see a heartbeat! Do you think you might be a little further along than originally thought? Just because they were able to pick up a heartbeat last week..
Hi ladies, how is everyone doing today? Sorry to spuds about the spotting, but like the other ladies have said it is more common than you think, and brown colour indicates older blood, I hope all is fine tomorrow during the scan!

Welcome Joey, what a great start to the Christmas holidays!! You must have been so pleased to see that heartbeat ❤

We haven't contacted our Gp or midwife yet, have an early scan at 8 weeks on the 6th January with our clinic, and then will be referred i think. Or should I contact my go already? What have you done tashap?

We've told our mums and some very close friends (whose support I would want if heavenforbid anything goes wrong) it kind of made sense given we have been trying so long, and of course they know when we had our Embryo transfer, so did get some questions two weeks later of course. Annoy wait to announce it, but plan to wait till after 12 week scan xx
Thank you DocL and Delta, for your supportive comments. It has been a very long day and am dreading tomorrow but hoping it will be good news.
Spuds I'm sorry to hear you've had a rough couple of days, but as the other ladies have said it's very common, I'm keeping everything crossed for you and hope tomorrow goes well. Take it easy tonight and try not to panic, although I know that's easier said than done! I don't think the men know how to deal with our hormones, my husband ended up raging with me on Tuesday for something really petty and I ended up crying everywhere! I hope the hormones/ husbands get used to us being pregnant by 12 weeks :)
Hey spuds, sorry to hear you are having a worrying time, it might help to know that some people do just bleed though, a woman who was in the thread for December 2014 babies with my daughter bled for something like 8 weeks I think and it was a lot of blood but everything was absolutely fine.

Elspeth, I haven't found having two close in age that tough, sure it's hard work but it's not like I'm sat crying about how tough life is. My little boy definitely sleeps far worse than his sister did and I think that is where my partner has suffered - he just can't survive on minimal sleep. I think I'll cope fine with three but things will definitely be harder likegettingto the shops and things. My parenting philosophy just seems to be not to think too much and just go with what happens! X
P.S we are holding off til 12 weeks to tell everyone despite the fact all our family is together at Christmas because we think they are going to think we are too crazy!

P.p.s I'd already forgotten how terrifying the first few weeks are where you want to keep constantly doing tests to check everything is still pregnant! X
Thank you DocL and Delta, for your supportive comments. It has been a very long day and am dreading tomorrow but hoping it will be good news.

We'll be thinking of you tomorrow spuds. I hope the scan goes well, I'm sure it will, and that'll be the best Christmas present!x
Yes thinking of you spuds!
Hope you see heart beat ❤️️ And feel reassured

Can't believe Christmas is just around the corner and only tomorrow left to work!!

My hubby is being sweet at the moment came home from work with Christmas presents for our baby hahaha so funny
Some little socks, a baby's 1st book and a sleeping bag a blanket and comforter !!
Did nearly make me cry if I'm honest!
Think the scan helped him feel excited and made it all real..

I think it will be great when everyone's had at least one scan...

Hello to new mummies to be, wishing you all the best with your pregnancies x

Hope everyone has an amazing Christmas and new year
2017 is sure to change all of our lives forever !!!!!!
Hi girls, had a few busy days so just caught up, welcome to our new additions! xx

Awww Spuds my lovely I am thinking of you, I hope everything goes reassuringly well at the scan, keeping everything crossed for you sweetheart :hugs:

I have a scan this morning too. 7w2d hopefully. Nervous wreck :oops:
Will update you later xx

Sending love and super sticky babydust to all of you xx
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I wrote a big reply and it's just coped someone else's! I'm not very good at this x
Good luck for your scans today hoping4rainbow and spuds xxx

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