August 2017 babies!

Hey girls and hello to anyone new I've missed the last few days.
I'm still fighting a cold, going into week 3 now. Little worried as I took day nurse for a couple of days, not knowing I was growing the little miracle inside. Keeping everything crossed, that it didn't do anything bad.
I see a lot of ladies here after mc's. I am just as worried as all of yous. After having several myself. I try not to worry too much and I also resisted booking an early scan. Maybe I am just hoping that this one is sticky and will grow nicely how it's meant to.
What will be, will be.

How was everyone's christmas? Mine was absolutely wonderful. We told my parents that I am pregnant by giving them a christmas card saying * to nanny and grandad have a lovely Christmas. We love you lots, tony ( my oldest 13yrs old ) joey ( my youngest 2 years old ) and meeting you in august '17 the growing little bean. *
My mum started crying, which then set me off too. I've gotten so emotional now. Christmas day I was sitting and crying watching a show on cbeebies with my little one :) that's so not me hahaha
Vampysgirl we told my Mum in a similar way on Christmas day too! Cue lots of tears from all of us lol. It's so lovely sharing it with your parents isn't it? It's just too perfect being Christmas!

I've also been really emotional- it's 1 of the big things that made me want to test early. I cried at the end of Home Alone... wtf? Haha. I love any symptom though, reassures me that yes in fact I'm not dreaming, I really am pregnant! Lol. What other symptoms have you had vampy? My boobs have felt heavy and a bit sore the past few days, which is new!

How are everyone else's symptoms? Is anyone back at work yet? I'm so worried about someone catching on! My closest colleagues have 3 and 4 kids themselves so I feel like they'll suspect! Haha.

Cannot wait until 12 week scan and telling everyone! Hope you're all doing well xx
MrsDuckie it was a very special moment when they read the card

Other pregnancy symptoms at the moment are very sensitive boobs. Not painful just very sensitive. Feeling sick when sitting in the back of the car, no idea what that is all about haha I never ever get travel sickness :) and just generally really tired. It's hard with a 2 yr old though lol. I have no idea how I will survive the 1st trimester.
I have my first midwife appointment on the 18th of January. Need to pick my bounty pack up once the centre reopens. Was meant to have picked it up the week before Christmas, but just didn't have any time at all. Tbh I don't even know where the last 2 weeks have gone. It all seems just a blur
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I must admit I just googled what a bounty pack was! Haha. Just signed up online! Will you be around 8 weeks on your booking appointment? I had a drs appointment on Friday and the dr referred me to the midwife. I don't know when I'm supposed to hear from them?
I must admit I just googled what a bounty pack was! Haha. Just signed up online! Will you be around 8 weeks on your booking appointment? I had a drs appointment on Friday and the dr referred me to the midwife. I don't know when I'm supposed to hear from them?

I had to refer myself online and a day later a midwife called me up. I think I am 9 weeks at my appointment. The bounty pack is at the centre which will have all my pregnancy notes in. I am in Kent, so maybe that's how they do it here?
Hi girlies,
I hope everyone had a fab Christmas.
I've really enjoyed the distraction, the last week has raced by.

Congratulations to our newest members.
PB, congratulations, I really hope this is your sticky bean. You've been through so much. You're luck has to change at some point. You've got your recurrent mc appointment coming up soon haven't you. I hope they can support you really intensively through this pregnancy.

Hoping4rainbow, great news that your bean is growing well. So sorry to hear about the growth they found. Sounds like you could do with finding out exactly what it is as soon as possible. Everything crossed it can be easily managed in your pregnancy and easily treated after.

I'm 7+3, for the last week the nausea has really ramped up, really struggling in the morning. Feels so different to my pregnancy with my daughter. So weird. I'm wondering if it means anything, as in the sex of the baby?
Hey peanut butter, dont know how you cope with that many losses. In 2013 I had two 5 week miscarriages one month after the other and was devastated and ended up having counselling because I became so obsessed with ttc and trying to work out what was wrong with me. I self prescribed baby aspirin too but all I did was give myself a constant dripping nose (some people get this as a side effect). Once I chilled out and stopped stressing I got pregnant and stayed pregnant but I think in retrospect it was probably to do with having a coil for 6 years, I think by the time I'd de-stressed my uterus had just recovered enough to get pregnant and stay pregnant.

Anyway if this helps a work colleague had a terrible time, 7 early miscarriages then twins born (and died) at 21 weeks. After loads of investigation it turned out all she needed to carry to term was a single stitch in the neck of her womb. And another lady on here had 6 and then had a healthy one same time I had my daughter. Good luck and stay positive like you are! Xx
Hi ladies. All my symptoms have disappeared - I had a lot of cramping and sore boobs at 4weeks and now I've got nothing. I'm 5.4 and so nervous now. Anyone else had this? I've got ages to wait till my first scan on 16th and am doing my head in x

Hello ladies how are you all? Well I'm 6+6 and I have a viability scan tomorrow at 11.10 and I'm terrified as I only made it to 6+5 last time so I'm hoping that bean is growing as he should be xx
Xangelx - will be thinking of you tomorrow morning, who arranged the scan? My clinic only does from 8 weeks x

I called the epu at the hospital evasive on my MMC and they said they would do a viability scan to make sure everything's going as it should xx
I was handed one at my first midwife appointment. All the docs will be completed at the next appointment (9 weeks into pregnancy). I did however register online today too.
Hi ladies. All my symptoms have disappeared - I had a lot of cramping and sore boobs at 4weeks and now I've got nothing. I'm 5.4 and so nervous now. Anyone else had this? I've got ages to wait till my first scan on 16th and am doing my head in x

Yes, I had similar situation and then back came the cramps and nausea with a vengance at week 6. I had a scan around that time too as had some brown discharge after the pains but all is well. I am nearly at 7 weeks now. All the waiting is painful in itself, right!
Total baby brain moment today!!
Went out for lunch today and was desperate for a steak sandwich but I know i can't have rare meat and that's the only way I like it, so feel very proud of myself I ordered a bacon and Brie sandwich instead!! BRIE! It's only when I got home and told the husband how good I'd been that he told me off for having Brie!! just spent half an hour googling what might happen, hoping it will be okay!!

Hope everyone's Christmas was lovely!
Evening ladies!

Have just been catching up with everyone's posts over the last few days! Have come back from my mum's after a lovely Christmas, as I had to do a night shift last night, ughh! Was walking around like a zombie, having to eat every 1-2 hours to stop myself feeling nauseated: morning sickness really can pounce at any time of the day and mine is definitely worse at night:sick:

A belated welcome to PeanutButter - hoping this little bean sticks for you, you deserve it after such a difficult time. Sending lots of baby dust out there to you :dust:

Tashap - I wouldn't worry about lack of symptoms, most people seem to report that they can come and go in clusters. Just when I thought my nausea was dissipating, it's definitely made a return last few days!

BexTez - oh dear, it's so easily done isn't it, and brie is soo nice, I was gutted to have to turn down brie and cranberry sandwiches during afternoon tea. Don't panic though, the risk of listeria I think is pretty low with soft and unpasteurised cheeses. I ate half a bowl of stilton and broccoli soup before I realised, and was so annoyed with myself after!

Going for early scan tomorrow, will be 7+5. I have been counting down the days, just so I know where I stand. I am genuinely expecting to be told there's nothing in there (with no rationale behind this, just being soo paranoid)..! I really won't believe it until I see it!
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Welcome to everyone who has joined over the last few days, hope everyone is feeling ok! I completely agree with DocL, one minute I have no symptoms then the next I'm dizzy & feeling sick, it really does change day to day which is understandingly worrying even though it's normal! The only thing that is constant is sore boobs and feeling tired, going back to work today was a challenge, I was ready for a nap by lunchtime haha! Good luck for your scan tomorrow Angel and DocL x
Hi August mommies!

My August 2016 baby (born in September) just had her first Christmas and it was magic :)

So excited for you all! Sending happy healthy vibes your way!
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Hi August mommies!

My August 2016 baby (born in September) just had her first Christmas and it was magic :)

So excited for you all! Sending happy healthy vibes your way!

Thanks Knoll
Anyone want to swap symptoms? I am literally dying.. I can barely keep my food down, and the thought of meat makes nauseous. So I am apparently vegetarian-ish.. ���� I feel kinda bad for those of you who are going back to work. I would die. ��

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