August 2017 babies!

We haven't contacted our Gp or midwife yet, have an early scan at 8 weeks on the 6th January with our clinic, and then will be referred i think. Or should I contact my go already? What have you done tashap?


2nd attempt x

I saw the gp on Tuesday as needed him to prescribe the progesterone bullets and injections. The receptionist booked me in with me midwife too, we had a chat for about an hour, she completed a referral for the 12 week scan and arranged my formal booking appointment (2 days after the early clinic scan, so we can plan if twinnies).

She explained I will be consultant lead because of the ivf, I have no thyroid and my bmi is higher. The consultant will be the ivf one and he's really nice.

She did tell me not to have a high tolerance to pain etc and to call her or the hospital /clinic with any concerns.

How is everyone else doing? The tiredness and hormones seem to have hit me this week.

Also I don't know if anyone is thinking about maternity clothes yet but I got some mega bargains on the next sale (started online today with early access) with delivery mid Jan. X

Happy Christmas Eve eve ladies, can you believe our early present/s. I don't think anything I'll unwrap this or any other year will come close xx

Hi everyone. After 9 positive tests over the past 3 days (lol!!), I think it's time that I finally allowed myself to post in here!

A big congratulations to everyone! I second tashap in that this is the most incredible Christmas gift we could all ever ask for and certainly nothing else will even come close! Lucky us :-)

So my story...
I'm 27, husband is 30. Married over a year now. TTC officially since April this year. I had a chemical in June, hence the crazy number of tests this time. Made me really wary. Got my digi positive 1-2 weeks today which matches my tracker dates as I would have been due af yesterday. I think that makes my due date 31st August if I've done that correctly!

Symptoms so far: upset stomach and cramps for what must have been implantation, twinges in my womb area, sore hips and a bit nauseous in the evenings.
Loving every slight symptom at the moment and keep staring at my many pregnancy tests in disbelief lol!

Wishing everybody a happy and healthy 9 months. Look forward to sharing this journey with you all.

Mrs Duckie x
Congrats duckie, I'm the same, I took photos of all my tests and keep checking as if they might have gone away!

We told our mums and husbands sisters (he has 4!) yesterday, everyone was really pleased for us, which is nice cause my mum in the past has said how she regretted having me at 26 because she felt trapped and I'm 26 now so thought she wouldn't approve but she was very pleased!!

Another question about you have them, should we have them when pregnant? I've been really crampy and baths are helping, I'm making sure they're not too hot but should I be avoiding altogether?

Bex xxx
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Thanks Bex. Congrats to you too :-) How many weeks are you?

DH and I are thinking about telling our parents on Christmas day but a bit worried as we only really just found out ourselves! We're deciding by tomorrow whether we will or not. Has anyone else told their families and if so how many weeks were you when you did?

I think baths are fine Bex as long as you're careful with the temperature like you say. X
Congrats and welcome x

I told family and close friends straight away. I couldn't help myself - I went with the if this didn't work out would I be able to tell them/need there support.

I haven't had a bath yet, was warned against during ivf cycle and tww. I am going to carry on with showers until the scan and speak with the clinic - I am missing them especially with the cramping x

According to an app I have about 4 1/2 weeks, so very early! How far are you duckie?

I was the same tashap, I would want family's support whatever happened!
Thank you everyone for your support. It really did make all the difference yeaterday. Have had my scan and I am 5weeks 5 days (guesstimate). They saw a heart beat. It was such a relief.

How did you get on Hoping4rainbow. Was thinking of you whilst I was in the waiting room.x
Oh that's great news Spuds. So pleased for you. What a relief. And the best Xmas present.

Ahh, hope scan goes well today Hoping4Rainbow!
I'm desperate to have my scan..6 days to wait, must be patient!
Thank you everyone for your support. It really did make all the difference yeaterday. Have had my scan and I am 5weeks 5 days (guesstimate). They saw a heart beat. It was such a relief.

How did you get on Hoping4rainbow. Was thinking of you whilst I was in the waiting room.x

So glad the scan went well spuds, how wonderful it must have been to see a heartbeat, no Xmas pressy will even come close I'm sure :)

Bex - baths should be fine, as long as they're not too hot. Just want to overheat the body too much, which is why annoyingly hot tubs and saunas are also no no's :? Totally worth the sacrifices though eh?

Welcome and congrats MrsDuckie! I'm sure we can all emphasise with the serial testing! It's hard to believe it's real isn't it?!
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Hi all sorry I have been MIA this last week, had a crazy few days with family deaths. Lovely at this time of year:(. On a plus, I had my reassurance scan today and all is well with baby!! My due date is 4/8/17 at the moment but it may be adjusted at my 12 week scan. Hope everyone is doing OK!! X

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JillMcCoy - I am so sorry you've had family losses, what a awful time for you and your family. Xx

So glad your scan went well and this has brought you a joy at such a tough time x x

Hi girls xx

Welcome to our new additions xx

So so sorry to read about the family deaths JillMcCoy, but so wonderful all was well with your reassurance scan :hug:

Same for you Spuds, so happy for you sweetheart :hug: I also thought of you and your little bean whilst waiting for the Dr to call me in xx

My news are mixed. Some good, some worrying :(

Baby seemed grown as it should, measuring at 7w4d with a beating heart!

Unfortunately there is also a big tumor/solid mass which according to the Dr could be a myoma but she unfortunately cannot be sure as she cannot tell from ultrasound :( She was however shocked at the size of it (6cm), covering completely my left ovary(!) too large to have been left undetected, it means it's been there for too long. Normally here (I am currently abroad in Greece for the Xmas holidays hence decided to go for an early scan as won't get back to the UK until 9th Jan) tumors get detected very early through ultrasound (that is always performed a few times after a woman gives birth to check her up, or after a miscarriage, as well as with every Test-Pap). Wondering if this is related to my misscarriage in any way last January? No intervention required, no ultrasound to check if there was anything left over, only bloods were taken to confirm drop in hcg hormone.

I hope it is not something nasty. Dr said if it's a leiomyoma it might cause some complications in pregnancy, make it painful, giving me colics etc., quite possibly grow larger at faster rates during the pregnancy, possibly compressing the baby pushing it to an inappropriate position for birth. Let's hope it's just that, so that we can face it. She suggested I have an MRI together with the NT scan at 12weeks so I get a diagnosis and go from there. In any case nothing can be done until the baby is hopefully born. Fingers crossed.
She also put me on low dose aspirin due to a placental/blood flow issue I had with my first pregnancy.

I feel a bit numb. Read up a bit on ovarian leiomyomas and although these are benign, I saw hysterectomy and removal of ovaries as treatment :( Worried and scared :(

Sending love to all of you and your little beans xx
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Oh Hoping4Rainbow, so sorry to hear this. Must be very mixed emotions when the news was on the one hand lovely, but also you're having to deal with this unexpected news also.
On a positive, they have picked this tumour/mass now (as opposed to the 12 week scan if you'd not chosen to have an early scan). It could very well be benign. And if they were overly concerned, they wouldn't be recommending having an MRI in another 4ish weeks.
I know it's soo easy to say, but I would try and avoid googling, as you'll probably just end up worrying yourself, and that's no good for you and baby.

It is so reassuring to know that everything is fine with your bean though :)
Just to add, I reckon it would be unlikely it's related to your miscarriage. Pretty standard not to ultrasound post-miscarriage. I did, but only because I had a large haemorrhagic cyst on my right ovary, which had disappeared 6 weeks later (so was driven by the pregnancy hormones).
Did the doctor say if there was a possibility the growth could be cystic, or unlikely because of the density of it?

Must be hard being away from home, but hope you can enjoy Christmas..x
According to an app I have about 4 1/2 weeks, so very early! How far are you duckie?

I was the same tashap, I would want family's support whatever happened!

I'm 4 weeks and 1 day according to my app, so super early too! I think that's my feelings about telling our parents. DH switches from wanting to then to worrying it's best not to. We'll see! I can't see me being able to keep it from my Mum though!

Spuds and JillMcoy glad that your scans went well. Lovely reassurance for you before Christmas xx

Sorry for your family losses Jill. There's never a good time but a family orientated time such as Christmas is particularly hard to take. I hope you and your family can help each other through this difficult time. Xx

Hoping4rainbows that must be worrying for you. At least it's been detected now and more tests can be done to plan ahead. I hope you can keep busy to try and stop yourself over stressing about it. Easier said than done, I know. Like DocL said try not to google and just keep looking after yourself until your appointment.

Thank ladies. It has been a positive end to a crappy year! Hoping4rainbow my gosh, I hope you are OK! I agree with docl, don't Google, it will make you feel worse! Just try and stay positive xx

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Sending you big hugs Hoping4Rainbow. I truly hope it will have minimal effect during the pregnancy. If it hasn't caused you any pain or discomfort until now, let's hope it can wait in there until your little bean is out healthily. The internet can be a scary researching tool.
Try to enjoy Greece and you know where we are if you need to talk.xx
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