Hi girls xx
Welcome to our new additions xx
So so sorry to read about the family deaths
JillMcCoy, but so wonderful all was well with your reassurance scan
Same for you
Spuds, so happy for you sweetheart

I also thought of you and your little bean whilst waiting for the Dr to call me in xx
My news are mixed. Some good, some worrying
Baby seemed grown as it should, measuring at 7w4d with a beating heart!
Unfortunately there is also a big tumor/solid mass which according to the Dr could be a myoma but she unfortunately cannot be sure as she cannot tell from ultrasound

She was however shocked at the size of it (6cm), covering completely my left ovary(!) too large to have been left undetected, it means it's been there for too long. Normally here (I am currently abroad in Greece for the Xmas holidays hence decided to go for an early scan as won't get back to the UK until 9th Jan) tumors get detected very early through ultrasound (that is always performed a few times after a woman gives birth to check her up, or after a miscarriage, as well as with every Test-Pap). Wondering if this is related to my misscarriage in any way last January? No intervention required, no ultrasound to check if there was anything left over, only bloods were taken to confirm drop in hcg hormone.
I hope it is not something nasty. Dr said if it's a leiomyoma it might cause some complications in pregnancy, make it painful, giving me colics etc., quite possibly grow larger at faster rates during the pregnancy, possibly compressing the baby pushing it to an inappropriate position for birth. Let's hope it's just that, so that we can face it. She suggested I have an MRI together with the NT scan at 12weeks so I get a diagnosis and go from there. In any case nothing can be done until the baby is hopefully born. Fingers crossed.
She also put me on low dose aspirin due to a placental/blood flow issue I had with my first pregnancy.
I feel a bit numb. Read up a bit on ovarian leiomyomas and although these are benign, I saw hysterectomy and removal of ovaries as treatment

Worried and scared
Sending love to all of you and your little beans xx