August 2017 babies!

Anyone want to swap symptoms? I am literally dying.. I can barely keep my food down, and the thought of meat makes nauseous. So I am apparently vegetarian-ish.. ���� I feel kinda bad for those of you who are going back to work. I would die. ��

I haven't stopped feeling nausea now for over 24 hours. Nothing I do seems to take the edge off. I have managed some toast today and a banana but had to eat it with my eyes shut trying to think of anything apart from the fact I was eating. I had no idea it was going to be this strong a feeling of nausea; quite a shock. Luckily am not back to work until after NY. With a bit of luck it will have eased a little. Other than nausea, I am just completely exhausted. I am not used to doing nothing but have no energy to do much at all today. :wall2:

As horrid as this is, I still feel very blessed to be carrying this little bean
Well I had my scan today and was put back a day so in total have been put back 4 days so not to bad. So I'm 6+6 which is good because I have made it past the 6+5 I got to last time. So I'm hoping everything went well. Baby was 9mm and had a strong heartbeat. Just wish I could relax xx
Well I had my scan today and was put back a day so in total have been put back 4 days so not to bad. So I'm 6+6 which is good because I have made it past the 6+5 I got to last time. So I'm hoping everything went well. Baby was 9mm and had a strong heartbeat. Just wish I could relax xx

I'm really glad your scan went well, if there's a heartbeat I'm sure that's a great sign at this point :)
Spuds, sorry to hear you're struggling with nausea. It is a small price to pay for such a special gift, but hard to remember at times when the smell, taste and even thought of food makes you want to vom!

Angel, glad your scan went well today :) Still hard to relax though isn't it?! Not sure that point comes until you have a healthy baby in your arms lol.

Had my scan this afternoon, and it was so lovely to see my little bean's heart beating away :love: I was fighting back the tears and quivery voice! Bean is 1 day ahead, calculated at 7+6, which was nice. I completely understand that an early scan is not for everyone, but I'm soo glad I decided to get one.
Ahh that is wonderful news Docl. So pleased for you. We are so close...I am about a week behind you. :-).
Ah thanks so much spuds! It's weird to think that a lot of us are a matter of days apart! I guess us slightly further along ones can try and pave the way for those due later in the month lol.

By the way, I don't know if you've thought of trying travel sickness bands, have heard from quite a few people that they can be fairly effective for morning sickness. You may well have tried these, but stuff with ginger (teapigs lemon and ginger tea bags are lovely!), and I seem to find citrusy stuff can also help.
Evening ladies - so pleased for those of you that had good scans today! I had two early m/c before I had my daughter so with her and my son I had early scans (paid for privately) just to put my mind at rest that everything was OK. This is the first time I've not had an early scan so it will be a long wait til12 weeks! I think I'm 5+4 (hard to tell exactly because I'm going off when I think I ovulated. I don't have many symptoms apart from tiredness, dizziness when I get up from the floor and that my previous pregnancy body irritations have returned e.g right hip/buttock ache, I snore terribly at night according to my partner and I have a double chin that has literally appeared over night - I seem to retain water in my face as soon as I'm pregnant. Oh and my milk supply for my 9 month old has disappeared and he is basically fully on formula now.

Those of you suffering sickness, it's rough and there is no easy way to cope. With my daughter I had a tiny bit of nausea around week 5 then nothing until week 11 when I suddenly started throwing up once a day every morning until 16 weeks which is pretty unlike most people's pattern. Then with my son I didn't get sickness at all. at the moment I probably feel most like I did with her. My sister in law had her second baby in June and she gets Hyperemsis with her pregnancies, she was hospitalised 4 times (each for a few days overnight stays) and put on a drop because she couldn't even keep water down. She lost 2 and a half stone in the first trimester and honestly believes she couldn't make it through another pregnancy. So the only thing I would say is that if you really are struggling with any food at all do see your doctor rather than struggle on in case you have the more extreme morning sickness x
DocL and xAngelx, so wonderful to read that your scans went well today and your little beans are growing well! :hug:

Sending love to all of you August mummies
and sticky babydust always to all of our beans xx

Wish I could just fast forward to our 12 week scans ladies, I am constantly so nervous, I literally take it one day at a time and am so grateful I haven't bled or something every time I go to the toilet or change :oops:

Come on little miracle beans, hang in there and be
strong and healthy all the way for your mamas :pray:
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So glad your scans went well DocL and Angel, what a special day it must have been! I'm 8 weeks tomorrow so only 4 weeks to wait, although they scan from 11+2 so I'll have to see what date I get!

Sorry you're feeling rough spuds, hope it improves soon. The last 2 days have been my worse so far, I was so close to telling people in work today as I felt awful this morning, but managed to get away without anyone noticing again :)
Hi everyone, hope you've all had a lovely Christmas! We just got back from Christmas abroad with the family, which was lovely. Given we were doing IVF many people knew that so have told our parents, siblings and my grandmother, which was absolutely amazing, she had tears in her eyes!

We have our early scan next Friday at 8 weeks, I cannot wait. Have felt terrible this last week with morning sickness (all through the day and night) although seems to only be when my stomach is empty, even the vomiting (so nothing really comes out). Now I've just got food on me where ever I go, even a jar of ginger snaps by the bed. On top of that have got an awful cold - so having a duvet day and watching films, thanksfully I don't go back to work till the 4th. Although the symptoms are pretty intense I am pleased I have them, they are oddly comforting.

Welcome to peanut butter, you have had quite anjourney and wish you lots of sticky baby dust! X

Is anyone else having an early scan at 8 weeks too? I've seen a few of you have had reassurance scans, I was so tempted before Christmas but didn't go as was worried I wouldn't hear a heartbeat yet and would be too disappointed. I bet that moment is magical!
Delta, I'm ivf too and have a 8 week scan booked for 16th. I always thought the tww was the longest/hardest wait but the wait for scan is killer. Sound a lovely time over Christmas. Rest up and I hope you shift that cold quickly xx

Still no symptoms for me, I spoke to my clinic for reassurance and I was told to test again if I'm worried. Didn't need telling twice so now I've taken my 9th test and I'm still pregnant 3+ on a clear blue digital. Think I'll be worried the whole way though

Glad the scans went well yesterday ladies, must be a amazing feeling xxx
Sorry for just jumping in. I'm feeling very under the weather!
What do I do if I think I have a chest infection? My docs are closed until Wednesday now. Everytime i cough it kills my chest and takes me ages to catch my breath again, think I'm also getting an fking ear infection. Omg, havn't been ill in over a 20 months now I am im getting everything aha!
Feel stupid if i go to a&e and it's just a normal cold/cough lol x
Peanutbutter - do you have a walk in clinic near you? If so they maybe open. I think your doctor will have an out of hours number for you to call or there is 111. Make sure they know your pregnant and need to be seen xx

Angel and DocL glad your scans went well; that must be lovely reassurance. If you don't mind me asking, how much did you pay? I know it will depend on the company and area.

What are they able to tell you at a scan that early? Measurements and heartbeat? Sorry if it's a stupid question! Considering it myself as my pregnancy test count is 11 now and it might make me chill and break up the time between now and the 12 week scan!

Sorry to spuds and anyone else experiencing horrible symptoms. I hope the nausea eases for you xx
My symptoms seem to come in waves/days. So a few days ago I was completely wiped out and just about managed to put a wash on and do a small food shop then had to crash out again. Yesterday I felt much better energy wise but my boobs hurt and then today it's my hips! My stretchy crampy feelings in my uterus seem to have subsided a bit too. I know a lot of us feel this way in that the symptoms are reassuring but equally when any subside at all you worry! Madness isn't it!

Anyone doing much for new years? x
Hey mrsduckie, I'm not having one this time but where I am there is a place that does early reassurance scans (at 8 weeks) for £39 and they do gender from 16 weeks for £37. I've been to them for both scans with my previous two. I know of other places that are more like £60-70 though x
Went urgent care like 111 advised and it's not a chest infection! Good!

Yes the scans by me are ridiculously expensive. My last pregnancy i spent about £500. Scans were 80 each, was having progesterone and hcg blood tests once a week and paid for a prescription which was £90.
Hubby won't let me pay for a private scan this time, he said they're pointless, they don't change the outcome, they don't make me calm down with the stress etc. I do have a scan at the epu on the 17th but I'll be 8+3 :/ im supposed to get one at 6 weeks then 8 weeks, blah...i just wanna know what's happening now, can't get hubby you listen though!! Lol

Hope everyone is feeling ok! Happy new years eve!! :D x
Mrsduckie- my early scan is included in my ivf cycle but I've been googling and they are around 50-80 for a private scan near me. I will be having a private one at 16 weeks to seethe gender.

Peanutbutter- glad it's not a chest infection, have they said you can take anything to help ?

Hoping the nausea is lifting for those that are struggling x

Happy New Year's Eve, we are having a take away and night in with my Brother in law and his girlfriend.

I was wonder where everyone is based? I am in Battle, just outside Hastings, East Sussex xx

Scans here are £100 so even more expensive :( I wish I could have one, but for that price its silly!

I live in Plymouth in the south west :)
Ladies, what does morning sickness feel like? Sounds silly but I've never had it! Been feeling kind of sickly and was gagging this morning, is that what it is?

I live just outside Birmingham. Xx
Glad to hear your scans went well Angel and DocL.
I'm booked for mine next week. I would of had one this week but the place closest to me is closed all week.
The place I'm going to is fairly reasonable at £60, other private hospitals and clinics in the area charge about £100. I live in kent, in a village outside Maidstone.

PB, my morning sickness started when I was 5 weeks and was so mild I thought I might be imagining it. Just fleeting feelings of nausea in the morning and evening. It's progressed steadily since then, although I'm aware it's not too bad as I've not been sick yet. The smell of food turns my stomach, it's really hard to cook anything, don't want to eat but actually it settles the stomach. Although this morning I was retching whilst trying to eat my breakfast so I have a feeling the worst is still to come.

I didn't have anything like this in my last pregnancy which ended in mc so I'm taking it as a good sign.

Nothing planned for new years. Wiped out by 9pm so there's no way I'm staying up. Plus me and DH are being very bad mooded with each other as we are trying to sort out our 3 year olds sleep. I don't want to be co sleeping with a baby and a 3 year old. So we are both tired and grumpy. :(

Hope the rest of you have a fun evening planned. Xx

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