Ignore it. Just carry on with the meal as normal, keep it light hearted and happy and ignore her being fussy. Just leave the plate in front of her. How old is she?
She is 2 on the 3rd of March . Where has my good girl gone ? She used to sit and eat whatever I put in front of her I get her involved in preparing it and offer her lots of choice but she just picks at at and avoids the visable veggies (I hide some in sauces too)
My eldest was fussy but think I was partly to blame. Now we have a rule eat what's I. Front of u r go without u will b surprised how quick they go back to eating properly !! Especially if they don't get to have a treat if they haven't eaten it ! I still hide veg in my eldest dinner he is 5 has started to get wise with the green mash though !! ( mash sprouts into it ! ) most kids go through this phase sure it will sort itself out xxx
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