** April 2019 Testing **

Thank you @Niknaknoo - how old is your first one? Hope you and OH have patched things up in time for O! xxx

Hey @SugaryIris - I recognise your name too. You joined not long before I stopped being so active on here..how are you keeping? xxx

@Kitana thank you! I don't know if it's brave or silly but I just know we are ready and we already get so much joy from our first dolly - husband wants a boy but I have told him to wise up haha you get what you're given and just be thankful xxx

@chattychar1990 Thank you :) also good luck for tomorrow, sending loads of babydust and everything crossed that AF doesn't show and you get a massive BFP on saturday! xxx

@GeekMaker I don't want to get your hopes up but I didn't get a positive on a pregnancy test until nearly 3 weeks after my AF was late, it may just be too soon even though the pregnancy tests have all their claims. I definitely was pregnant but had so many negatives in those 3 weeks and was actually about to book into the doctors to see if there was something medically wrong with me that caused my period to vanish xxx
Thank you @Niknaknoo - how old is your first one? Hope you and OH have patched things up in time for O! xxx

Hey @SugaryIris - I recognise your name too. You joined not long before I stopped being so active on here..how are you keeping? xxx

@Kitana thank you! I don't know if it's brave or silly but I just know we are ready and we already get so much joy from our first dolly - husband wants a boy but I have told him to wise up haha you get what you're given and just be thankful xxx

@chattychar1990 Thank you :) also good luck for tomorrow, sending loads of babydust and everything crossed that AF doesn't show and you get a massive BFP on saturday! xxx

@GeekMaker I don't want to get your hopes up but I didn't get a positive on a pregnancy test until nearly 3 weeks after my AF was late, it may just be too soon even though the pregnancy tests have all their claims. I definitely was pregnant but had so many negatives in those 3 weeks and was actually about to book into the doctors to see if there was something medically wrong with me that caused my period to vanish xxx

I’m keeping ok thanks Hun, coming up to two years, had 3cps and just started clomid so I’m really hoping it happens soon! X
Can you take another one with flash? Or with more light? It's hard to see.

I did get one with flash just thought the quality wasnt so good (and this is in the timeframe lol I refuse to take pics outside of the timeframe) so I didnt upload it

Thank you @Niknaknoo - how old is your first one? Hope you and OH have patched things up in time for O! xxx

Hey @SugaryIris - I recognise your name too. You joined not long before I stopped being so active on here..how are you keeping? xxx

@Kitana thank you! I don't know if it's brave or silly but I just know we are ready and we already get so much joy from our first dolly - husband wants a boy but I have told him to wise up haha you get what you're given and just be thankful xxx

@chattychar1990 Thank you :) also good luck for tomorrow, sending loads of babydust and everything crossed that AF doesn't show and you get a massive BFP on saturday! xxx

@GeekMaker I don't want to get your hopes up but I didn't get a positive on a pregnancy test until nearly 3 weeks after my AF was late, it may just be too soon even though the pregnancy tests have all their claims. I definitely was pregnant but had so many negatives in those 3 weeks and was actually about to book into the doctors to see if there was something medically wrong with me that caused my period to vanish xxx

No I don't mind you sharing that. This is actually (unfortunately) common in my family lol hopefully not with me. I don't wanna test again for few more days at least if AF hasn't come. If she is gonna come I hope its soon so I can be on a new cycle!

Good luck to everyone here!!! <3
I’m keeping ok thanks Hun, coming up to two years, had 3cps and just started clomid so I’m really hoping it happens soon! X
I'll have everything crossed for you that the Clomid works and you finally get your BFP xxx
This is the 3rd pic I took (only took 3) and it was blurry so I didnt post but I guess why not lol

I dont know why when I resize it...it looks so weird I'm sorry I use a very old smartphone with wifi lol and then use a website to resize. If I could I'd just post originals here.
No I don't mind you sharing that. This is actually (unfortunately) common in my family lol hopefully not with me. I don't wanna test again for few more days at least if AF hasn't come. If she is gonna come I hope its soon so I can be on a new cycle!

Good luck to everyone here!!! <3

:) I know sometimes those kind of personal experiences aren't helpful and everyone is different and I didn't want to be all in your face. I just think hope is very important with ttc :) I would be the same in waiting a few days to test if I were in your shoes, but its so hard to keep your mind off it inbetween isnt it? xx
:) I know sometimes those kind of personal experiences aren't helpful and everyone is different and I didn't want to be all in your face. I just think hope is very important with ttc :) I would be the same in waiting a few days to test if I were in your shoes, but its so hard to keep your mind off it inbetween isnt it? xx

Oh absolutely. I think it's good when we can share unique experiences you never know when someone can relate or we can help people have hope. <3 It is hard but I need to wait. Sunday I am trying to wait for because it is a year since my sister passed that day so it is special to me. And if its negative then thats okay too. Not to say I won't be bummed but my husband, myself and mom are kinda hoping for a blessing here. We will see God's plan. Sorry I am very spiritual and Christian not to push it on anyone. lol
Oh absolutely. I think it's good when we can share unique experiences you never know when someone can relate or we can help people have hope. <3 It is hard but I need to wait. Sunday I am trying to wait for because it is a year since my sister passed that day so it is special to me. And if its negative then thats okay too. Not to say I won't be bummed but my husband, myself and mom are kinda hoping for a blessing here. We will see God's plan. Sorry I am very spiritual and Christian not to push it on anyone. lol
I'm really sorry too hear about your sister :( my condolences xx
hope everyones well. a temp input today on FF & now its made me 5dpo!.
its a bit weird as 1,2,3 & 5dpo i have a open,soft cervix. yesterdays was 'normal' closed,firm. Have to be past O as my cm is so creamy now its pretty obvious O's occured..
Just a new, weird thing in the mix! haha :) Bodies!
I’m CD21 today. Trying not to symptom spot this cycle. I feel much more chilled about the tww this time than I have in other cycles. Other months I’ve started testing crazy early at like 6dpo because I couldn’t help myself but plan to hold off until AF is due this time. How’s everyone else getting on x
@chattychar1990 you are doing the right thing waiting. Stay strong.

@LuckyLaura my boy has just turned 4. I never intended such a big age gap but life got in the way! It’s good though that we won’t be paying for 2 in childcare!
Oh my gosh Char, thanks for sharing. The rainbow is beautiful! That is an amazing view of it too.

I wanted to stop by and wish everyone good luck this month! <3
I'm feeling sad still. Today was a hard day. I just still find it hard to accept my. Miscarriage and I just wish every day I was pregnant.. No idea when I can get booked in for FET and we were going to try this cycle starting tonight CD 11 but not sure I can I'm just fed up. Its been 2 years and 3 months and still no Baby. I feel heart broken every day and I want this to all end
@chattychar1990 you are doing the right thing waiting. Stay strong.

@LuckyLaura my boy has just turned 4. I never intended such a big age gap but life got in the way! It’s good though that we won’t be paying for 2 in childcare!

Aww how cute tho, hell be old enough to understand more and interact more with his new sibling! My niece is 3 and they just had another little girl and its lovely seeing them together and the bond they have already xx
Hello, I'm just dipping my toes in again. I hope no one minds as I'm not sure if I will be testing this month or not yet as we are at the beginning of our ttc journey for our 2nd baby. :) I don't recognise any names here so feeling a little lost.

Can I be put down for the 26th April incase I do decide to test?

Sending heaps of baby dust to you all xxx
You surely recognise mine

I'm still here ttc no 1. Stuck in hell
I'm feeling sad still. Today was a hard day. I just still find it hard to accept my. Miscarriage and I just wish every day I was pregnant.. No idea when I can get booked in for FET and we were going to try this cycle starting tonight CD 11 but not sure I can I'm just fed up. Its been 2 years and 3 months and still no Baby. I feel heart broken every day and I want this to all end

Alexis, I'm not sure if you remember me from before :( sending massive hugs. I was devastated to come back and read your news. I wish there was something I could say or do to make you feel better but I know you are strong and can get through this.i can't even imagine what you're going through and you've been spectacular. You have come on such a long and heartwrenching journey and are so deserving that I am certain you will get your bundle and at that point all the shit and sadness will melt away like it never happened xxxx

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