*** April 2018 Mummies ***

We announced it Saturday after all the family had been told. We used this picture :)

Hope everyone has had a good day! :)

Cossie this is adorable ❤️ Love it. So exciting. I'm going to announce mine today. Can't believe it, I've been praying and counting down for this day. 12 weeks + 1 day. Can't wait to announce it x
Thanks ladies :) oooo Beth how exciting! :D

Hope everyone has a fab Friday!
Been meaning to get on my laptop all day to post with pictures but I'm so wiped!

Scan went well. Been put forward three days which is exactly what happened with DS as well. Neck skin fold looked fine but as he couldn't get an exact measurement I'm having the quad blood test on 24th October.

20wk scan will be 30th November.

Placenta is anterior though so they'll be watching that to ensure it isn't attached to my previous section scar etc. Will also mean I might not get as much obvious movement out front as with DS.

DS looked adorable in his big brother's 'big brother' t shirt which we posted on fb after racing home in time for us to still get McDs breakfast as I hadn't been able to face eating anything beforehand.
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Great news. Can I ask what the quad blood test is? X
Great news. Can I ask what the quad blood test is? X

Screening tests for Downs, Edwards, Patau and open neural tube defects via blood test.

It's done via the Wolfson institute at Queen Mary university London through my North London hospital.
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Oh I see similar to the nipt then.

Eeek I'm 14 weeks, im in tri 2. Xx
Oh I see similar to the nipt then.

Eeek I'm 14 weeks, im in tri 2. Xx

Fantastic Loula! I’m officially there from Monday :D when’s your harmony test again? Is it today or tomorrow? My baby brain is seriously kicking in now!
Harmony test tomorrow. We've got a 30 minute appointment which Includes a scan, it's says we scan also view in 3d/4d as we are over 12 weeks. I'm more excited for the scan. Trying to think positive and that 1:91 are good odds x
Eeeek loula you'll be the first to know team pink or blue!!! I'm getting blue vibes for you but well see haha.

Glad scan went well lander,mine is Tuesday,bricking it! Xx
I hope your vibes are wrong haha. OH isn't sure if he wants the gender testing incase the test in general cones back as bad news but if we do we will k know in around a week x
Haha they probably will be! I'm def slightly more wanting another girl and hubby would slightly prefer a boy so will be funny when we find out! Hubby's mum saw a medium last week and she said was a girl so will see if they're right lol. Aww tell oh he can't think like that he's gotta keep positive,1/91 is pretty low odds I'm sure all will be perfectly fine. Fingers crossed your results come back quick for you xx
Hope all goes well tomorrow Loula.

I feel so tired all the time I can't wait until it passes, think I've got a UTI to top it off. Sounds terrible but def not enjoying this pregnancy as much as my first.

Harmony test tomorrow. We've got a 30 minute appointment which Includes a scan, it's says we scan also view in 3d/4d as we are over 12 weeks. I'm more excited for the scan. Trying to think positive and that 1:91 are good odds x

Hope you scan & harmony test go well today Hun x sending lots of positive vibes your way xxx
Good luck for today Loula - will be think of you.

So I’m heading into the 2nd trimester tomorrow! And in 2 weeks I have my gender scan :D I’m starting to feel quite anxious though. Although I’m still feeling nauseaous every now and again, and I’m getting other symptoms such as sore boobs and headaches and fatigue, I’m also still getting period like cramps still. They’re quite painful and I have been told that the stretching pains will be more painful this time around because of having had a c section but my anxiety is seriously trying to make a come back and tell me that it’s all gone wrong :( don’t know whether to call the midwives or whether to just leave it. I get the feeling that at this stage they’ll just tell me that it’s all ok and that it’s just growing pains. What would you guys do?
Can you make an appointment with your midwife to discuss this with? Our epu sees us up until 16 weeks can u ring them for a chat?
If your that anxious and it would put your mind at rest do what you need to do x
You would think I'd know but I don't have a clue. I might call the EPU tomorrow and see what they say. I'm sure everything is fine and I'm just panicking over nothing

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