*** April 2018 Mummies ***

Awww a shame youve had to pay loula but will be worth it im sure to find out. Hope the next few days dont drag too much for you!

Cossie I think you relax more when you can feel baby kick so hopefully as we get further on and these babies start making themselves known we can relax!
I've had a good day sickness wise today so have made the most of it and gutted the kitchen,washed the sofa and got a tonne of loads of washing done. Its the most housework I've managed in weeks! Hope it continues,hubby has been fab stepping up and doing the cleaning but hes not used to it so everything needs a good going over haha xx
Crl was and 63.7mm so all ok on that front.
Like you say torino it's piece of mind.
Cossie my harmony test is booked for Sunday. Yes we will most probably find out if they ask might aswell as we were going to find out anyways.
I have felt so crampy the past few days actually hurt a bit and my sickness has come back with avengence.
It is shame we have had to pay for it as we are not too far from it being free but if rather that then the invasive tests that have that small chance of it going wrong
How are we all today?

I’ve had a message from a friend I haven’t seen since I was last pregnant with DS and turns out she’s pregnant too! She had her 12 week Scan today and is due 6 days after me! I have a bump buddy! :D
Hello ladies sorry I've been a bit quiet the house we are buying finally completed last week after 6 months of waiting so been all go. Had my dating scan today all went well.
Due date is now 10th April so 13 weeks and 1 day today 😀 hope everyone is well. Loula I hope the harmony scan goes well on Sunday.


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We have 12wk scan on Friday coming, if all is well, we'll have a picture of DS in the T-Shirt DsS wore for DS's pregnancy announcement, will be huge on him (it's age 12-14!!) which says 'I'm the big Brother' on it, along with him hopefully holding up the scan photo, but he's only just 13 months and likes folding things.....

Symptoms are less, but different... Boobs more tender, smells now stronger and have finally been gagging at things this week. Was non-stop gagging with DS until about 16wks.
Aww glad scan went well Nika! Ours is on Tuesday so just less than a week to go!

Awww sounds like will make a lovely announcement lander. Were gunna hold off announcing til we've had a gender scan,hopefully get a private one around first week November then plan to get DD to open a present with the appropriate coloured balloon inside on her second birthday (15th November) and film that to announce. But it might go wrong if its a girl as she's adament she wants a boy baby so wont be amused lol xx
We've told family and close friends. No social media announcement from us until after the harmony.
Fab news on the house nilka and glad everything is going well.

We have our 12 week scan on the 17th, still feels like ages away!
We got A a top saying I'm going to be a big brother that we'll put on him after the scan and hopefully get a picture to send to family. Will leave it off social media until after our private gender scan I think.

Had to tell my friends are we're off on a hen weekend next weekend - all day drinking and clubbing totally dreading it already! Having to be the sober one and look after everyone else.

Our parents and brothers and sisters know and a couple of my closest friends but that's it, 95% of the family don't know and because of me keeping it quiet at work, no one will else will know until work does which I'm hoping to keep quiet until Christmas time, and then we can announce the baby and it's sex. Last time I couldn't keep it quiet but this time I'm finding it much easier and I guess that's because of the work situation. We plan on possibly doing a baby announcement from our son followed by a gender reveal gathering video, that's the plan at the moment at least. Just hope all is well at the 12 weeks scan got 2 weeks tomorrow feels like forever away!

I have a wedding to attend this weekend, I'm usually the drunk one with me pals, but I'll be sober, however everyone is under the impression I'm still on tonnes of medication for my head so I think I'll get away with that as an excuse, fingers crossed!
We never announced gender on fb last time. Though photos of my baby shower would have made it obvious and we had told family and close friends.
We announced it Saturday after all the family had been told. We used this picture :)

Hope everyone has had a good day! :)


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He is too cute Cossie! Love his curls, A's have all disappeared.
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Thanks :) my mum cut his fringe so it’s a bit straight for my liking! But he’s so proud that he is going to be a big brother and get to help look after a baby as he’s seen so many of his friends in nursery with younger siblings and them helping look after them so it’s really nice that he’s excited!

How is everyone today? Tiredness has taken on a whole new level for me. It borderline exhaustion! But on the plus side the nausea has almost gone. I probably get one day a week at the mo where I feel sick - the rest is a breeze! :D
I am so tired. I manage a 30 min nap in the day and also I'm asleep by 830pm.
Sickness well heaving is Still there every morning and after dinner at night.
My back is quote sore at the moment if I do too much and I'm quote crampy must be all that growing x
So tired last night barely recall DH coming to bed. Struggled to go back to sleep at 4am. DS has been a grizzly guts all morning as he's teething no.5. He's 13 months today but he didn't get his first tooth through until 10 months.

My upper back is giving my trouble with my boobs having grown. Seeing my chiropractor this afternoon for the first time since May. Can't wait!!
And here was me thinking it would be easier going into the second trimester! :lol:
I can’t wait to start feeling better, exhausted and the worst headaches I just can’t function at the moment.
Awww cossie lovely announcement! I'm feeling massively sick and I'm staying at my mams and have left my tablets at home! Useless!!

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