*** April 2018 Mummies ***

I called the midwife back and went to voicemail.she only works Thursday Fridays and every other weekend dammit x
Ok thanks for that! Cant get on ipad yet so will try later or tom! Im 5 weeks today too....very exciting x
It's so frustrating! I understand they're busy but it says on their answerphone message that they're open 8-4 and that any messages left will be dealt with the following working day but clearly not! I'd just like to get my booking appointment booked for before we go away at the start of September so that we then have the scan to look forward to when we get back. I'll try calling again in the morning.

Woo! Can't wait Melly! :D
Thanks hun. The cheapie was today! The other two were done on day of missed period so i guess they would be stronger if i retested with those. Noticed you were also pooping over to other thread :lol: Would be good if there were a few more bfp's....gone a wee bit quite!
Yeah I'd imagine so but they're lovely and strong :D

:lol: yep, had to poop on in and wish her luck! Sounds like she has a lovely relationship with her MIL which makes a nice change! Hopefully she can join us in here soon! It does seem awfully quiet on here! We can't be the only ones surely?!?!
It's still early in August. There's still time x
Very true loula. This month is hoing to drag! Sounds like a couple might be on their way over soon.
I hope so! All the other groups seem to be crammed full of lovely ladies sharing their experiences! Ours seems like such a small group in comparison!

Having said that, a small group could be quite nice :) There are advantages to both! (I feel like I'm digging holes here lol)
You dig away hun! If be happy with either. As you say lots of experiences to share or a cozy group. Advantages to both x
Totally know what u mean. It's be lovely to have some others here too x
I do like our little group but I just think it would be nice to have other ladies to share this journey with! :)

Morning hun! Feel good this morning.slept well and feel energised. Not sure how long it will last. Did gag a wee bit making sandwiches for work today! But it passed very quickly. How are you all? (Well two!)
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I am so tired and I slept really well. Done my morning heaving my guts up. Amazing how I feel so much better after that. X
Glad its short lived for you. Are you ok for rest of day after that?
Yeah same with my first as well. I'm just achey and tired the rest of the day x
I suppose it could be worse. Hope your achey feelings go away soon. Im at work and cannot concentrate! Have meetings all morning. Hope they dont expect me to contribute! :lol: x
I'm very luckily off today! But the nausea just continues to get worse. I think I'm going to have to tell someone at work because I just can't cope with it - and if it continues getting worse then I'm going to really struggle! Have you guys decided on telling work yet?

I hate moaning about how I feel because I feel like I'm coming across as ungrateful that I'm in the position that I am but I'm so happy for any little miracle! It just takes some getting used to feeling this way!



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