*** April 2018 Mummies ***

Thats annoying. I hate not being able to go to loo! Have you been drinking enough water and eating lots of veg/fibre.... LOL :lol: I sound like my mum!
Afternoon ladies! I've been at work this morning and really struggling with feeling sick. I might have to tell someone even sooner than expected as if this gets any worse I'm going to really struggle!

Other than the nausea I've had a few cramps, I feel like I'm PMSing (moody and emotional) and, like you Loula, I'm really struggling with number 2s and I just seem to be full of wind! It's so embarrassing! I have upped my water intake as I know I don't drink enough normally so I need more and I don't eat veg (I physically can't swallow the stuff) The only symptom I don't have are sore boobs but I never had those last time either x

I am so tired today. I've had 2 small naps and could still go to bed.
Im tired too but couldnt nap. I wish i could! My boobs feel fuller and are still sore. My cramps have gone though. Did another test! It did look darker than the last....this is my last one! Honest :lol:
Haha I have a digi upstairs screaming to be used but not yet.
My 5 year old is just playing bit keeps asking why I'm so tired joys of a bigger age gap. I've not been as crampy today maybe the stretching out is done for a little while x
I've not been as cramps either. But the nausea has been non stop. I think I'm going to have to tell work because I'm really struggling to cope already and I have this horrible feeling it's just going to get worse :(

I hate complaining about how I feel during pregnancy coz I sort of think "don't be daft, you're not ill you're pregnant so there's nothing to moan about" but at the same time I really don't cope with feeling or being sick

Feeling sick I can deal with. Thankfully I've never had actual sickness but also brother did my mum nan or great nan so In our case it's hereditary it looks like x
Oh i hope it subsides Cossie. Does anything help like eating dry crackers? Or eating little and often? How long did you get it for with number 1?

Loula....when do you think you might do digi? I was tempted to buy one just to see it in black and white how many weeks I am but they are well expensive! Already done first response, clearblue (non digi) and three cheapie ones! :lol:
Thanks Melly. Not really. It was orange ice lollies with my first but I haven't tried that yet as haven't been able to get to the shops in the last couple of days. I had it for sooo long with DS - from 8weeks to 24weeks :( hopefully it won't be that long his time.

Can't wait to see your digi result Loula! :) I did a digi last week. I love having the word written there as plain as anything! I think it's worth doing one just for that being able to see it in black and white as you said Melly! I've literally done about 15 tests now :lol:

Well I only got 1-2 a week ago so either before we go away next week or when I come back that way should defo get a 3+
I was easily influenced by a friend as the lines on my 1st 2 tests were so faint so I wanted to see it in writing. I got 2 for £13 I think it was.
I'm 5 tests in xx
Right im off to Boots tomorrow! :lol: i hope it doesnt go on to 24 weeks cossie x

Loula if you can, post a pic of the digi x
I'm really tempted to buy another digi :lol: not sure OH would appreciate it though!

Thanks Melly, me too! Ooo yeah! I love POAS & digi pics! :lol: I'm so weird! X


Here's my digi pic! Can't remember if I already posted this (damn baby brain!) x

That was Tuesday last week! But I took my last test with DS and got a 2-3 result then too and I ended up being a week ahead when I had my dating scan so I'm thinking based upon symptoms and past experience that I'm now 5 weeks and was 4 weeks when I tested. I don't know how accurate these dating tests are?
I think they are meant to be pretty accurate. 1-2 is 3 to 4 weeks 2-3 is 4 to 5 weeks and 3+ is 5 weeks plus I'm pretty sure.
Yes i thought that too. How do you upload the pics? Might try uploading minr. I love looking at them too! :lol:
Ah, that makes sense. Explains why with last pregnancy I was a week ahead of where I had put myself based upon the dates from the digi! So I reckon I'm 5 weeks today then! :D I'm actually really excited about that!

I'm still waiting to hear back from maternity unit re. booking appointment. I called last week and had to leave a message. And then I tried calling again today a few times but no answer, it kept going to answer machine (no messages left this time though)
Yes i thought that too. How do you upload the pics? Might try uploading minr. I love looking at them too! :lol:

There's a bit about the text box (where you edit text colour & text size etc) - click on the paper clip and go from there. If you are on your phone I'm not sure! :oooo:

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