*** April 2018 Mummies ***

I've booked another private for next Saturday I go away that evening on holiday & want to check everything is okay I will be 11.5 weeks & then have my hospital appointment 25th September. I know I'm trying to stay positive but it's really creeping up on me today! I don't have any bleeding or cramps so I don't know why I am worrying! I think it's because it's something I've wanted for so long I'm petrified x
I totally understand that....hopefully scan will reassure you and you can then enjoy your holiday x
Hi ladies! Apologies for not being on here in a while! Our cars cambelt snapped so we've had to scrap it and look for a new one before we leave for holiday tomorrow! As well as making sure we've got everything we'll need for DS as well as us!

Anywho! Congrats happy! I'll add you to our front page now :) hope everyone is doing ok? I have my booking appointment this afternoon, then work and then we are off to France tomorrow for a week, then when we come back I've got just over a week til my 12 week scan! :D so much excitement for us all ladies and I can't wait!! Xx

Hi guys! Apologies for not being here in a while. The cambelt snapped on our car so we've been trying to get all that sorted before we go away tomorrow!

Congrats happy! I'll add you to the front page now :) how are we all doing? I've got my booking appointment this afternoon at 1:30 and my 12 week scan on the 26th - I'm so excited I can't wait!! :D
Hi cossie that's exciting it won't be long until the twelve week scans!

Is anyone else bloating really badly? Hardly any of clothes fit me ATM it is a nightmare x
I'm bloated Rach - might be something to do with the entire loaf of bread I just ate though... really is the most I've eaten in days! Just fancied it... oops... x
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Good luck with your appointment cossie. Can you let us know what happens? I have mine next week & have no idea what to expect. Is your oh going? X
I was well and truly sick this morning bile and all. Not pleasant but I've felt pretty ok since. Anyone else starting to feel a little better at all? I'm 9 weeks 2 days.
3 weeks today until my 12 week scan i feel like it is dragging so much. I didn't find my first midwife appointment all the exciting to be honest just any relative medical history, births and pregnancies if any. I had mine at home and was done in 30 minutes.
I'm bloated too I've bought trousers a size up for work and they're already tight!! Eeek exciting you have your appointment cossie,its all getting a bit more real isn't it!

Jward I'm the same being anxious,even though I've seen the heartbeat every twinge I just worry something's happening. I dont think I'll relax til 12 week scan!
Still massively sick here,only think giving me relief is munching raw cabbage...pregnancy is weird!! Xx
Aww no sickness sucks doesn't it loula,I think most people get over it by 12 weeks but last pregnancy I was sick til 20 weeks so hoping not the same this time!! I'm hoping my appointment isn't very long on Tuesday,its at 1145 and DD usually goes for nap then and I have to take her so shell be furious lol xx
Am massively bloated. Stomach is huge. Someone at work told me I look pregnant!!
I have my booking appt on tues at 9am. Looking forward to feeling like its happening! My scan is 2/10 so still just under 4 weeks time! Sickness should settle soon. Have a cold so my dry mouth overnight is even worse and every time i sneeze...unless i have my legs pulled up to my chest, i get a sharp pain in side! Other than that im ok. Hope you enjoy your holiday cossie.

Good luck with upcoming appts and scans ladies x
Just reading the posts here. Mrs_cookie :) eating raw cabbage, that's quite sweet actually. I used to love eating raw cabbage when I was little))) my funny/weird pregnancy thing is - I stopped drinking tea completely (I am normally a big tea lover and could have about 5-6 cups a day easily before getting pregnant). Also I seem to only be able to eat soup and fruit at the mo. Everything else is a no-no.)))
Thanks happy.....sounds like you are having a very healthy diet! I'm eating a lot more now. I keep weighing myself thinking I must have put on weight but I haven't. Think you burn more calories when pregnant don't you? Haven't really gone off anything, apart from wholemeal bread....can't bear the smell before it's toasted.....have to get DH to make toast if my kids want some! Maybe I should try getting away with saying the washing up water is making me heave or cleaning the bathroom makes me nauseous haha!

I love raw cabbage...I make homemade coleslaw sometimes and love it in that! At least you aren't craving chips or junk food mrscookie :lol:

Glad I've finished work for the week. Was talking to DH last night about the private harmony scan, I think we are going to definitely book it....after my booking appointment on Tuesday. This means in less that's two weeks I could find out if baby is healthy, without any chromosomal abnormalities and whether it is a boy or a girl....we then plan to tell kid, then everyone else.

Bizarrely my DD, who is 10....said over breakfast...she would love me to have another baby...it would be so cute to look after.....then my DS (aged 12 next week) and DD were debating whether a girl or a boy would be better......I changed subject fairly swiftly as DH is fairly astute so don't want her twigging on just yet! Not long though now.....I just need everything to go ok at the harmony scan and for the results to confirm risk is low.....but something is niggling in the back of my mind...that it can't go smoothly! Bloomin hormones eh!

Been thinking of how to break the news to them.....what is everyone else doing.....I know some of you lovely ladies have already shared the news.

Hope everyone is ok...any plans for the weekend....my weekend starts today....yayyy! :lol:
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Am massively bloated. Stomach is huge. Someone at work told me I look pregnant!!

As if!! Hope you made them feel bad! When I was pregnant last time and people used to ask how far along I was II sometimes used to say I'm not pregnant just fat just to make them feel awkward haha people really shouldn't comment on other peoples size!
Soup and fruit is# nice and healthy happy,its funny you say about tea,I NEVER drink tea but since being pregnant often fancy the odd cup,was the same past pregnancy! I dont have much caffeine in anything else I have so allowed myself one cup a day,so bizarre lol.

I love the taste of raw cabbage too melly,I'm w weirdo who likes raw swede aswell haha being digging into an iceberg lettuce all afternoon too, very unlike me but glad its stuff thats good for baby!

How funny about your older children, do you think they've cottoned on or just coincidence they're talking about it? At least you know they'll be made up when you tell them and you won't be short of babysitters in a couple years :D xx
No it was definately a coincidence. Theyll be excited for sure. Cant wait to tell them. Enjoy your cabbage!
Good luck with your appointment cossie. Can you let us know what happens? I have mine next week & have no idea what to expect. Is your oh going? X

Mine's tomorrow. DH is coming with.

They'll usually want both your medical histories so they know if you've got a risk of anything hereditary passing onto the baby. They give you a chat about how your care will happen ie what appointments you'll have and when. What screening tests will happen and when to discuss your birth plan. They'll recommend you take the antenatal classes.

They'll discuss taking your folic acid and if you need to be on baby aspirin (I likely will).

They usually weigh you and measure your height to get your BMI. Take your pulse and blood pressure sometimes your temperature as well.

And they will probably want a urine sample and will take your 'booking bloods' which they will check for iron levels, HIV status (which you are normally asked consent for checking I think) and to have your blood type on record in case of transfusion requirements and checking your rhesus status.

Hope some of that helps people xx

Only had my last booking appointment in January last year lol
Thanks Lander that's really helpful. They didn't tell me anything (except to pee in a cup) when I booked my appointment & this is my first so really am completely clueless! My DH has managed to get some time off work so is going to come to, which makes me feel much more relaxed about it - I'm a little worried about information overload & he has an amazing memory! :). Good luck with your appointment today! X

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