Thanks happy.....sounds like you are having a very healthy diet! I'm eating a lot more now. I keep weighing myself thinking I must have put on weight but I haven't. Think you burn more calories when pregnant don't you? Haven't really gone off anything, apart from wholemeal bread....can't bear the smell before it's toasted.....have to get DH to make toast if my kids want some! Maybe I should try getting away with saying the washing up water is making me heave or cleaning the bathroom makes me nauseous haha!
I love raw cabbage...I make homemade coleslaw sometimes and love it in that! At least you aren't craving chips or junk food mrscookie
Glad I've finished work for the week. Was talking to DH last night about the private harmony scan, I think we are going to definitely book it....after my booking appointment on Tuesday. This means in less that's two weeks I could find out if baby is healthy, without any chromosomal abnormalities and whether it is a boy or a girl....we then plan to tell kid, then everyone else.
Bizarrely my DD, who is 10....said over breakfast...she would love me to have another would be so cute to look after.....then my DS (aged 12 next week) and DD were debating whether a girl or a boy would be better......I changed subject fairly swiftly as DH is fairly astute so don't want her twigging on just yet! Not long though now.....I just need everything to go ok at the harmony scan and for the results to confirm risk is low.....but something is niggling in the back of my mind...that it can't go smoothly! Bloomin hormones eh!
Been thinking of how to break the news to them.....what is everyone else doing.....I know some of you lovely ladies have already shared the news.
Hope everyone is ok...any plans for the weekend starts today....yayyy!