*** April 2018 Mummies ***

So have taken Dd out shopping and I can't even face lunch today. I want chicken aupernoodles so will wait til I get home. Also need a nap today.
Heaving lots today too. 9 weeks x
Apart from tiredness and dry mouth still overnight so disburbed slerp im ok. At work till 2pm. Have my booking appt a week today. x
Urgh I've not kept anything down today,think I might have to go back to the doctors and try some different tablets. The only relief I get is the 15/20 mins after I throw up I feel OK, then the nausa builds again,roll on second trimester!! X
Appt was a bit of a waste of time apparently where I live it's done over 2 appointments now. Mines was just a brief chat, took height and weight and that was it really. Because of last time my next part will be at the hospital so I've just to wait on a letter. Said there's a good chance of a vbac if I want it as long as my pregnancy goes smoothly. I'm not actually sure what I want.
Will start on aspirin after my 12 week scan because of the pre eclampsia last time.

Aww rubbish for some of you with the sickness! Very fortunate I just feel a bit nauseous and once I eat it disappears.

I have a bit of a tmi question.
Are any of you having to wear pantyliners or pads at all.
Yes. Ive had a bit of white/yellowish discharge when wiping after loo. Read its normal. What about you?
I've had some thickish discharge too,not wearing a liner yet as mostly when I wipe but its def more than I usually have.

Awww shame about your appointment cdx,where we lived during my last pregnancy was like that a quick appointment at 6 weeks then longer one at 9 weeks. They said it was cos they were so busy so like to get everyone on system as soon as poss. Different this time round in our village,not getting seen til next week and will be nearly 9 weeks. Mustn't be as busy an area,haven't got a scan date or anything yet! Xx
Im seeing midwife a week today and i will be 10 weeks. My 1st scan is 13 weeks. Think it varies hugely from one area to another.
I'm wearing pads and they are always stained I wouldn't say it was a definate pink or brown stain I'm not sure to be honest x
Just been reading that discharge is very normal and pretty much every woman has it early on and throughout. Something to do with changes in cervix which might cause secretions and hormones x
Funnily enough I'm not overly worried as I've read alot of positive things.
Hi ladies, I am new here :) I am about 6.5weeks along and would like to join the April 2018 babies list. I am thinking my due date would be around April 27. Hope everyone is doing well!
Loula, I have brown discharge as well. Not lots, but some.. On and off. Sometimes it's kind of pinkish. I do wear daily pads... I am a bit nervous but am planning on having an early nhs scan later this week. When did you start having your brown discharge?
Welcome Happy.
I have had all sorts of pink/red/brown from week 5 until now and I am 9 weeks today. I have had 2 visits to the epu and 2 scans. My last scan was last week where I saw my beautiful little bean and the heart beat beating away. We heard it too.
Loula, that's good to hear. I am so hoping to hear the heartbeat too. Thanks for positive vibes! :)
Welcome happy and congratulations! Hope your scan goes ok....try and post a photo if you get one x
Welcome Happy!

I know there's a lot of ladies on here unlucky enough to be suffering with sickness in a bad way. I just wondered whether anyone else has the opposite problem? I cannot get enough food. I feel hungry all the time!! My stomach already looks big but given I'm only 7 weeks and baby is still tiny, it's due to the layer of fat I've built up!!
Think I'm going to feel awful tomorrow. Felt good today and was DS 1st Birthday so been happy and busy all day. Now feel wiped and throat is sore..... Having a hot lemon and honey before bed.
Hi everyone :)
Thanks Melly 41, I keep my fingers crossed. Will post a photo if I get one. Not sure if they give out an early scan photos at nhs. We will see!

Muffinski, don't worry! Everyone is different! It's good that you are eating well, your body knows what it needs :) I had a brief moment of about a week when I ate lots. But then when sickness turned up, I hardly eat anything now.

Lander, I hope you feel better soon! Get some rest and hopefully this helps.
So my throat is still sore, am losing my voice and I've had a bit of on and off earache this morning as well. DS still asleep right now.

Think I'm going to ease off on his party prep today and take it easy a bit.

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