*** April 2018 Mummies ***

10wks tom. Not really having any symptoms but noticed my belly getting a little bigger! Not long now till we are in tri 2!!
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I feel massive at the moment. Still feeling nauseous but it's getting better.
Boobs are feeling bigger and fuller and I am so tired. Had an hours nap today.
Just over 2 weeks and I may relax a little x
Happy Monday everyone :) I hope you're all feeling ok this week. My sore boobs seem to have gone this morning & im not feeling nauseous for the first time since my Bfp. Which is nice - but also makes me feel less pregnant. Got my first mw appointment this morning which will be good. Thanks again for all the tips about what to expect x
Good luck for the midwife appt Meg! Let us know how you find it?

These weeks are just dragging so slowly!! I'm 8 weeks tomorrow, so still another 4 weeks until I can relax a bit. I swear they are dragging like nothing else.

I have another scan on Wed so it will be reassuring to see if baby is still growing as it should be.
Good luck meg today! (I have my booking appt tom at 9am).

Muffinski....hope your scan goes well weds!

Any other appts/scans this week? Apart from feeling a bit bloated....no symptoms for me either....i think around now (10+ weeks), morning sickness should start to ease so i hope everyone having it that is goes very soon.

Might shop for maternity bra or non underwired bra this week. Wearing sports bra at the mo as more comfy.
Thanks for the good luck :) good luck with your appointments to! Muffinski im a little jealous you get to see your little one again! I keep looking at my 6 week pic and smiling! Good luck on Wednesday (I think I'm only a day behind you - 8 weeks Wednesday)

Good luck with your appointment to Melly, I'll let you know what happens at mine today. I assume they'll all follow a fairly standard NHS proceedure??

I know what you mean about the weeks dragging - we're off camping for 3 weeks on Friday (obviously booked before the bfp and frequent night toilet trips!!) I think it'll be a good distractions from waiting for my 12 week scan, plus when I get back hopefully loads of you will have had your scans so there'll be lots of cute photos to look at! :)

I've got my booking in bloods this morning. 3rd time lucky as I've been up the hospital the past 2 times I've booked it.
I really want some maternity clothes but refuse to until after my scan incase I jinx it. Leggings and t shirts it is at the moment.
Definitely agree that time is dragging 2 weeks and 3 days to go. Still undecided if to book a private scan for this week x
Loula...i was thinking the same re: mat clothes but then thought, just because im buying mat trousers, surely this wont cause a miscarriage. I also thoight that whether ive bought the trousers or not....it wouldnt soften blow of any miscarriage. Ive bought some h & m skinny mat jeans and a pair of black mat leggings fron debenems. Wearing them to work as usually trousers are a bit tight and uncomfortable.....theyre really nice to wear x
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Hope your appointments go well ladies.

Lola I've bought a few pair of mat jeans already - my normal jeans were getting a bit on the tight side and mat jeans are just so comfy I couldn't wait to get them again!! I remember struggling to let go of them after A.

I'm still having dreams its twins, and with needing mat jeans at 7 weeks isn't helping matters, I'd love to get a private scan too but I figured we'd wait until 16 weeks and take A along so the 3 of us can find out the sex together - that way he won't be disappointed because straight from the start he'll know he's going to have a little .... But then I'm thinking is 16 weeks to early to tell him?

By 16 weeks pretty much all the screening has been done....at 20 weeks they do the fetal anomaly scan here....there is a really small risk of something being wrong but its like less than 1% i reckon youll be ok telling him at 16 weeks. Can you imagine if it was twins!! I was worried it might be twins as im older and my DH has identical twin older brothers.....we are just having the one though! x
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Had my scan today and I'm pleased to confirm all is well I saw blob and it's heartbeat EDD April 30th ❤️ Which makes me around the 7 week mark, so my 12 week scan has been moved to October x

Had first midwife appointment yesterday she's lovely so that's all good to. I Think
My next appointment this month is my booking bloods, then I have 4 appointments for October (omg) I planned to keep this a secret at work until 20 weeks but with all these apps it's looking hard.....


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Thats great news kerryjo! What a relief! Such a good scan photo too x
Congratulations! Great pics kerryjo!

I had my first mw appointment this morning, it was good. I went with my oh, which I'm pleased I did. They just asked loads of questions about my physical & mental health and our family histories, she was just working through the booklet. We were also given masses of stuff to take away and read. Also we're asked where we were planning on having the baby - which we hadn't even thought about! She didn't ask any questions about how I was doing so far or what symptoms / problems I was having, which was a little surprising, but I guess if there's anything serious I'd have been in touch already.

Good luck to those of you still waiting your first appointment xx
That's great news Kerryjo! So glad everything is going well.

Aw don't Melly, ive no idea how I'd cope with twins and a 3 year old lol. My cousin is due twins in the next few months, that'll be the 4th set of twins in our family.

I'm still waiting on my hospital appointments coming through, I hate waiting! I'm about 7 weeks, dont have many symptoms except tiredness and nausea if I don't eat regularly enough. Pretty similar to my last pregnancy.

We're getting some terrible 2 tantrums with A, started stamping his feet if he doesn't get his own way, he's normally so chilled out as well. I wonder if he can sense something is different.

My 5 year old has been a nightmare recently. She totally knows something x
Morning all hope everyone is feeling well.

I am a bit achy in my abdomen area today. Not cramps just a dull ache there. I am slightly worried as it's the feeling I get when my period is due as I don't really get cramps. :(. Is anyone else getting anything like this. It's not enough to take painkillers or anything. I'm 9+4 today x

I'm also 9+4 and I've had this for weeks! Stretchy feeling but also bloated and struggling to eat xx
Is anyone else feeling like the folic acid and vitamin d supplements stick in the back of their throat? Its horrible and no matter how much fluid I drink the feeling won't shift.

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