*** April 2018 Mummies ***

Hi ladies I don't post much but I try to keep up to date with all your symptoms and stories! Hope everyone is well (as can be expected!!)
So I'll be 8 weeks on Friday (constant count down!) and am looking forward to my first midwife appt next Tuesday. I am absolutely thrilled about being pregnant and think about it every second of every day, however I keep hearing horror stories about MC and people getting to 12 week scan and finding no heartbeat etc. Its really worrying me but my OH doesn't get it. He thinks it would be a huge waste of money having a private early scan and thinks I'm just being silly worrying. I just can't imagine getting through another 4 weeks then something being wrong. I would be absolutely crushed. I'm guessing everyone has these kind of worries? I've read that the midwife might be able to hear a heartbeat with a 'doppler' from around 8/9 weeks... is this common? Do I need to specifically request this? Sorry for a negative post but think I need to hear all of this is normal!! Lots of love and positive vibes to you all x
You are perfectly normal. I had a scan last week at 8 weeks and was sure that it had gone wrong and I told my OH to make sure he packs me everything in my overnight bag. I even didn't let him in the scan room until I knew all was fine.
I have 3 weeks til my 12 week scan and I'm petrified that something will be wrong but also trying to stay positive.
Most midwives do not attempt to hear for heartbeat with a Doppler until 16 weeks. I suppose It doesn't hurt to try and ask but they may be reluctant. Tri 1 is the worst trimester for sure x
Hi beth i was lucky as managed to hear heart beat at my dating scan around 10wks in last pg. They dont offer dating scans now but its worth asking like loula said.
Hi ladies we made decision to go for private harmony scan. I think as im older and risk is higher i want to find out as soon as i can. They can do this from 10 weeks but it costs £425! They way i look at it is that it might alliw us to enjoy the pg for 6 more weeks and start to tell people earlier if all ok. Think its worth it. It means end of next week i could get it done and find out results the flowing week before my 13 week scan. What do you ladies think?
Hi Melly,

I would definitely go for an early scan if worried. In fact I am going tomorrow. I am not sure why prices are so high where you are but in Somerset (where I lived before) private early scans (6-12weeks)are £80. So £425 seems to be a bit excessive but then maybe it depends on the clinic. Not sure! Good luck with your first scan!
Oh Melly, sorry I've missed the fact that you are talking about harmony scan and not early scan. Ahhhh. Not sure about prices for this one but if you are nervous I think it would help you to do it. Xx
Thanks happy. As im 42 chances are much higher so want to be fully prepared!
They can also determine sex in the harmony scan as they look at DNA. Very nervous but excited too!
Welcome to the fun Happy :) congratulations!

Muffinski - Your so lucky! I'm not as bad as some of the poor ladies on here with sickness but I do feel nauseous most of the time & have been wretching lots but not bringing much up (tmi sorry!). Am not really eating and have lost weight :(. Got my first mw appointment next week so will hopefully get some hints and tips then. Mostly but completely shattered! It's an effort not to doze off in meetings!

How's everyone else doing today? Melly your scan sounds really interesting! Would be good to put your mind at

Hi Meg,
Thanks :)

I know what you mean about dozing off :) I feel sleepy all day long and nauseous too. Hardly eating anything. Don't want to check my weight as I kind of know I probably lost a bit. I am having an early scan tomorrow as I have brown spotting, so called in and they said it would be good if I had a scan. Hoping all is good xx
How far are you Meg? It says you are 7weeks? I will be 7w on Friday, so we must be quite close in our dates!
Welcome Happy.

Have any of you had stabbing pains low down? Had a bit of a stressful day and feel really uncomfortable tonight. My logic brain is telling me its ligaments stretching and everything is fine but I've forgotten how anxious your first 12 weeks are.

Yes ive had the odd one or two. I sneezed yesterday and i had the sharpest pain in my left lower tummy. It went after a few secs...i think ligaments are loose at the moment! If they persist maybe ring midwife to get some reassurance x
Sounds like your symptoms are all similar to mine. I think I'm somewhere between 7-8 weeks. Currently working with 7 though until I'm told otherwise. :) x
Im 9+2 and not really had may symptoms at all...feel very lucky to have got away with ms so far!
I'm absolutely shattered A has just settled for the night after a late nap today and I'm literally waiting on OH finishing a bedtime story with him before I go to bed. I'm only 6 weeks as well, its going to be a long wait until 12 weeks.

I'm eight weeks tomorrow but aside from night peeing and puffy boobs I'm feeling reasonable which just makes me worry.

Booking tomorrow and then my repeat early scan next week on Wednesday. Fx all is fine. The only other time i made it past six weeks i had DS so trying to think positive.
Important to stay positive lander. Each week that goes by the risk decreases and i read at 8 weeks if the heart beat is detected your chances of mc reduce significantly. Hope booking appt goes well and scan next week x
I'm suffering with the worst anxiety at the moment the closer I am to my scan the more I'm worrying! I know I had a scan at 8 weeks and everything is fine I can't help but think what if something has happened.. starting to drive myself crazy with worry!
When is your next scan jward? Its normal to worry i think....weve all been there! Try and stay positive x

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