*** April 2018 Mummies ***

I cant remember whether they listen to heart beat with doppler, as i know it can be heard from 9 wks with a doppler....i guess they might not in case its a bit early to hear and stresses mum out? I remember definately hearing it early on with doppler but cannot remember what appt that would have been at??

Hope sickness is more manageable at the moment for all x
16 weeks here the midwife will use a Doppler and my last pregnancy was in a different county and that was also 16 weeks.
Is that usually the next appt after booking appt? Feels like a long time without contact....i suppose there is the 12 wk scan too. J7st reading the third ti thread. One lady had her baby boy last night.....still feel so far off that point!! Feels like i found out months ago not 38 days ago!!!
Here it is yes. I only ever saw my midwife once every so often in my first pregnancy.
I've just got my notes out and my next one is 16 weeks then nothing until 25 weeks then 28 weeks then 31 weeks 34 weeks 36 weeks 38 weeks and then 41 weeks 40 for 1st baby then 42 weeks to he started for induction.
This is for low risk o imagine
Booked with midwife. Likely to be more consultant led though. Happily being referred to vbac clinic as well.

They don't listen to baby.

They will also ask, away from husband, if you have are suffering domestic abuse. They have to ask everyone this, don't be offended, they haven't assumed anything, they have to ask everyone.
Yes I got asked that. Got asked if I felt safe around my partner and in the house. If my daughter was safe too. I'm low risk as I was last time so pretty much left to my own devices x
Yes i remember those questions to. Apparently dom abuse increases during pregnancy. My previous 2 pg's were low risk but not sure if i will be higher tisk as older now? I guess i will find out on Tuesday x
Been worrying about how much milder my symptoms are compared to last time with DS but today I've napped an hour in the afternoon when DS did, almost gagged at some vomit oon the floor in the car park and this evening my boobs are killing me :oooo:
I would gag on vomit in a car park even if i wasnt pregnant! Haha! I have virtually no symptoms....it might be you will have a different pregnancy this time hun x
My boobs are not as sore anymore but not sure if to worry or not .
Still heaving though.
My boobs arent sore either. I think things will start to improve soon x
I hope so. I am so tempted to book a private scan for piece of mind. 10 weeks next week and still under 3 weeks until nhs one . Oh thinks I am bonkers and can see now reason for it x
Hey again all, sorry I haven't been on much since being in hospital, still getting pains, am on cocodamol For them but really trying to limit how many I take, I cancelled my lumbar puncture this week as I couldn't deal with the stress of that on top of the worry about the pregnancy, got my scan Monday And seriously hoping we get a better image and a clear view and audio of the heartbeat, I have my neighbour coming with me for support as my partner works in London and it's a midday (well 14: 00) appointment, am keeping everything crossed! I guess the one plus (well kind of plus) is that I am feeling sick constantly and I've brought up sick a few times, my boobs hurt and I'm exhausted 24/7 not matter how much sleep I get, so surely all those symptoms mean I hopefully have a healthy viable pregnancy, I didn't get ill at all with my son so feeling this rubbish is all new to me!

Hope your all well, when does everyone have scans and booking appointments etc, I have my booking appointment at 8am tomorrow morning, who needs lay ins right? What's the betting tomorrow our son lays in, when usually he'd be awake by 6 lol!!
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Hi kerryjo. Hope you start to feel better soon. My booking appt in tues at 9am. Its good your scans on monday....not long to wait now. Hopefully theyll be able to reassure you. If you get any pics, try and post them.good luck for monday x
I've just been out shopping to try to find some new clothes that can fit over my fast expanding boobs and stomach. After 3 hours, I only found one dress!! Such an unsuccessful mission. Quite depressing really. Now I'm absolutely stuffed and am going to change into tracksuit pants as soon as I'm home and have a lie down!!
Hope everyone is doing ok. I'm in not so sunny France now and feeling so sick. The journey over was horrific. The sea was so choppy the ferry was swaying in all directions and I really struggled.

Booking appointment went well - I had the same midwife who did my booking with DS!! I was so chuffed because she was amazing :) not as much needed to be done this time though. I was basically asked if anything had changed regarding circumstances (change of partner etc), had my bloods taken, peed in a pot and got given my purple folder and bounty packs along with my maternity exemption certificate form. I was in and out in under 45 mins :)

Hope you're all having a lovely weekend!

I got some maternity leggins for £12 from debenems and some black slinny maternity jeana from H&M.that are really comfy for £24. Im just wearing slightly bigger tops to hide bump. Im also wearing a sports bra as underwiring really hurts!! Will shop for a mat bra soon tho x
Morning all hope everyone is feeling well.

I am a bit achy in my abdomen area today. Not cramps just a dull ache there. I am slightly worried as it's the feeling I get when my period is due as I don't really get cramps. :(. Is anyone else getting anything like this. It's not enough to take painkillers or anything. I'm 9+4 today x
I'm 9+5 and have had this most of the way through. Everything just stretching and getting bigger.

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