*** April 2018 Mummies ***

Hii!! I have an estimated DD of 20th April which makes me 5+3 weeks I think. I'd love some bump buddies who are going through the same stuff :) congratulations all xx
Hii!! I have an estimated DD of 20th April which makes me 5+3 weeks I think. I'd love some bump buddies who are going through the same stuff :) congratulations all xx

Congratulations Beth!! I am due the same day as you!! How are you doing so far?
Congrats Beth. I may move to may mummies when I have my scan as only 4+3 x
Hi all, my dd is just over 2yrs old and now I'm 4w3d expecting number 2. Please add me to the edd list for 28th April if all goes well. Excited to be back here. Congrats to you all too xx
Hii!! I have an estimated DD of 20th April which makes me 5+3 weeks I think. I'd love some bump buddies who are going through the same stuff :) congratulations all xx

Congratulations Beth!! I am due the same day as you!! How are you doing so far?

Hi Nemi, I've been full of cold and coughing for the last week. Not sure if it's linked. Also getting waves of nausea, v tender boobs, quite consistent cramps, and some cold sweats during the night. Emotionally I'm absolutely terrified and just want it to be 12 weeks so I can relax a bit!! But soo excited.

How about you? Similar symptoms? Congrats to you too :) :) :) xx
Morning lovely ladies! How are we all today? Im okay other that still having a really horrible dry mouth overnight and not sleeping well fue to needing the loo 3 times! Hope the MS isnt too bad this morning girls.hope you all have a good day. Im at work!! Urggghh! Starting to feel anxious about telling people, even though we wont be for 5-6 weeks!

Loula...when are you back from Greece. Is it tom?
Yep we are flying home tomorrow.
I'm up about 3 times in the night too for a wee. Really constipated too.
Beginning to get increased appetite until I eat then I don't want anything.
Ive read eating dried fruit and nuts can help with constipation if yourr not keen on veges. Hope journey home is not too tiring x
So it seems writing about it on here got me going haha.
So hungry today too. X
Thats a good thing. Hopefully with an increased appetite youll have no more problems in that dept! Fingers crossed x
Congrats Beth & Aimee! Welcome to April mummies :) hope you're all doing well!

I've got a day off today and really pleased about that. I'm struggling with the nausea at work I'm definitely going to have to pop to the gp and see if I can get something to help ease the nausea. It's bad because I feel hungry all the time so I eat. And when I eat I feel worse :( oh well, hopefully this will subside when 12 weeks hits! Can't wait for my scan, although I have another next week - Wednesday at 9am just to make sure squiggle is doing alright :)

Welcome Beth and Aimee. Completely overlooked earlier posts so its nice to have you in our group x
Hi all, my dd is just over 2yrs old and now I'm 4w3d expecting number 2. Please add me to the edd list for 28th April if all goes well. Excited to be back here. Congrats to you all too xx

Hi Aimee. My estimated due date is also 28/4. I also have a little one just over 2!
Have felt a bit down the last couple of days. Still getting symptoms though. Possibly I did have a bug which made me feel worse but also we'd had DsS with us for over a week and felt really anxious which magnified things a bit.

We decided to tell DsS on Sunday and in the debate about if he could keep it to himself he asked if i was pregnant again, so I was right, he had noticed me not being quite right etc (he's almost 11).

Still peeing at night, boobs massive at night and alternately starving or off my food entirely. Tired too.
Lander you sound like you are in a similar position to me. Ive been a bit low last few days and have sore boobs, really tired, not sleeping well as peeing 3 times overnight! My appetite has increased too so snacking mid morning and mid afternoon too! Interesting your (11 year old?) noticed...very perceptice! I have a 12 and 10 year old and wondering if theyll guess as not drinking (not that i used to drink loads but they know i like a glass of red wine in the evenings!)

Think the low feeling is extremely common, esp in tri 1. The tierdness doesnt help! Xx
Lander I was the same yesterday and the day before I've felt really down and would just burst into tears.. feeling slightly better today though after a decent nights sleep x
I think the disturbed sleep and subsequent tierdness really impacts on mood. I could fall asleep now im so tierd but have to cook dinner for DS whose starving and on his way back from going to 'starbucks'!! to do his homework with his friends!! Hilarious!
Yes melly I agree.. I'm the worst when it comes to be tired though I just can't function god knows how I'll get by the next few years!!!! Just shove something in the oven and get him to put it out when he's home. I'm off to my mums for tea tonight thank goodness, no standing over the cooker with my bad back and no dishes! X

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