*** April 2018 Mummies ***

Took your advice. He had pizza and he is now having a shower whilst we wait for my DD to get back from her football training! Thankfully she has eaten already so just leaves me to cook my DH and my dinner..... I think pizza again haha! I'll cook something healthy tomorrow.....honest!! Enjoy dinner at your mum's. It must be nice to be able to pop over...my mum lives 4 hours away! X
Hi ladies! It's interesting to see how you are all doing at the moment. It's so nice to be able to compare experiences!

I have been having the craziest dreams every night. I can remember them for awhile after I wake up but by later in the day I've forgotten... but I know they are really out there! Apparently it's a common pregnancy thing?

Also the peeing in the middle of the night.
Ive had the weird dreams that seem to dissappear shortly aftee getting up! I think youre right, it is common!
Least none of you are spotting eh. Driving me mad x
I know hun. I do feel lucky not having any spotting or morn sickness. Are you still spotting or has it chaned at all? When can you go and get yourself scanned again? Do you really have wait 2 weeks or did they say dou could go back if youre worries? X
It's on and off. Mainly morning and evening.
The midwife is coming to the house to do my booking In on Saturday so I shall have a little chat.
They said unless it gets worse then to hold fire for 3 weeks. I'm still having lots of symptoms so everything crossed right now. My bloat is showing through all my clothes too wish it was from eating too much but I've barely finished an evening meal all week x
Hi all finally read all the posts and caught up. Am I ok to join in? I'm due on the 11th April if my dates are correct with baby number 2 😊. It will be nice to have people to talk to who are going through the same journey at the same time. Looking forward to getting to know you all.
Hi rach beattie, welcome and congrats. Weve had a bumper month of bfp's, which is great! Look forward to sharing experiences and tips etc. Im due 9/4 according to LMP but just had early scan that reckons im due 11/4. X
Hi melly that's great u have had an early scan and so exciting. I'm sure they will put me back a week when I have my 12 week scan as they did with my first. It's nice to see others not having many symptoms as I only have very tender breasts atm altho had no morning sickness with dd who will be 6 in October x
Fingers crossed youll get away with it. I didnt have it with DD or DS so really hoping to get away with it this time as some of the ladies on this thread have been feeling really rough with it. X
Hi Rach, congratulations �� And welcome!
Me too fingers crossed so far so good on the ms front! It's nice too see so many of u have your scan dates already so hoping mine will be here in a week or so. I'm hoping September passes quickly to get to the 12 week mark ��

Hi meg thank u and congratulations to you too �� X
Morning ladies hope everyone is good this morning and had a good nights rest. I was up three times for wee but other than that all good x
Morning! Last night was the first night in 2 weeks I didn't get up to wee! Feeling much more refreshed this morning, hope it wasn't a one off!! How's everyone else this morning?

Is anyone else using the sprout app? If not I'd definitely recommend taking a look, it's amazing - it has a 3D image you can rotate and expore of week be week embryo / foetus / baby development. It also points out what's happening each week. I love it - makes it much easier to understand what's going on x
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Thanks for that tip. Will take a look. What was the secret of an unbroken night sleep?? Do tell! Havent sleep through for 3 weeks now! Mainly due to needing to pee and horrible dry mouth! Hopefully will settle at some point X
Hi all I've had a brief read through and will have a further read in due course 👍🏼☺️ But hopefully you'll all be happy to have me join you, I found out 2 days ago that I was pregnant! And 4-5 weeks along, 😮 We've had a long journey with PCOD we had our son in 2014, so felt blessed any way! But trying and getting no where for 2 years was hard, then we gave up, and now we are in complete shock, 🙈 I only tested because I felt so sick all weekend 🙈

Anyhow I've already spoken to a midwife, and she's run through things with my health, I'm
High risk due to being over weight but also due to a brain hemmoraghe I had in December and a further diagnosis of intracranial hypertension, she's already pre warned be there is little to know chance I will be able to labour naturally this time, 🙁 But I've been told I'll see a consultant at 16 weeks to discuss it all, 👍🏼 Is any one else high risk?

Hope your all well and feeling ok x x
Thanks for that tip. Will take a look. What was the secret of an unbroken night sleep?? Do tell! Havent sleep through for 3 weeks now! Mainly due to needing to pee and horrible dry mouth! Hopefully will settle at some point X

I honestly have no idea Melly - maybe something to do with complete exhaustion!! :nap: I did try not to drink too much after about 6pm last night so that might have helped to :)
Congratulations Kerryjo! Amazing news :) I hope it's all going ok for you so far x
Congratulations and welcome Kerryjo! What a bumper month for bfp's! Its great but i feel like im loosing track! Looking forward to sharing experiences x

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