*** April 2018 Mummies ***

Youre not moaning....i cant begin to imagine how dreadful you feel. Ive feel so lucky at the moment not having it. It sounds horrible.i really hope GP can prescribe something to help. Ive definately read on other threads that pills are available to take. Xx
Cossie can you try the travel sickness bands? Peppermint tea and ginger biscuits can help too.

Being busy at work helped keep my mind off my sickness last time but now I'm not working it feels worse than last time.

Not actually being sick, just feeling hungover and having a constantly upset tummy which I'm going to try and see the GP about tomorrow.

Melly - congratulations! I love your pic :) so exciting!!!!

Cossie - sorry to hear you're feeling so awful, I was going to suggest the same as lander and recommend you try the travel bands (I've not used them for ms just travel sickness and they seem to help). I've also been eating loads of marmite on toast and drinking lots of ginger tea. I'm not too sick-y yet, just get waves of nausea... hope you feel better soon

Thanks lander. Bought the day by day pregnancy book from amazon which arrived last night as it has started to feel a bit more real now. X

Is your book any good Melly? I thinking about getting one after our 6 week scan (if all goes ok) to read with my DH. Any recommendations?

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Hi meg, yes im happy with the book. Reviews are good on amazon. Its called the day by day pregnancy book. Its £25 down to £18 at the mo. Has loads of pictures and tells you what to expect at each stage x
GP thinks the upset tummy is bug :roll:

Yet another appointment where they just don't actually understand what I'm telling them and they think I'm just a bit odd.

A such they've got no reason to refer me to EPAU for an early scan so I've just booked the private one for Sunday when I should be 6+2.
GP thinks the upset tummy is bug :roll:

Yet another appointment where they just don't actually understand what I'm telling them and they think I'm just a bit odd.

A such they've got no reason to refer me to EPAU for an early scan so I've just booked the private one for Sunday when I should be 6+2.

I suppose it would be good if it is a bug?? As long as your wee bean is ok. Think youre doing the right thing going for a private scan for what its worth as at least you will hopefully get some reassurance x
I'm glad you're ok otherwise lander and that you have your scan all booked! Shame they wouldn't give you an early scan with the NHS though.

I've started watching call the midwife and so far I've cried at every single episode!!! Bloody hormones!

Unfortunately unless you bleed or anything sinister the nhs won't scan early.
Hi ladies. Not been here for a while. Lb is now just over 2. Got my BFP after just one month of trying at the weekend. Estimated due date 28/4/18 💙💕 We had a surprise last time but decided we will find out. What are you all doing ladies?
Welcome wishing84. Congratulations of your bfp. I think we might find out this time around. Had surprise last twice so might be nice for my DS and DD to know of theyll have a baby brother or sister. X
Thanks Melly. We have decided that this will be the last so I want to experience knowing before they arrive. Plus if it's a boy we can will save lots as kept all little ones clothes x
Anyone experiencing much morning sickness. I am only just over 4 weeks. Not felt anything yet but praying I don't get it as it was bad last time around x
We will be finding out for sure when the time happens
I heave most morning but this morning was more then normal and a lot of bile. Been fine all day though. I also gag when cleaning my teeth now which is not great. Am around the 6 week mark fingers crossed x
Oh I remember the teeth brushing from last time! Hope you feel better soon.
Hi wishing!! Huge congratulations on your BFP! :D my little boy is also just over 2!

We will be finding out as I'm just too impatient!! :lol: we found out with DS and I think it might help him to know whether he is having a brother or a sister so we can try and get him excited!

I'll add you to the front page now lovely! :)

Thank you. Yes hoping my little one understands. He will be nearly 3 when little one arrives (if all goes to plan). Not said anything to him yet as he is a little chatterbox!
Welcome Wishing84!

We haven't decided whether to find out or not. It's our first. I kind of like to idea of a surprise at the end, but I get that it's more practical to know. Not sure if we will be able to resist the temptation to find out!
Hi Muffinski, we didn't find out with first and glad we didn't. It's a long wait but the best surprise ever.
We've told DS but it just doesn't seem to have registered! We tried getting him to tell our parents but instead of saying "I'm going to be a big brother" it came out as "iskhruxnd dhdhejd brother" and my dad heard "I want a chocolate brother" :lol: it's weird as his speech is usually really really good!!!


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