Hopefully time will pass quicky and then when youre back you wont have long till your scan. Its really cold and wet in scotland! But then again, it is august....why should i expect anything else! X
Your scan pic is sooo cute!! So tiny!! I've got my second scan a week on Wednesday and I might try and remember to ask if we can have a picture to take away. I totally forgot to ask last time but I was far too worried something would be wrong that when it turned out ok I was so relieved I couldn't think about anything else!
I'm feeling more sick than I ever have this morning I genuinely forgot how bad morning sickness could get especially considering mine lasts all day! How's everyone else?
Of course I will!! I just need to remember to ask for one!
Thanks me too. Oh god it didn't subside til 24 weeks last time but then saying that it didn't start until at least 8-9weeks so it's definitely hit a 3-4 weeks earlier this time!
Could well be. But I'm hoping since it's no longer twins that I'll avoid the lengthy dose of morning sickness and actually get the decent 2nd trimester everyone talks so fondly of!!!
Up about 3-4 times in the night. DS was up unusually at 3am as well. Gaff to eat some bread and butter after I settled him as tummy was screaming for food.
Still sore all over but less so than the last two days.
I'm back to work in the morning as I had most of last week off! I'm dreading going in as the morning sickness is just getting worse
Also I don't know what's going to happen because the EPAS nurse said that I need to take things easy over the next couple of weeks til my next scan. To me that's not too much exercise no lifting and no stress. I'm on my feet most of the time in my job so I don't really know what I can do!
It wasn't a midwife it was an epas nurse. I should've asked tbh but I was just so happy about my little bean being ok that I just wasn't thinking. I'm hoping that the women at work are understanding and will make certain allowances. Otherwise I might have to get myself signed off sick which I do not want
TBH at the moment I'm just really struggling with the nausea and am not really sure how I'm going to cope at work while feeling like this. I might have to see if there's some anti nausea medication that is suitable for during pregnancy
There are pills you csn take if really bad. Naybe go to GP and ask? Then find out if you can get sick note if the pills dont help? Hope you get sorted xx
That sounds like a good plan Melly, thank you. I'll call Drs in the morning and see if I can get seen in next few days. Our gp has gone really rubbish. It's now almost a 5wk wait for an appointment ever since they built a retirement home right next door I've not got anything against the elderly but I'm sure they go to the Drs just because they're lonely rather than because they're ill
I'm trying but it's really difficult when I feel so sick. I hate moaning too. I know there's a good reason behind it but feeling and being sick is the one thing I can't cope with (typical I should get such bad morning sickness ) gimme a cold or a cough any day of the week!
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