*** April 2018 Mummies ***

Wowzers I had lot to catch up on.
Congratulations to the new ladies.
I am 30 and this will be my 2nd child. Fingers crossed. First for my OH.
So my scan this morning they did a normal and vaginal. Obviously couldn't see much on the normal one buy they did on the vaginal one. I feel a little violated the past few days after that and a speculum haha.
Anyways there is a pregnancy but all they could see is a yolk sack so too early for anything. Puts me at around 5 weeks at the moment. Last period was 7+3 nhs calculator puts me at 6 weeks with a 35-37 day cycle. I have been re booked for 3 weeks x
Did they listen to heart beat? Alrhough not usually possible to hear it till 6 weeks and even then tricky! Glad it went ok. We going to have to get used to the poking and prodding down there again! Can remember it being difficult to start with but it getting easier once its happened a few times!
There was no heartbeat there was no foetus there was the yolk sac which is completely normal for around 5 weeks they kept telling me.
Oh I wasn't fussed by the prodding around but the end of it x
Sounds like it went ok though. Do you feel more reassured now? x
Sounds like it went well then? At least you'll get another when you'll be 8 weeks and see the heartbeat etc then. Did they say what the spotting might of been? X
Hiya i just google early scans and found a couple of private places offering 50% off. Depends on if your local place has any offers on as usually around £100. They do them between 6-11 weeks. You get to hear heartbeat and the check if pg progressing. How many weeks are? Hope you find a good deal locally x

I'm 5 weeks + 4 so I should be able to get one come Thursday onwards 😍
Wow! That was a lot to catch up on! We had a surprise visit from an aunty I haven't seen in over a year so haven't been able to catch up til just now!

First off, congratulations to our new mummies and welcome to April mummies!! I've added you to the front page!

That's good new Loula! I hope you're feeling a bit more reassured now :) :hugs:

Regarding the extra info I am certainly happy to add to the front page! Where you thinking age and what number child this is?

For the front page, i have two kids, a 12 yr old son (well 12 next month) and a 10 yr old daughter and im 42. Thanks for doing this cossie.would have done it but wont allow me to edit! x
It's ok! I'll have a play with what looks best. It might be that I put age and 3rd child but I'll see how much info I can get on there!

Hope you had a nice afternoon with your aunty cossie

For front page I'm 29,second baby already have a 21 month daughter xx
Fab! :) all updated! Anyone else want their details on the front page let me know and I'll update for you :dance:

Thanks for doing that my lovely. Looks good. Cheers cossie x
By the way cossie, has the midwife called you yet to sort out your booking appt and scan?
No worries! :)

Not yet no :| I've sort of decided to call on Thursday as it will have been a week since I last called. I think that's fair! I don't think it's too much to ask to get my booking appointment done for before we go on holiday on the 8th Sept and then have our 12wk scan when we come back!


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