I had that pain by my left ovary last week. Quite a sharpish pain not a cramp. But like ovulation pain. It went after a few hours and not had it since. How long have you had it for? It sounds like it would have been around a similar time to when i had it. Im 6 weeks today so around 5 weeks x
I've had it about 5 days now so from as soon as I was 4 weeks. The thing thats worrying me is I had it with the pregnancy in June,they actually sent me to hospital to be scanned cos they thought was ectopic but it wasn't. Then even when I lost it the pain stayed for the full month until AF came in July and I lost a lot of clots and the pain went so I assumed it was just something left over from the month before and it had sorted itself out but now its back I'm half worried its something not right with the pregnancy and half worried its something not pregnancy related I should of got checked out. I'm just not sure if its ordinary early preg pains or not. I keep hoping it eases off but it never does x
Given your history i would say you are very justified going to get yourself checked out esp if pain similar to the one in June. Its probably nothing other than early pg symptoms but wirth putting your mind at rest as increased anxiety cant help hun xx
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