*** April 2018 Mummies ***

I had that pain by my left ovary last week. Quite a sharpish pain not a cramp. But like ovulation pain. It went after a few hours and not had it since. How long have you had it for? It sounds like it would have been around a similar time to when i had it. Im 6 weeks today so around 5 weeks x

I've had it about 5 days now so from as soon as I was 4 weeks. The thing thats worrying me is I had it with the pregnancy in June,they actually sent me to hospital to be scanned cos they thought was ectopic but it wasn't. Then even when I lost it the pain stayed for the full month until AF came in July and I lost a lot of clots and the pain went so I assumed it was just something left over from the month before and it had sorted itself out but now its back I'm half worried its something not right with the pregnancy and half worried its something not pregnancy related I should of got checked out. I'm just not sure if its ordinary early preg pains or not. I keep hoping it eases off but it never does x

Given your history i would say you are very justified going to get yourself checked out esp if pain similar to the one in June. Its probably nothing other than early pg symptoms but wirth putting your mind at rest as increased anxiety cant help hun xx
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I had that pain by my left ovary last week. Quite a sharpish pain not a cramp. But like ovulation pain. It went after a few hours and not had it since. How long have you had it for? It sounds like it would have been around a similar time to when i had it. Im 6 weeks today so around 5 weeks x

I've had it about 5 days now so from as soon as I was 4 weeks. The thing thats worrying me is I had it with the pregnancy in June,they actually sent me to hospital to be scanned cos they thought was ectopic but it wasn't. Then even when I lost it the pain stayed for the full month until AF came in July and I lost a lot of clots and the pain went so I assumed it was just something left over from the month before and it had sorted itself out but now its back I'm half worried its something not right with the pregnancy and half worried its something not pregnancy related I should of got checked out. I'm just not sure if its ordinary early preg pains or not. I keep hoping it eases off but it never does x

Given your history i would say you are very justified going to get yourself checked out esp if pain similar to the one in June. Its probably nothing other than early pg symptoms but wirth putting your mind at rest as increased anxiety cant help hun xx

Yeah I think I'll only obsess over it if I dont get checked, will see what midwife says if she rings if not might go to doctors. Mine are rubbish you have to ring at 8am to get an appointment so will have to wait til tomorrow.

Such a horrid day here today,gunna stuck inside all day by the look of it. Hate it when it rains all day,makes it so much harder to keep DD out of trouble lol xx
Eeek just popped over to the TTC thread and it looks like we could have an additional 2 mummies joining us!! :D

Hello!! I found the thread!

Nice to meet you all. I should be due approx 23rd April (it's my first). Am v nervous and won't really believe it's happening until we get to about November I think! (I had a MC at 10 weeks back in April).

Anyhow lovely to meet you all, I look forward to chatting more very soon!

Hi muffin,massive congratulations!!! So sorry to hear about your loss that must of been such a horrid time. Sending lots of sticky baby dust your way that this is your rainbow. I'm nervous too after we lost one at 4+3 in June,its so hard not to be anxious isn't it. I just keep testing! Xx

Thanks Mrs Cookie! I called the EPU of the hospital where I had the D&C last time, as they had offered to give me an early scan for any future pregnancies. I'm booked in for a couple of weeks time. It will be nice to get the reassurance...

Meg, it has not sunk in at all for me yet!! How about you? X
I had that pain by my left ovary last week. Quite a sharpish pain not a cramp. But like ovulation pain. It went after a few hours and not had it since. How long have you had it for? It sounds like it would have been around a similar time to when i had it. Im 6 weeks today so around 5 weeks x

I've had it about 5 days now so from as soon as I was 4 weeks. The thing thats worrying me is I had it with the pregnancy in June,they actually sent me to hospital to be scanned cos they thought was ectopic but it wasn't. Then even when I lost it the pain stayed for the full month until AF came in July and I lost a lot of clots and the pain went so I assumed it was just something left over from the month before and it had sorted itself out but now its back I'm half worried its something not right with the pregnancy and half worried its something not pregnancy related I should of got checked out. I'm just not sure if its ordinary early preg pains or not. I keep hoping it eases off but it never does x

Given your history i would say you are very justified going to get yourself checked out esp if pain similar to the one in June. Its probably nothing other than early pg symptoms but wirth putting your mind at rest as increased anxiety cant help hun xx

Yeah I think I'll only obsess over it if I dont get checked, will see what midwife says if she rings if not might go to doctors. Mine are rubbish you have to ring at 8am to get an appointment so will have to wait til tomorrow.

Such a horrid day here today,gunna stuck inside all day by the look of it. Hate it when it rains all day,makes it so much harder to keep DD out of trouble lol xx

Its dreadful here too. Out shopping for my son's sports trainers as they start back at school tom up here! DD all sorted so hopefully DS is now too! Hopefully midwife will ring you. Can you not rinf and ask for an emergency appt? I always have to say its urgent otherwise i would never get an appt. Surely they have standby appts for urgent cases? Fingers crossed you get some reassurance today x
It's really rainy here to! Hoping it'll brighten up for an after work walk or something!!

Muffinski - not sunk in at all. Keep having to double check the test! Have found out I need a 6 week scan, so booked in for that in a couple of weeks, which I'm sure will make it all feel a lot more real! :)
I had that pain by my left ovary last week. Quite a sharpish pain not a cramp. But like ovulation pain. It went after a few hours and not had it since. How long have you had it for? It sounds like it would have been around a similar time to when i had it. Im 6 weeks today so around 5 weeks x

I've had it about 5 days now so from as soon as I was 4 weeks. The thing thats worrying me is I had it with the pregnancy in June,they actually sent me to hospital to be scanned cos they thought was ectopic but it wasn't. Then even when I lost it the pain stayed for the full month until AF came in July and I lost a lot of clots and the pain went so I assumed it was just something left over from the month before and it had sorted itself out but now its back I'm half worried its something not right with the pregnancy and half worried its something not pregnancy related I should of got checked out. I'm just not sure if its ordinary early preg pains or not. I keep hoping it eases off but it never does x

Given your history i would say you are very justified going to get yourself checked out esp if pain similar to the one in June. Its probably nothing other than early pg symptoms but wirth putting your mind at rest as increased anxiety cant help hun xx

Yeah I think I'll only obsess over it if I dont get checked, will see what midwife says if she rings if not might go to doctors. Mine are rubbish you have to ring at 8am to get an appointment so will have to wait til tomorrow.

Such a horrid day here today,gunna stuck inside all day by the look of it. Hate it when it rains all day,makes it so much harder to keep DD out of trouble lol xx

Its dreadful here too. Out shopping for my son's sports trainers as they start back at school tom up here! DD all sorted so hopefully DS is now too! Hopefully midwife will ring you. Can you not rinf and ask for an emergency appt? I always have to say its urgent otherwise i would never get an appt. Surely they have standby appts for urgent cases? Fingers crossed you get some reassurance today x

Ah are you in Scotland too? I'm looking forward to kids going back so the toddler groups are back on! I could probably get an emergency app but I dont really feel its an emergency yet,if the pain gets worse I'll ring but will wait for midwife for now and see if she calls this afternoon. Just put DD for her nap so might have a little snooze myself! Was just thinking does everyone in the group already have kids? Haven't noticed any first timers lol x
Yep sunny scotland!! At my doctors you need to say its urgent (even when no) otherwise they send you packing!
Aww thats rubbish,mine are usually pretty good as long as you ring bang on 8am.

I'm in the borders so only just Scotland but still counts haha. Is it sad I'm mega excited for the baby box? I'm totally guna use it for naps downstairs,I think its a fab idea! Xx
It's my first Mrs Cookie. I think there's at least one other who is having their first but now I'm not sure who. Need those stats! ��
It's my first Mrs Cookie. I think there's at least one other who is having their first but now I'm not sure who. Need those stats! ��

Aww lovely muffin!! How you feeling about it all? We def need a stock take of everyone's stats lol x
It's my first Mrs Cookie. I think there's at least one other who is having their first but now I'm not sure who. Need those stats! ��

Aww lovely muffin!! How you feeling about it all? We def need a stock take of everyone's stats lol x

I think it's Meg's first too.

To be honest it totally hasn't sunk in, I have no idea what I'm in for... I have no experience whatsoever with babies or any idea what to do. I know it will hugely change our lives but am clueless about what to expect... I guess I'm just feeling a little overwhelmed! Any insights from you ladies who already have one child?? Also we live overseas from all our family so we won't have any support on call as such...
Aww thats rubbish,mine are usually pretty good as long as you ring bang on 8am.

I'm in the borders so only just Scotland but still counts haha. Is it sad I'm mega excited for the baby box? I'm totally guna use it for naps downstairs,I think its a fab idea! Xx

No im excited for baby box too. Think you get it aftwr 20wk scan!
Ive got a 12 and 10 yr old so bit of an age gap! It still hasnt really sunk in for me either! Paying for early scan as half price at £50 so thought it would be worth it....its this Saturday....eeek! Hoping it will help to feel more real!
It's my first Mrs Cookie. I think there's at least one other who is having their first but now I'm not sure who. Need those stats! ��

Aww lovely muffin!! How you feeling about it all? We def need a stock take of everyone's stats lol x

I think it's Meg's first too.

To be honest it totally hasn't sunk in, I have no idea what I'm in for... I have no experience whatsoever with babies or any idea what to do. I know it will hugely change our lives but am clueless about what to expect... I guess I'm just feeling a little overwhelmed! Any insights from you ladies who already have one child?? Also we live overseas from all our family so we won't have any support on call as such...

Aww totally normal to feel that way hunny but believe me when I say you'll be fine!! I was exactly the same,never held a baby before Izzy was passed to me on the delivery table!! I was one of those people who would of said they didnt like kids before we had her lol. I was the least maternal person you could of met and everyone said you'll change but I used to think I can't see it.. Honestly you just do have instincts and get on with it. Its a learning curve but you soon adapt and before you know it youre changing napoies with your eyes closed and can tell the difference between a hunger cry and overtired cry within seconds. Its hard work at the start and I did have the odd day where I was ready to put her on ebay but its so so worth it,your heart just feels like its guna burst xx
Ive got a 12 and 10 yr old so bit of an age gap! It still hasnt really sunk in for me either! Paying for early scan as half price at £50 so thought it would be worth it....its this Saturday....eeek! Hoping it will help to feel more real!

Ahhhh Saturday is so close!!! I'm so jealous lol,can't wait to see a wee pic! Been thinking of loula,hope she's got on OK xx
It's my first Mrs Cookie. I think there's at least one other who is having their first but now I'm not sure who. Need those stats! ��

Aww lovely muffin!! How you feeling about it all? We def need a stock take of everyone's stats lol x

I think it's Meg's first too.

To be honest it totally hasn't sunk in, I have no idea what I'm in for... I have no experience whatsoever with babies or any idea what to do. I know it will hugely change our lives but am clueless about what to expect... I guess I'm just feeling a little overwhelmed! Any insights from you ladies who already have one child?? Also we live overseas from all our family so we won't have any support on call as such...

Aww totally normal to feel that way hunny but believe me when I say you'll be fine!! I was exactly the same,never held a baby before Izzy was passed to me on the delivery table!! I was one of those people who would of said they didnt like kids before we had her lol. I was the least maternal person you could of met and everyone said you'll change but I used to think I can't see it.. Honestly you just do have instincts and get on with it. Its a learning curve but you soon adapt and before you know it youre changing napoies with your eyes closed and can tell the difference between a hunger cry and overtired cry within seconds. Its hard work at the start and I did have the odd day where I was ready to put her on ebay but its so so worth it,your heart just feels like its guna burst xx

Haha Mrs Cookie, you're awesome!!! Exactly what I needed to hear!

I 2nd that Mrscookie! You do suddenly just know what youre doing! And the overwhelming ferling of love is amazing. Its truly wonderful.....but definately hard work! But cant be too difficult otherwise we wouldnt go onto have a 2nd or a 3rd in my case :lol:
Ive got a 12 and 10 yr old so bit of an age gap! It still hasnt really sunk in for me either! Paying for early scan as half price at £50 so thought it would be worth it....its this Saturday....eeek! Hoping it will help to feel more real!

Hi there. How do you get an early scan? I would love to do this!
Hiya i just google early scans and found a couple of private places offering 50% off. Depends on if your local place has any offers on as usually around £100. They do them between 6-11 weeks. You get to hear heartbeat and the check if pg progressing. How many weeks are? Hope you find a good deal locally x
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