*** April 2018 Mummies ***

Welcome Meg and congratulations! Our little group is expanding nicely....its fab!
I was wondering how old you all are? I'm 36 xx

Lander, I'm 36 too!

I was thinking it might be an idea to add some "stats" to the first page in addition to the due dates? E.g. Age, what number baby, etc? What do you guys think? X

Happy to do that. Its hard to keep all of the info on mind so think it would be helpful....esp with my baby brain! Will update mine now x
Unfortunately, we cant edit it, it has to be cossie as she kindly produced the EDD page. Are you happy to do this cossie. Even if we use quote, the reply will be in current messages rather than page one which will make it difficult to find.
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Looks like another mum to be is about to join us from other thread.....yipee!
Looks like another mum yo be is about to join us from other thread...this is great! even more important to keep a record of stats! Wonder how many mummies this will take us too one fully updated.x
I cannot wait for this scan tomorrow. I hate the limbo part. If have been fine if it wasn't for this discharge/blood.
Feeling so anxious I just want to keep checking myself. Work really isn't taking my mind off it at all. Sorry for the negativity x

Dont apologize loula wed all be the same. Thinking of you today,hope it all goes well xx
Couldn't resist poas! Had one cheapie one left so I thought why not, this was done at 5.30pm so really happy with the lines.

View attachment 73015

Fab line melly,mine yesterday was nice and solid. Really Happy with how its progressing its so reassuring xx


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Eeek just popped over to the TTC thread and it looks like we could have an additional 2 mummies joining us!! :D

Hello!! I found the thread!

Nice to meet you all. I should be due approx 23rd April (it's my first). Am v nervous and won't really believe it's happening until we get to about November I think! (I had a MC at 10 weeks back in April).

Anyhow lovely to meet you all, I look forward to chatting more very soon!

Hi muffin,massive congratulations!!! So sorry to hear about your loss that must of been such a horrid time. Sending lots of sticky baby dust your way that this is your rainbow. I'm nervous too after we lost one at 4+3 in June,its so hard not to be anxious isn't it. I just keep testing! Xx
so as i got my bfp yesterday (confirmed today), i thought i'd take the plunge and start a thread for mummies due in april 2018! This will be baby #2 and i am genuinely more scared about this one than i was with ds! How is everyone else feeling?

Let me know your guesstimated due date and i can add you in and update the list as people have their scans and get given their edd :)

5/4 - jenbob
6/8 - jward
8/4 - loula
9/4 - cossie13, melly41
19/4 - lander, mrs_cookie
23/4 - muffinski

edd - 12/04/18

Congratulations!! So nice to see more April mummies! Xx
Welcome muffinski. Lovely to have another mummy to be join us. I can understand why your anxious....believe me, over last couple of weeks we have all had the wobbles. The support has been great though. Look forward to hearing more from you x

Thanks Melly!

I know this is early days to be asking this, but: are you ladies planning on finding out the gender of your babies, or having a surprise?

Were finding out the gender for definite! We didnt with DD but we have kept all her clothes,they're all vac packed under our bed so will find out and then know whether to get them out and wash etc or if its a boy will know to sell them and buy some boys ones. I just feel I need to be more organized this time lol xx
Hi ladies,

I got my BFP today. I actually can't believe it! According to my app my due date should be April 20th.

Can't wait to get to know you all over the next 9 months!

Ooo congrats nemi!! Due the day after me! So many more bfps,can't wait to get to know everyone xx
Right think I'm all caught up haha.

Glad the cramps have eased off cossie, I have the constant dull ache on my right side which is concerning me but trying to relax for now.

Congrats and welcome meg! Exciting to see there could be even more mummies joining us. Looks like were guna have a fab group for April mummies!!

I'm 29, hitting the big 30 in september.

I'm hoping the midwife rings me back today to arrange my booking appointment,might mention this pain if she does. Does anyone else have anything similar? Its not like cramps its more of a slight burning sensation on one side near where ovaries would be. Its pretty much constant there but worse when i need the loo xx
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Hi can I join?? Got 2 faint positives yesterday morning and this morning! Should be due around 26th April which is 2 days before my 7 year anniversary! Really really anxious after suffering a loss in February ...doctors this morning! Xx
I had that pain by my left ovary last week. Quite a sharpish pain not a cramp. But like ovulation pain. It went after a few hours and not had it since. How long have you had it for? It sounds like it would have been around a similar time to when i had it. Im 6 weeks today so around 5 weeks x
Hi can I join?? Got 2 faint positives yesterday morning and this morning! Should be due around 26th April which is 2 days before my 7 year anniversary! Really really anxious after suffering a loss in February ...doctors this morning! Xx

Lovely to see you hear Becky. Hope the doctors goes well. Its an anxious few weeks for us all, esp if youve had a previous loss. Look forward to hearing more from you x
I had that pain by my left ovary last week. Quite a sharpish pain not a cramp. But like ovulation pain. It went after a few hours and not had it since. How long have you had it for? It sounds like it would have been around a similar time to when i had it. Im 6 weeks today so around 5 weeks x

I've had it about 5 days now so from as soon as I was 4 weeks. The thing thats worrying me is I had it with the pregnancy in June,they actually sent me to hospital to be scanned cos they thought was ectopic but it wasn't. Then even when I lost it the pain stayed for the full month until AF came in July and I lost a lot of clots and the pain went so I assumed it was just something left over from the month before and it had sorted itself out but now its back I'm half worried its something not right with the pregnancy and half worried its something not pregnancy related I should of got checked out. I'm just not sure if its ordinary early preg pains or not. I keep hoping it eases off but it never does x
Hi can I join?? Got 2 faint positives yesterday morning and this morning! Should be due around 26th April which is 2 days before my 7 year anniversary! Really really anxious after suffering a loss in February ...doctors this morning! Xx

Congrats and welcome Becky!! X

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