*****April 2016 mummies*****

Hope1992 - I had a similar dilemma with my last pregnancy. In the end I told the midwife although I know my LMP date I know it will make my EDD way out because the day I ovulated was no way near 14 days after (it was 29!) so she went by that date instead and when I went for every scan the due date ended up being exactly what I said / thought so just explain that and stick to whatever you think is right in terms of dates - so I would defo go with 6+3 :) xx

Holi - hope everything is ok, I am sure it will be :) but also know how small things can make you very anxious xx
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Millielaura - I wouldn't worry if your boobs don't feel sore. Mine are the same they don't feel sore or sensitive at all. But every pregnancy is different I guess. Plus never complain about a growth spurt ;) haha. But wow am I getting bad stomach cramps sometimes followed by an upset tummy (sorry tmi!!) xx
Glad it's not just me who doesn't have sore boobs then :)

Me too!! Last night I had an upset tummy and bad cramps. Lol cramps make me so nervous.

Does anyone else feel AFish??

Got my second lot of bloods in the morn so nervous xxxx
Millielaura - I wouldn't worry if your boobs don't feel sore. Mine are the same they don't feel sore or sensitive at all. But every pregnancy is different I guess. Plus never complain about a growth spurt ;) haha. But wow am I getting bad stomach cramps sometimes followed by an upset tummy (sorry tmi!!) xx
Glad it's not just me who doesn't have sore boobs then :)

Me too!! Last night I had an upset tummy and bad cramps. Lol cramps make me so nervous.

Does anyone else feel AFish??

Got my second lot of bloods in the morn so nervous xxxx

I'm almost 7 weeks and still feeling AFish from time to time, suffering from an upset belly and cramps too. Very unnerving isn't it?! But I've been reassured is perfectly normal :) xx
Hi ladies!
Just got our BFP last Thursday! So overwhelmed and ecstatic! :dance:
If i go off lmp EDD is 08/04/16, but i tracked my ovulation and because my cycles are so short I got a static smiley on CB opk at CD5/6. If I went off ovulation EDD would be 02/04/16. If i go off lmp it would take conception to approx July 17th but I swear i already felt i knew i was by then as we were on holiday and I was forever taking tests! First BFP was 2 weeks past what ovia estimated as AF.
Dont suppose anyone has any advice on this?
So confused as to whether I'm 5+4 or approx 6+3??:wall2:
So confusing! Secretly hoping its 6+3 as that would take EDD to my Mum's birthday!
Hope everyone's doing well and enjoying early preg!

Hey, congrats firstly :D
I'd defo request a dating scan, gives you an excuse to see little bean too!! :P
Which date would you like to be down as? Id go by lmp EDD but can always change it later on if you get dated :) xx
I'm not cramping anymore but have had some nasty ligament pain already!

Don't feel af-ish but then I didn't feel af-ish before witchy would fly in anyway! :-)

Hi guys I Have had my positive this morning (actually 3 of them)
Very early days for me but edd 19/04/16
Eeeek exciting times ahead xx
Mummy to a beautiful 3year old boy
Thanks for the advice ladies! Definitely feel like it's the earlier date as I'm so sickly/ crampy and have been for a while! Just think maybe I am only 5 weeks as I only got my first bfp last thursday after testing almost every day!
CB digi is saying 2-3 weeks though so still not sure.
Have my first midwife appt on Monday so will mention it to her then.
Our first baby so feeling nervous about everything! Told our families tonight as we're very close!
Absolutely hating the cramps so far- finding them so painful! And agree with the sore boobs comments- hate even wearing bras! :wall2:
Not too bothered though as long as we're okay- just so happy to be getting our baby!
Hope everyones symptoms aren't too bad.
Lots of love xxxxxx :kiss:
Hello! I have just found out I'm pregnant with baby number 2!!! Estimated due date is 21st April. I loved using this forum when I was pregnant with my daughter so I'm so happy to be back again! xxx
Hi and welcome!!! ��

So last pregnancy I went through a phase of having a really spotty back. I was horrified but luckily it only last a handful of weeks.
Now at 7 weeks tomorrow and today my face has decided to have a mini breakout. I barely ever get spots so this is awful. I hope it doesn't last very long.

Pap xXx
Hi and welcome!!! í*½í¸Š

So last pregnancy I went through a phase of having a really spotty back. I was horrified but luckily it only last a handful of weeks.
Now at 7 weeks tomorrow and today my face has decided to have a mini breakout. I barely ever get spots so this is awful. I hope it doesn't last very long.

Pap xXx

I've had spots since I came off the pill so I feel very un-glam at the moment!! It all have honesty I feel like utter crap! Very tired and just feel like time is standing still!! Just want to have a scan and know everything's ok!! X
I have had a break out too lol!! Urgh!
I'm very headachy and tired and only just turning 4 weeks!! Xx
I've had headaches too which is something I rarely ever get. Drinking loads of fluids but it just won't shift.

I came in from work tonight and had a hour and a half snooze I was that exhausted. Woke up, had some water, a shower and have laid in bed since watching tv. Very productive evening lol

PP xXx
I usually get headaches for a few days before AF so it's definitely making me more paranoid lol! They are particularly bad atm though. Been havin water and heat lotion on my temples but I just don't feel like doing anything!!
Lol sounds more productive than me. I work from home and am so glad as I don't know how I would leave the house (need to tomorrow though) so sickly and headachy and tired alreadyy. I'm still only just 13dpo can't believe it lol!!

I'm usually absolutely awful with spots!! Not 'acne awful' but my complexion is NEVER clear and I have such a hard time dealing with it (however I'm an awful ocd picker!)

However, for the last 4 weeks all I've tried to drink is bottled water! (With a few hiccups whilst staying with parents and having a couple of cans of coke for easiness). Also been using simple spot facial wash, and also been going without makeup *shock shock horror!* infact yesterday, was the first time since I was about 10 that I've stepped outside in public without a speck of makeup on me!!

I tell you what, after struggling with my skin since I was about 9, I think this is possibly the clearest my skin has ever been.

So I'm not sure if it's the water, face wash, no makeup or pregnancy. Or a mix of everything?!

I don't remember my skin being affected last pregnancy, possibly got worse very slightly but not enough for it to stick in my memory. I do remember hoping it would clear up and being disappointed that it didn't though.

Ladies, if you didn't before, I suggest WATER WATER WATER! Although, the urge to wee all the time isn't amazing :') xx
My skin used to be quite bad but when I fell pregnant with my first my skin cleared right up and havn't had a spot since! I am still on maternity leave with my first (will be an akward conversation when I return to work haha!) but I am hoping my skin continues to stay clear now I am pregnant again :) will only have to return to work for 6 months before going off again (yay!) although working from home sounds much more appealing MillieLaura!! Xx
When is everyone telling people?

We're thinking of telling our close family (parents and siblings) this weekend. Mainly due to it being my Dad's birthday on Sunday and he's had a bit of a rough few months so I thought it would be a nice surprise for him.
I've bought a tshirt for my daughter and plan on her wearing it when we visit and see how long it takes for them to notice it says "this princess is going to be a big sister"

I don't plan on telling others until 12 weeks so still have a while to go yet.

What's everyone else's plan?

PP xXx
MummyandPJ- I usually try drink water but haven't been feeling good this week and not been drinking as much so maybe that's why! Lol. Been making sure to keep into my skin care routine ans also found propolis creme and also tea tree helps a lot :). Hopefully they will be going down soon
JaiandLeigh- that's good you don't havr to be back for long :) how long will you have off on maternity?

PP- that sounds sucha cute way of telling fam and will be lovely for your dad :D. We aren't telling anyone till the 8 week scan and then we are telling family, friends then fb announcing it. Bit risky but then I've lost at 14 weeks before so feel anytime is risky and I'd rather not have to hide it if something did happen. Plus I'm soo sick already lol! People are gonna notice haha xxxx

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