*****April 2016 mummies*****

I'm the same! Sometimes j can't stop think about it then other times I completely forgot! Plus my symptoms have subsided slightly which makes it harder to feel real!

I'm really looking forward to my first scan :-) it'll be like Xmas day!! X
Yeah I'm feeling pretty much normal if I'm honest.

I can't wait for scan day either!!


It's so exciting!!


I'm 5 weeks today! Times moving so slowly!! Xx
6 weeks today!

Can't believe that this time 3 weeks ago I found out I was pregnant!!

It all feels so surreal!

Hey ladies :)

Can I join this thread please?

I have no idea what my due date is yet as I haven't had a period since my daughter (who's 8 months old) was born as I have been breastfeeding. We were hoping to have two close together in age but didn't anticipate it would happen this quickly and thought it would be more likely when I stopped breastfeeding and got my periods back so I have only been using HPT's every couple of months or so since she was born to check. I think my due date will be around 8th April but will have an early scan and find out - can you put me on as the 8th for now so at least I am one there then if it changes will let you know :)

Congratulations everyone, look forward to getting to know you ladies better xx
Aaaargh Millie!!!

I am so bloody happy to see you in here!!


I have my everything crossed that this is your sticky!!

Millielaura I remember you from when I was on here last year. Fingers crossed everything goes well for you xx

I am really anxious about this pregnany, I had an awful pregnancy with my daughter. Sick 20+ times a day from 6 weeks until past 20 weeks :( don't think I ate one full meal in that time. Praying this time won't be as bad!!
Aww thank you JaiandLeigh :) I remember you as well :)

Omg tell me about it lol I'm getting affected by sickness badly already and less than 4 weeks lol. Hope you'll be okay this time :)

Has anyone else not got sore boobs? Getting nervous that mine aren't that sore lol. They have had a growth spurt though haha xx
my boobs are so sore
walking down the stairs makes them hurt or leaning on them!
and they have gone bigger already!
Hi ladies!
Just got our BFP last Thursday! So overwhelmed and ecstatic! :dance:
If i go off lmp EDD is 08/04/16, but i tracked my ovulation and because my cycles are so short I got a static smiley on CB opk at CD5/6. If I went off ovulation EDD would be 02/04/16. If i go off lmp it would take conception to approx July 17th but I swear i already felt i knew i was by then as we were on holiday and I was forever taking tests! First BFP was 2 weeks past what ovia estimated as AF.
Dont suppose anyone has any advice on this?
So confused as to whether I'm 5+4 or approx 6+3??:wall2:
So confusing! Secretly hoping its 6+3 as that would take EDD to my Mum's birthday!
Hope everyone's doing well and enjoying early preg!
congratulations hun!

You'll stress over due date then when you get your dating scan it will totally knock it all to pot!

I have estimated due dates to be both the 1st April and also the 4th April. However I went for an early scan last Friday at what would have been exactly 6 weeks and I was told I was measuring 4+2 which I find impossible. Back next Friday when I should be at 8 weeks to see if there is any progress. Hopefully they'll have a better idea then.

PP xXx
Little bit of brown spotting today so feeling a bit down - I had it with my first and it was fine but still not what you want to see! Hopefully it'll disappear soon xx
Millielaura - I wouldn't worry if your boobs don't feel sore. Mine are the same they don't feel sore or sensitive at all. But every pregnancy is different I guess. Plus never complain about a growth spurt ;) haha. But wow am I getting bad stomach cramps sometimes followed by an upset tummy (sorry tmi!!) xx
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