*****April 2016 mummies*****

im joining in too if that is ok?
due 6th April 2014 according to doc i saw this morning !
So is anyone starting to show yet?

I seem to have started to show out of nowhere. I’m a slim size 8 and always trained and exercised so my stomach is quite flat. We’ve not long been back from our holidays too (where little jnr was conceived) so I’ve spent a lot of time lately in a bikini.
I was leisurely taking a shower last night and noticed I have a little bump forming already. In disbelief I googled this to see if I was just seeing things and maybe ate a bit too much and apparently it’s quite common to show a lot earlier in subsequent pregnancies due to muscles having already being stretched previously.
Husband was at work so I took a little photo and sent it to him just to see if he could see it too and I wasn’t just bloated and he agrees.
How we are going to keep this secret until 12 weeks is going to be fun when I’m only just 6 weeks tomorrow! Lol

PP xXx
I got my BFP yesterday and I think I'm due 13 April :)
thanks! i still can't believe it to be honest!!
So is anyone starting to show yet?

I seem to have started to show out of nowhere. I’m a slim size 8 and always trained and exercised so my stomach is quite flat. We’ve not long been back from our holidays too (where little jnr was conceived) so I’ve spent a lot of time lately in a bikini.
I was leisurely taking a shower last night and noticed I have a little bump forming already. In disbelief I googled this to see if I was just seeing things and maybe ate a bit too much and apparently it’s quite common to show a lot earlier in subsequent pregnancies due to muscles having already being stretched previously.
Husband was at work so I took a little photo and sent it to him just to see if he could see it too and I wasn’t just bloated and he agrees.
How we are going to keep this secret until 12 weeks is going to be fun when I’m only just 6 weeks tomorrow! Lol

PP xXx

Wow :D
Same sort of situ as me, but bumpage for me yet, mind last baby I had to wait until I was about 30 odd weeks before strangers could see I was pregnant!

Just praying little bean stays put, if it does, then revealing around 12 weeks to parents and brothers and sisters. Think I want to keep it quiet this time round with no fb announcement. Just a birth announcement if and when the time comes :)

I fall 16 weeks on my birthday, so hoping we get a chance for a gender scan that day.

Stick little bean, stick! xxx
Hi ladies.. some of you must be over the 6 wk mark now.. how are you feeling? Im a few days off yet but other than having a couple of iffy tummy days and going for naps I feel no major pregnancy symptoms! Are any of you still testing? I haven't done since last Sat... xx
I'm poas every couple of days!!

I've got a digi left for Sunday when I'll be 5+6 and hoping to see the magical 3+.

Other than that I've just got a handful of cheapies. They are lovely and dark now :-)

I saw gp on Wednesday who has referred me to the mws, so just waiting to hear from them for date for booking in and scan.

I've got very few symptoms and feeling pretty much normal which is nice.

Thanks Emily.. I just don't know what to expect with it being my first pregnancy if I should be feeling anything! My reassurance scan is on Mon 24th roughly 8 wks pregnant as im still under the ivf clinic and will be discharged to the midwives if all is well at the scan :) xx
I'm 6wks today. I've done nothing but eat and sleep :) LOL

I've been wanting to POAS all week but I've stopped myself because I'm so scared it could be negative. I spent most of last weekend with sharp pains down one side and after speaking to MW on Monday I'm booked in to the EPU at 12 today for a scan just to check everything is as it should be. I'm shitting a brick and drinking loads to have a full bladder so I can make sure I have the best possible scan and see something there.

Fingers crossed for me ladies. I'm leaving work in 10/15 minutes and have so many butterflies it's unreal

PP xXx
Everything ok and progressing fine however the sonographer said I was 4+2 weeks which I find odd. Anyways, I have to go back in two weeks for another scan just to check and be on the safe side but all is good and I'm definitely pregnant !!! Lol

PP xXx
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Glad all was ok PP!

I have had extremely tender nipples (for about a week before i found out) and constipation (tmi sorry).

i have needed to pee heaps but don't know if that is because i am drinking heaps of water or because of being pregnant hehe.

i am seeing my GP on Tuesday. I am hoping i can get an early scan as my progesterone blood test (before i found out i was pregnant) was 124.5!!!!!!!! i was on clomid so it may be that but is it possible it could be twins???? eeeek.

So after a horrible af dream last night I caved and poas with my last digi..... two weeks ago today I got bfp and digi was Pregnant 1-2 and now its Pregnant 3+ !!!!!!! Phewww.

Fingerscrossed it could be twins Kayla.... I also had two snowbabies transfered for ivf so there's a chance they both stuck around ;) xx
I'm hoping I've only got one in there!

I got my 3+ on my digi today!

Woo hoo!!

6 weeks tomorrow :-)

Hopefully next week I'll get my letter from the midwives with the dates for my booking in appointment and scan date.

Who still has trouble it sinking in?

It sunk in pretty fast when I was pregnant with my daughter as she was a surprise pregnancy whilst on the pill and a serious of chest infections. We've been trying shortly after she was born for number 2 but it's taken just short of 4 years and I quite honestly think I have my head in the clouds and this isn't actually happening. Despite having a scan and confirming I am indeed pregnant I just feel like this isn't happening. Or maybe I'm not getting myself too excited in case anything happens maybe. I don't know but I'm not feeling like this is actually happening. Anyone else feel the same?

PP xXx
It doesn't feel real at all!!

I keep forgetting I'm pregnant!

I think it will take a while to sink in.


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