*****April 2016 mummies*****

Are any of you lovely ladies having any symptoms. This time I seem to have nothing apart from feeling tired. I know it is still early days.

Not a sniff of a symptom!

I keep forgetting I'm pregnant half the time!!!

This might be TMI but last week I had the most horrendous toilet problems.... :( Something which I never ever have.
This week I've started getting very mild tummy cramps like AF was due (but obviously isn't! :) ) and last night I was in bed as the cramps starting getting worse to the point I got a sharp shooting pain down one side of my tummy as I got up to see to DD. I had this in my first pregnancy and was very worried but midwife assured me it was ok and just the uterus stretching :( I did have a scan at 7 weeks to confirm I wasn't having an ectopic pregnancy. I think I'll bring it up with midwife when I first see her to be checked out though. I'd be devastated if something happened and I didn't get checked first.


p.s 5 weeks today only 35 to go :)
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Only symptoms I've got are dizzy spells and needing to pee a lot! I'm trying to drink more water though so that might be part of it! No food aversions, in fact eating everything in sight! :-)
Hello! Can I join?
Just found out we are expecting bubba number 2!!! Due April 7th :) xx
Good morning April mummies!

Ive been watching from the side lines ever since I got my first bfp a week ago but wanted to wait til official testing day from the clinic before joining :) I have a frozen ivf pregnancy so going by approximates perhaps im looking at the 4th for this bubba or two! My first ever time in tri 1, hope my body's kind to me ;) X
Good morning April mummies!

Ive been watching from the side lines ever since I got my first bfp a week ago but wanted to wait til official testing day from the clinic before joining :) I have a frozen ivf pregnancy so going by approximates perhaps im looking at the 4th for this bubba or two! My first ever time in tri 1, hope my body's kind to me ;) X

WOWZERS ... Congratulations , here's to a straights forward plain sailing journey from here on xxx
Happy to see you over here hun!


My edd is 4th too!

Heya, can I join please ladies? I've just got my BFP, still in shock! From my calculations I think I'm due on 8 April. Hello to everyone :-)
Hi everyone im back after a bfp on Tuesday, my edd will be approx 8/04. :-)
Wow, seems like a baby boom!! Sticky dust to everyone xx
Can I join!! I'm being a bit of an eager beaver but I tested this morning and got a 2-3 weeks on a digi! Edd from last period is 12th so very early days! Still haven't even technically missed my period!! Not due til Tuesday! Xx
Hi and congratulations Holi!!!

I can't believe you know already! It's going to be a long 12 weeks wait until your scan! lol!!

Hi Ladies, another April 2015 mum dropping by to say congratulations and wish you all a healthy 9 months!
Hard to believe this time last year it was me and as a first timer everything terrified me but this forum was a great support.
I now have a 16 week old babbling and kicking away beside me, quickest but best year ever!

Hi Ladies, another April 2015 mum dropping by to say congratulations and wish you all a healthy 9 months!
Hard to believe this time last year it was me and as a first timer everything terrified me but this forum was a great support.
I now have a 16 week old babbling and kicking away beside me, quickest but best year ever!

Hi and congratulations Holi!!!

I can't believe you know already! It's going to be a long 12 weeks wait until your scan! lol!!


Thanks PP - God I know I feel like this pregnancy is going to drag but luckily i have my 2yr old to keep my mind off things!

Have a wedding on Friday with a bunch of work people and I'm dreading trying to hide it as they all know I like a drink and a smoke (socially) so they will twig straight away that I'm pregnant :-( I'm tempted to tell my close friend from work so she can help me hide it! X
I have a feeling this one will drag too, but only because we've been trying since our daughter was born for number 2 so it's been a long 4 years!

Why don't you say you are designated driver or pretend to drink vodka and lemonade/ soda but just have water instead maybe?
Good luck, I was at a wedding on Sunday afternoon but it was an hour away so said I would drive.... no one guessed a thing :)
I've also taken to drinking Shloer too and posted a photo at the weekend saying it's been a long week ;) everyone just assumed it was wine as it was in a wine glass lol

PP xXx

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