I'm loitering between here and tri 2, but the threads waiting for all you lovelies as you come on over
So, scan update!
After my midwife saying she'd rerequest a scan for me after they supposedly lost it somewhere between her faxing it and the admin team at the hospital, she'd ring up the day after.
Well she text me saying she didn't get round to it on friday.
So we've rang up ourselves today, at 13+3!!
Systems showed up there was a request but hadn't been made yet!
However, they allowed OH to do all the talking and he managed to bag a scan for tomorrow at 1pm!!
However, also found out last night that my very local babybond for some reason has stopped scanning on Fridays.
I turn 16 weeks on my birthday, and had it planned to book a gender scan after my dating scan (if everything is well!)- looked at appointments yesterday to see if any slots were still available, but the whole day had been taken off! Along with every other Friday

I'm so gutted!!
So as long as my dates don't get pushed back, I think we're going to head to the one at Heathrow on the way to my parents that day (as it's along the way). So hopefully still get a little birthday surprise
If I'm pushed back by a couple of days, do you think it'd make the difference of not being able to find out gender thay day? xx