*****April 2016 mummies*****

Well today I am officially 13 weeks so I will be moving over to tri 2!! So excited!! I love this stage of pregnancy and I really want enjoy every moment (if possible!!)

Good luck to all you lovely ladies on your 12w scans I'll
be popping back in to see all your cute scan photos!!

Looking forward to seeing you all in tri 2!! Xx
See you soon Holi :D I'm 12+5 today so will be heading over at the weekend. Being put back those 4 days have made this week draaaaaag so much!
got my 12 weeks scan tomorrow...again! (was put back 2 weeks!!) thought I'd calculated to the day but seems baby was only looking about 10 weeks on my last '12 week ultrasound'
So hopefully this time around everything should be looking okay. been dragging these past few weeks after the date change.
Nervous though..hope everything's okay Xx
....is it normal to be put back that far? I'm obviously worried about baby not growing at the right pace. 12 weeks is around 5.4cm or so, and 10 weeks would only be about 3.
Suppose I'll see tomorrow at the scan, just wondered if anyone else was put back this far too Xx
It's normal to worry but i'm sure you'll be fine and that the baby is ok :)

I am currently 11+1... my symptoms are now gone and i find myself wishing i still had them cause i have no way of knowing if the baby is ok :(

not having a scan until the 20th so that doesn't help either :(
Blueberry, what are your cycles usually like? I know if they're longer ovulation can take place later and so baby won't be as far ahead as your LMP suggests. It does seem like a long time but you could catch up again by tomorrow. Good luck! :D xXx
my cycle was ways 30 days, was pretty much clockwork so I always knew it would come on the same date each month, every month. the two days were considered in my DD at the booking in appointment, so wasn't sure how the two weeks set back came about....hmmm
Hope everything's alright, fingers crossed baby's looking it's right size now Xx
Thought I'd pop a long and say hello! I'm 10+6 and having my dating scan a week today. This is baby number two, Phoenix is 2 years old. Hello!
Got my dating scan Friday so excited and nervous about telling people my children are 5 2 1 in December so my last 3 are going be close ish in age and everyone is always saying oh no more baby's xxx
Welcome Flot1984 :D Congratulations on your pregnancy. I love the name Phoenix, if this one is a boy that will be his name! Is your Phoenix M or F? :)

You've been very busy Mummyof3 :P Don't worry what others say. So long as you and your family and happy and healthy - who cares? :D

Is anyone else able to feel anything yet? It's hard to describe. I have a bump but when bending about and stuff I can already feel it 'in the way' not massively of course but it's obvious to me. I'm 13 weeks tomorrow x
had my scan yesterday...was honestly the most amazing thing I've seen in my life. Baby is perfect and measuring up lovely now. was being such a little monkey wriggling about so much. saw little legs stretching and kicking, little hands up and over its face. even got a picture of its face so clearly. kept wriggling about so couldn't be measured straight away! most importantly...a healthy little heartbeat :) so happy.
DD 17th April.
Can't believe my 20 week scan is 30th November! Xx
had my scan yesterday...was honestly the most amazing thing I've seen in my life. Baby is perfect and measuring up lovely now. was being such a little monkey wriggling about so much. saw little legs stretching and kicking, little hands up and over its face. even got a picture of its face so clearly. kept wriggling about so couldn't be measured straight away! most importantly...a healthy little heartbeat :) so happy.

DD 17th April.

Can't believe my 20 week scan is 30th November! Xx

Aaaaw so glad it went well!! My 20w scan is the same day, we can count down together!! X
aww lovely Holi...let the counting begin :) are you going to find out what your having? Xx
Welcome Flot1984 :D Congratulations on your pregnancy. I love the name Phoenix, if this one is a boy that will be his name! Is your Phoenix M or F? :)

You've been very busy Mummyof3 :P Don't worry what others say. So long as you and your family and happy and healthy - who cares? :D

Is anyone else able to feel anything yet? It's hard to describe. I have a bump but when bending about and stuff I can already feel it 'in the way' not massively of course but it's obvious to me. I'm 13 weeks tomorrow x

Thank you :) my Phoenix is a little girl. No ideas on names for this one! :-/ something unusual for sure! Xxx
I love Phoenix for a girl, it's such a gorgeous name ^-^

I have a Kai and Serenity and names we've picked for this baby are M - Phoenix and F - Faline. We like unusual names too. I liked 'Blade' for a boy but that split opinions quite dramatically :/
when shall I move over to trimester 2 April group ladies? I'm 12 weeks 4 days today Xx
Thats when I had my scan blueberrybaby and moved on to tri 2 by the end of the week ;) see you over there xx

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