*****April 2016 mummies*****

I was due to have the nuchal test too but was too early, going back in two weeks for another :) x
12+6 tomorrow and STILL don't have my bloody scan date. It's getting beyond a joke now. We're going away Friday and won't know until Monday if there's a date waiting for me. If there isnt, then they're going to have to fit in a date within like 3 days?!

So stressful :( xx
that must be really frustrating for you, have you called up the hospital appointment line? I was waiting for mine but called up and they told me the date they had me booked in for whilst the letter hadn't reached me yet. might be worth a try Xx

Had my scan today, she seemed to indicate baby was stretched out but nonetheless dated me at 13 weeks + 1 day. Spent 45 minutes forcing down the litre of water and she was like 'babys facing the wrong way, go to the toilet and jump up and down'.

I then had to raise my bum and shake my hips in front of her and my husband, it was degrading and hilarious at the same time.

I now believe that i really am pregnant, I thought there was a chance i wouldn't be! I think that might put me in tri 2 now, im off to google it!

Hope you get your scan soon, that sounds awful. Did you not find anyone who could phone up and pretend to be you and ask?
That's really bad MummyandPJ... I hope you get you're date soon... Keep us posted please
Thank you ladies,
I still can't find the balls to ring up myself.
I've text my midwife today, but had no reply from her either :(

If that letter isn't here tomorrow, then I'm getting OH to ring up again and say they're unable to speak to me due to hearing difficulties seeing as they didn't accept the fact that I'm too nervous to speak on the phone.

Ahh mel that's great :) I guess that's make you a March mummy now going by those dates! xx
Hello, I've introduced myself on the intros thread but popping my head in here too!
I'm christy, apparently due 30th April with baby number two ☺
Nice to meet you all!
I thought my timing was late but you're is getting worse by the day. I got my letter last Saturday and had my scan yesterday when I was 13+1, measured at 13+2, so ahead of the game again. My babies are fast growers! I had a whole 2 weeks put on when I was pregnant with my daughter, I thought I was 12 weeks and turned out to be 14+1, this little mite should only by 13 weeks tomorrow and I'll actually be 13+3 tomorrow!

PP xXx
I'm 12 weeks tomorrow & was supposed to be having my scan tomorrow too, I've been excited all week & we were planning to tell all our friends & family this weekend & then my doc called today & cancelled :-( He's rearranged it for Monday eve, which I know isn't too much later but I was really looking forward to it & to announcing it. *Sigh* roll on Monday!
I thought my timing was late but you're is getting worse by the day. I got my letter last Saturday and had my scan yesterday when I was 13+1, measured at 13+2, so ahead of the game again. My babies are fast growers! I had a whole 2 weeks put on when I was pregnant with my daughter, I thought I was 12 weeks and turned out to be 14+1, this little mite should only by 13 weeks tomorrow and I'll actually be 13+3 tomorrow!

PP xXx

Aww haha. You're gonna give birth to a giant :') xx
So my midwife text me back a little while back. Get this- there seems to have been a mix up and my scan request has got lost in between her and the admin team at the hospital!

For crying out loud! This is EXACTLY what happened in my last pregnancy. What the hell?!
So she has told me she will make another request today, and ring tomorrow to push for a date. She has asked me if I'd be available for Monday. So I'm guessing she'll be pushing for one asap if she's asked me that.

In other news, so much for that weekend break that's booked for tomorrow to Sunday :( OH has fell ill with a UTI, he left it a few days before going to the docs. He is now very poorly, had 2 emergency doctor appointments, a paramedic come out and now has to have a CT scan tomorrow morning on his kidneys as kidney stones need to be ruled out as a urine test showed blood in his sample today.

We had a break booked last month to Devon with my family, but my little sister was hospitalised the day we were due to go. So my family rebooked elsewhere for this weekend and got us a room too and now this has happened.

I think we are destined to never have a break, really looked forward to it too as don't get to see my family much :(
But I guess health comes first (can't help but think he is being a bit of a drama queen to be brutally honest as he isn't used to being ill, ever. But there you have it :'))

Hopefully you'll get your scan Monday mummyandPJ - it's not on them losing you in the system!
On a aside if your hubby has got kidney stones - ouch! I've had them twice and will say they are extremely painful, far worse than labour for me so hope he recovers quick and you get your break away.
Hopefully you'll get your scan Monday mummyandPJ - it's not on them losing you in the system!
On a aside if your hubby has got kidney stones - ouch! I've had them twice and will say they are extremely painful, far worse than labour for me so hope he recovers quick and you get your break away.

Thank you :)

I thought he'd be in a lot of pain if he had kidney stones. He is mainly moaning about his headache more than anything but tried all sorts of painkillers with no relief thus far. Paracetemol, ibuprofen, codeine, diclofenac and nothing has touched the head side of things, he only has a 'dull ache' in his back. When I was pregnant I had a horrible kidney infection that hurt so much but he doesn't seem to be experiencing any kidney pain as such.

I think it's quite lucky he's the guy in this relationship, I don't think he'd handle pregnancy well at all! :') xx
No man would handle pregnancy lol. Mine kept me up all night because he had tooth ache then had the cheek to ask why I was tired this afternoon!
So I bought some maternity clothes online yesterday... i borrowed my fiancé's card to pay for them andddd now i can't remember if i gave him the card back... we actually lost it :/ I'm an idiot... he already cancelled it but now i don't know if the new one will come on time for some stuff we had planned... Yey me :(
So I bought some maternity clothes online yesterday... i borrowed my fiancé's card to pay for them andddd now i can't remember if i gave him the card back... we actually lost it :/ I'm an idiot... he already cancelled it but now i don't know if the new one will come on time for some stuff we had planned... Yey me :(
Have you checked your bra? My friend lost her iPhone in her bra once...
He'll find is somewhere crazy like the toaster. Baby brain! Honestly ;)
In my old job I managed to put cardboard in the fridge. I laugh about it now but I was so upset at the time lol x

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