anything you think has helped you get pregnant?

Well I've got a few things to be going on with, my kiwi fruits are ripe so can have a couple now, gona have a shot at the soy (nothing to lose) I eat really healthily, exercise and take pre conception vits, have started taking aspirin....only 23 days till testing!!!! Let's hope oh is feeling especially energetic this month xx

Make sure it's the 75mg tabs. Wishing you all the luck tree trunks xxx
When I caught pregnant last September I had given up ttc, I was eating a kiwi a day and stopped conception vitamins a couple of months before, I got ordinary vitamins from Boots, multivitamins with probiotic, I was also exercising more. Ended in mc, but getting pregnant in itself was a miracle as I'm 44yrs old and I have pcos. x
Well I've got a few things to be going on with, my kiwi fruits are ripe so can have a couple now, gona have a shot at the soy (nothing to lose) I eat really healthily, exercise and take pre conception vits, have started taking aspirin....only 23 days till testing!!!! Let's hope oh is feeling especially energetic this month xx

I wouldnt take aspirin if theres nothing wrong with you... Also if you take it before you get positive test it makes implantation harder as aspirin thins your blood. But if your going to, ask your Dr first. Most the people on here are taking aspirin because of recurrent miscarriages or have sticky blood.
With my boys I got pregnant cycle 1 and cycle 4. Both times used folic acid, C+ and followed SMEP.

Good luck xxx
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I've been taking every vitamin and supplement known to man since December....not over weight and on gluten free diet and no BFP here yet. I keep swallowing all the tablets in the hope it happens. I just wonder how ppl who abuse their bodies always pop 10 babies out nae bother !
My doctor did suggest aspirin as I have RM, but gave no indication how to take it. I read that you need to take everyday for at least a couple of months for it to make any difference?
Will hunt down agnus castus tomorrow thanks beauandhamish. I think it always seems the people who dont try just catch straightaway and then there's us Alexis who are trying almost everyday and have to wait ages for a bfp...xx
My doctor did suggest aspirin as I have RM, but gave no indication how to take it. I read that you need to take everyday for at least a couple of months for it to make any difference?
Will hunt down agnus castus tomorrow thanks beauandhamish. I think it always seems the people who dont try just catch straightaway and then there's us Alexis who are trying almost everyday and have to wait ages for a bfp...xx

I tried agnus catnus but was weary as that cylce i was 4 days late and i read it can lengthen you cycle. Also you shouldnt take it after ovulation and sometimes I was unsure when I ovulated. I wemt for day 21 bloods today. I am a bit annoyed with myself as I have severe lower left back pain and had to call nhs24 and i had to take mega strong pain killers to take the edge of the pain and worried if i am pregnant it isn't safe.
Actually, taking baby aspirin is good for over all health (unless you have a condition where it wouldn't be!!), And it helps implantation because of the thinning as it helps more blood get to the uterus sbdvthicken up the lining. There are lots of reports saying it is beneficial to health but if in doubt do check. I know a few ladies, myself included, that fell pregnant after taking it. You just stop when you get that positive test as don't think it's recommended in pregnancy xx
Thanks DeeDeeAbi, that's what I had read initially about aspirin, thanks everyone else for all the tips too xx
I was told to take it after my BFP. My specialist consultants have told me to take it until i give birth.
The whole point with aspirin is to thin your blood so the baby has a good blood flow and not get clots. (but mine is because of blood problems.. so i do understand how it could be different) but if your taking it for RM then your getting pregnant just fine.. Doesnt need help implanting if its happening already.
Sorry for jumping in on this thread, but would really appreciate some advice

I've had 3 losses now in 10 months, also seeing a specialist who has advised taking aspirin whilst ttc, however the problem hasn't been implantation, touch wood, just keeping hold of them, so I'm now in two minds whether to cut out the aspirin until I get a bfp, don't know what to do really, I don't have any blood clotting disorders, but they did find I'm a carrier of the MTHFR gene mutation where I need to take 5mg of folic acid as my body can't use folic acid properly, but that's got nothing to do with blood clotting, has it, or am I being stupid? Therefore I could take aspirin from bfp couldn't I? Not sure if I've made any sense, any replies would be great! X x
I would do what your Dr said. If my Dr said take while ttc i would have. But if you google aspirin for recurrent miscarriages most women take after bfp. If your worried talk to your Dr again and ask why theyve told you to take it etc.
Everyone with RM gets put on 5mg folic acid so im not sure about your gene thing...

I had 6 MCs before this pregnancy, I started the aspirin the day i got my positive test now im 27 weeks. I will take aspirin in any future pregnancies from bfp.
Thank you so much for replying, 6 MCs, oh my goodness, that must have been awful, I'm struggling to stay positive after 3, and so lovely to hear you're not far off from holding your rainbow baby, congrats. X x
Have any of you ladies used Fertilaid or know of anyone who did? Trying to get some info on the effectiveness of the product.
Have any of you ladies used Fertilaid or know of anyone who did? Trying to get some info on the effectiveness of the product.

Ive herd alot of good things about it. I was tempted to buy it, but decided to try other things instead first.
I think itll be like everything else - Works for some doesn't with others. x
I had two miscarriages before my first baby and I tried quite a few things to try and successfully get pregnant but in the end I think it was not getting stressed out that finally worked. However I just wanted to say that 'baby aspirin' (75mg) should be taken with caution if it isn't prescribed. I, like a lot of people on here, decided to give it a go with no medical reason or advice to and not only did it not help at all but I also got what I thought was a cold I couldn't kick for a few months and turns out aspirin can give people something called post nasal drip so you basically constantly feel like you have a cold. As soon as I stopped the aspirin it stopped.

Another little bit of info I discovered in here was about multi vitamins. I was taking the ttc pregnacare ones and then saw some people in here discussing how with some women it seems to affect the quantity/quality of fertile cervical mucus which you obviously need for optimal conception chances. I had noticed mine wasn't as good as it used to be. Stopped taking the pregnacare and it went back to normal. Obviously doesn t mean everyone will be the same but worth considering x
I had two miscarriages before my first baby and I tried quite a few things to try and successfully get pregnant but in the end I think it was not getting stressed out that finally worked. However I just wanted to say that 'baby aspirin' (75mg) should be taken with caution if it isn't prescribed. I, like a lot of people on here, decided to give it a go with no medical reason or advice to and not only did it not help at all but I also got what I thought was a cold I couldn't kick for a few months and turns out aspirin can give people something called post nasal drip so you basically constantly feel like you have a cold. As soon as I stopped the aspirin it stopped.

Another little bit of info I discovered in here was about multi vitamins. I was taking the ttc pregnacare ones and then saw some people in here discussing how with some women it seems to affect the quantity/quality of fertile cervical mucus which you obviously need for optimal conception chances. I had noticed mine wasn't as good as it used to be. Stopped taking the pregnacare and it went back to normal. Obviously doesn t mean everyone will be the same but worth considering x

Not getting stressed out, how hard is that though? I have really struggled with anxiety this year, I think it probably hasn't helped us.
I think I will have to risk the aspirin or if I dont try I will never know...
Thanks for the advice xx

I had my coil out and conceived two weeks later, and this is what I did -

- took vitamin b6
- had sex every day for 5 days in a row from cd12, I ovulated cd16
- didn't use any lubricants
- mixture of positions, I was on top twice
- lay down on my back for about 10 mins after each time, no legs in the air!

That's about it. Good luck xx


I had my coil out and conceived two weeks later, and this is what I did -

- took vitamin b6
- had sex every day for 5 days in a row from cd12, I ovulated cd16
- didn't use any lubricants
- mixture of positions, I was on top twice
- lay down on my back for about 10 mins after each time, no legs in the air!

That's about it. Good luck xx

Congrats on your BFP:) ! Unfortunately I have tried all of that and some ! I came off the pill 2 years ago and started ttc properly in January and I have tried all of the above and still not conceived. I have dtd every day for 1 week in my fertile zone, I have tried every 2nd day across 10 days and I have tried various supplements and vitamins. I always lie on my back for at least 15 minutes after dtd and I have regular periods and still not caught the egg. You must be mega fertile !!:dance:Happy and healthy 9 months to you

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