anyone wants to help me?


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2010
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Hello ladies,

when I got pregnant with my first child I was pretty slim ( 8stone 8lbs) and gained a lot which ment that after I gave birth I ended up being 10,5 stone) (which means I was 12 stone before I gave birth at the end) (and I am only 5"2') so I am pretty fat now (for my length).

I am now seeing a nutricionist to not gain so much this pregnancy (because I don't want to end up gaining so much again). I didn't lose the pounds in the year after my baby was born so I am really sad because I hoped I would lose at least some of it.

when I went to see the nutricionist at 8 weeks pregnant I weighed 10 stone 2lbs) and when I was eating more healthy I lost some of it (came to 9 stone 9lbs) but now I am back again to the 10stone 2lbs.

I know I am eating the wrong way. I am not having breakfast and eating chocolate and toasties for lunch etc. but I am so depressed and stressed out. we live at my parents house (until we move to our house which wel will do in januari but we get the key in october and need to do it up). But my parents are really mean and always anrgy so that means I am in a situation where I can hardly breath and this makes me very sad.

because of this I eat poorly because I cannot feel well enough to stick to my ' diet' which is pretty hard while being pregnant (I have a low energy count on the diet I got from the nutricionist).

I feel so sad and really scared because I don't want to gain so much again is there anyone who can support me and or have some advice for me on how to stick to the diet? I am really really insecure because I am also very sad that I look this way (compared to what I always looked).

Hope this story is not too long.

Perhaps there are some more ladies over here who are dealing with something similar?

I would love not to go over 11 stone (end of pregnancy) before giving birth actually and I heard people who weigh more should gain less while being pregnant.

Perhaps I can keep it up to stick to it with some help of you guys (now I just feel completely useless).

thank you all so much in advance.
I don't know what to say really... I'm 5'4 and I'm 14stone - and that's before getting pregnant.
I'm also going to have to seen a dietician, and keep an eye out for my massively high BMI.

I don't think there's anything you can really do about it WHILST you're pregnant, other than eat as healthily as possible.

Personally, I'm waiting 'til after birth, and taking up kickboxing or something, haha!

Sorry I can't be much help! Wishing you all the best :hug:
oh you poor love, what Im worried about is not the weight gain but your sadness.

I am 5'3" and started out at larger than I normally weigh at 10st then I put on 4st with Jude and lost it with running I am now between 9st - 9st 7lb. Do you exercise? Obviously starting running whilst pregnant is not advisable at all, but what about nice long walks? it will get you out of the house fresh air, whilst the weather is nice and clear your head and keep your weight down. Then after you have your baby, see if there is a running club beginners group, thats how I did it, please try not to worry whilst you are pregnant about food. You will lose it just dont expect it over night. Can you speak with your parents at all? Explain how you are feeling? Is there somewhere else to stay if they are really bad??? sorry so many questions. Hope you feel better soon xxx
Well i'm 5'2 and weighed 161lbs (11 stone 7 lbs) and then lost 30lbs for my wedding taking me to 9st 4lbs.

Now i'm probably close to 11 stone again but not thinking about it until after baba comes.

You only need an extra 200 kcals when pregnant which is like 2 slices of bread or 1 bag of crisp, 300 more in tri 3.

If you know you are over eating anyway, you shouldn't increase your intake at all.

It isn't due to the pregnancy that you put on weight, lots of people get pregnant and are the same starting weight after they have finished breastfeeding etc.

It is what is going on around you and in your head that is making you put on weight and there is no other alternative than a change of outlook and lifestyle - but these are risky when you are pregnant.

I suggest just be aware of when you are eating excessively, walk whenever possible but put any thoughts of your weight off until after you have given birth.

The hard part is starting the lifestyle change and if you can get over that, how much you have to lose is irrelevent.

You'll manage it when the time comes :) If i can lose 30 lbs anyone can...
Hi,I've struggled with my weight since havin my eldest son 11 years ago...lost 4 stone before fallin pregnant with this baby but cos my weight had been up and down for 3 months and was feelin depressed at slimming world cos I was gainin weight and no1 knew I was pg. Anyway,now I'm in tri 2 and past the mornin sickness and the constant sleepin I'm debating goin back to slimming world cos it's completely safe in pregnancy and is more a way of life rather than a diet iykwim? Maybe somethin like this would help u stay more in control? xx
At the moment I am not really having a diet. I can eat most things but in moderation. I eat wholegrain bread (but not 8 slices), I eat lean meat (only chicken, turkey or minced beef). I eat 2x fruit a day, and I get a pint of dairy (by eating some cheese on a sandwich) and drinking low fat yoghurt etc. I try to not drink things with lots of sugar in it (so low calorie) and by this I want to look out not to gain too much.

When I went to the nutricionist at 8 weeks pregnant I weighed a little under 65kilos (sorry they only measure in kilos over here), and then at 11 weeks I weighed 64 kilos (by watching what I eat). Then I ate poorly again for two weeks and now I am back to 65 kilos (too bad).

They say it is normal to gain 1 kilo at about 12 weeks so I guess it is not too bad. I now try to watch what I eat again so I gain only the necesarry weight. When I was pregnant with my first I really ate two times as much (because I was always hungry and low in energy). Now I am also very hungry and extremely tired if I don't eat non stop the entire day but I just won't gain so much again so I try to eat wisely (and normal portions). :)

I will see how it goes during pregnancy. I don't mind gaining the kilos that are ' average' but I don't want to gain anything more than that. and if I gain a little less I am even more happy. Some friends also told me that they think I will gain much less this time because I have enough fat to sustain this pregnancy already (and with my first I didn't have a lot of fat).
i would suggest that you eat what you fancy but try to fill you self up with fruits and vegs before so you dont eat as much of them unhealthy things.
then when baby is here, make it a goal that no matter what, you take an hours walk with baby everyday. Good for you, good for baby!
i would suggest that you eat what you fancy but try to fill you self up with fruits and vegs before so you dont eat as much of them unhealthy things.
then when baby is here, make it a goal that no matter what, you take an hours walk with baby everyday. Good for you, good for baby!

Yes do try to fill up with veg and also homemade healthy soups (tomato, lentil, vegetable soup etc) not too much fruit because of the sugar in it and it can change the balans of your blood sugar increasing the chance of diabetes in pregnancy (so I stick to two portions of fruit a day and sometimes a glass of smoothie).

I love to eat soup because it fills and it nice and warm but low calorie and loads of veg and fibre:dance:
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Helen , I would give you a hug if I could to cheer you up, it must be so stressful living with your folks all couped up.

I started at 10 stone and only gained 4 lb so far, but I fully expect by the end I will be 1.5 stone - 2 stone heavier, it does need to happen to have a healthy baby, that is a normal amount even if your tiny in height.

I would make sure you have a good healthy breakfast like porridge or weetabix to fill you up with skimmed milk etc, and then one round of sandwiches of cous cous etc , and always try to have healthy versions of snacks available , so you can graze all day on good foods, like carrots sticks, low GI foods.

start fast walking and swimming if you can, it will get you a break from the cramped house and some you time, and once you start exersizing your mood will improve and you will hav control of your body back - endorphins are great! let us know how you go
God being a woman sucks doesn't it?!

Its so easy to say eat healthy and exercise, especially in the first trimester! It may now get abit easier with the food thing, i found in the first trimester i put on alot of weight but it eased off in the 2nd trimester. Try not to stress yourself out about it. It sounds as if your eating what you should be. The only advice i would give is to make sure you have breakfast amd that will stop your chocolate binge mid morning. Even if its wholemeal toast, that will give you the energy your lacking babe.
Im sorry to hear you are sad. i lived with my parents in my 2nd tri and it was hugely stressful and we all fell out big time so i know how horrible it is :( xx

with the dieting, this isnt heathly but im very all or nothing and when i was pregnant i ate what i wanted and told myself i would sort it out afterwards. now my babies 4 weeks old and im going hard core at it and eating as little as i can to get it off. i have a multi vitamin a day, lots of water, coffee, sugar free red bull, and some fruit. and if i have to i will have some chicken or fish too. it really works and fast and is pretty easy. and if i have a bad day i just get back to it the next day and its ok x
I have some great news for you guys> I went to my dietician last week (15 weeks pregnant) and I stood on the scale and weighed 64kilos. When I came there at 8 weeks I was 65kilos so with looking after what I have been eating I lost 1 kilo (not trying to loose weight btw). the nutricionist said I should at least gain 9 kilos in my pregnancy (and up till 12) so I am looking forward to looking up what I eat and not be any more heavy than 74 at the end. :)

Ofcourse I will keep you updated! thank you so much the support of you ladies.
That's brilliant news chick :yay:

I gain alot while pregnant to the point my consultant gave me a right telling off lol. I've never shed all the baby weight from my first pregnancy yet so I'm afraid i'm not much help I just wanted to let you know your not alone. Sounds like you've got the will power I never had to eat healthy tho xx
well it is not so much willpower hehe. I keep thinking about cherry pie, chocolate and carrot cake with frosting all the time. Then there are moments that I keep thinking of chicken nuggets, sausages and crisps (odd isn't it)? I am always hungry throughout pregnancy (and not before or after) so I just try to eat some nice unhealthy things but not all the time. My husband ate a chocolate eclair (bun) yesterday and I was so proud of myself I didn't take one (I was looking at it and eating it virtually btw).

The idea that I will end up (really) fat makes me going, I don't want that and then I also need to loose that+ the weight I still need to loose from pregnancy one and thinking I need to lose almost 3 stone in total is just too much I will never have the strength to loose so much.

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