Anyone want to join me for a little tww'ing?

I wouldnt personally as chemicals in urine breakdown after so long so i woukd just get up alittle earlier x
Ok ladies I'm now in my 2ww, we bd 4 times since Sunday, I'm not sure If or when ive ovulated would have bd again tonight but hubby has fallen asleep now grrr do u think rats enough I'm desperate to get pregnant now we've been trying for 9 months now
7 days til testing, for the first time i was tempted to poas this morning so had to force myself to pee before testing! :whistle:

I've got no symptoms at the min, although yesterday i had a stabbing pain in my right hand side. Other than that nothing. And i was thinking today, over this cycle i havent had any ewcm, not even when i got my LH surge so i'm thinking i may be out before it even started! :wall2:
Ok I am now 14dpo and no sign of AF yet...although I bet just after writing this she gets me! Not testing today, will see if I get AF tomorrow and if not I will test on Wednesday. Argh. I do feel a little crampy so she could be on the way.
Could not wait till wednesday so did test first thing this morning (1 day late) but still getting bfn :(

Is it possible af is late because my cycle could have been messed up by the chemical pregnancy I had last month?

Im never normally late, I normally have constant cramping and sore boobs but just now my face is burning and I feel nauseous but no bfp or af at all. What do you think? X
Figured i'd log on and see what dpo i am! Haven't got any symptoms other than really really tired but that is more than likely because of the late nights. Had a few aches yesterday morning but only noticed them when laid in bed.

Not testing til af is late, no point wasting my money!! Lol
Good luck everyone, no real symptoms here either apart from some cramping and backache ... Not getting my hopes up for this cycle :dust:
Not far from testing now!! No concrete signs or symptoms.

Tiredness and a few dizzy spells, but been busy at work and having a few late nights.

Last night need the toilet so much, 3 times in 30 mins!And bladder was so full it hurt each time!!

Backache, but i have a crappy back anyway.

And i checked my cervix today it seems to be high and soft also have some creamy cm, but i never really check this so this coud be normal.

Also feel sicky and generally like crap, but i do have a bit of a head cold.

So there you have it, every symptom can be explained. Fx tho. :dust:to everyone x x
9/10 dpo spotting so not only am I out would looks like af coming early and my luteal phase has dropped from 14 to 10 now very annoyed! Just when I thought my cycles were becoming regular!
Spotting could be a good sign! I've read i can take anywhere from 6-10days for eggy to implant, so the spotting your having could be implantation bleeding?!

Fx for you toscacat x x
Really! Fingers crossed then it gets no worse and then stops! Will let u know!
I'm tired, worn out, light headed and twingey! Roll on the weekend!
And this thread has been looking up :-) so here's Fx for you all! Thought I was out, but AF never really came, but did have 5 days of spotting, now got BFP... hope its sticking! Beeble also has BFP!
Oh wow congratulations to both of you!! I've got everything crossed for us all x x.
So started spotting 9dpo pm but really light and it ranges from pale red to brown but literally used 4 panty liners in 48 hours but its def there when I wipe still so now 11 dpo and by late pm it will have been 48hrs. This morning my boobs feel like they are on fire and quite heavy but only intermittently! I am so impatient that I wish I could leap to Tuesday so I can test! Realistically my cycle is only just returning to normal following implant removal last Sep but one thing I had worked out was af always arrived 14/15 days post ov pain. I really hope it is ib as the timing fits beautifuly but am I kidding myself!
So sort boobs have eased and bleeding seems to have stopped this morning so it lasted for 2 and a half days from the evening of day 9 post ovulation til morning of day 12. But bfn today 12dpo :-( due af ( if this spotting wasn't it early!) Wed so I don't know why I tested!

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