Anyone want to join me for a little tww'ing?

Unintentionally on a TWW. We weren't gonna try but if I've figured out correctly I'm 3 days late. Still getting cramps though so I'm not holding my breath. My periods are pretty weird. Not sure how far dpo I am though, it's hard to tell when I ov. About a week ago I think. :s
I am really confused, im due af in 5 days and usually by now I have period cramps, sore boobs etc but I have nothing. I dont have any pg symptoms either, which I did by this time last month when I had chemical pg. im around 9dpo and thought I would have spotting or.something if we were successful :( it could go either way this month and I have no idea, so confusing!!
I caved and bought a cheapie predictor. BFN ..... I think! There might be a faint faint line there, i'm not sure!

Can't even post a pic as the test is in my bag and I'm at my desk now!
I'm trying not to cave cause I've done it so many times and been disappointed! The TWW is EVIL! My body feels really hot all the time though. Can't decide if it's just Mother Nature preparing for a call or something else.
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I only have one test which is in my drawer and the temptation to go use it is too much! If I use it though, chances are its too early so it will be wasted and I will no doubt get really upset at a BFN then start to stress - also dont want to be running around trying to get more tests on the day I actually need to test. Someone needs to strap me down so I cant go use it! haha
What is the opinion about early testing? Do the first response ones work? Is it worth it? Would like the waiting to be over!!
hi ladies, can i join? Im 8dpo today and trying not to test until afs due xx
lol thankfully I don't know where my test is! Still tempted to get another though. Not expecting much tbh but it would be sods law if as soon as we decide to hold back on trying to have another I went and got pregnant lol.
I bought a couple of FRERs, BOGOF in superdrug!

It was a BFN, I think my Predictor was an evap.
not had any positive opk's but I think I might of ov'd on saturday because of other signs and symptoms(sp?)
if so I should be 4dpo so count me in :)
Good luck everyone!
OMG That is what I want too! I'm going mad! I have back pain today and feel it is more AF related. Poo!

11dpo for me too, and think the cramping is AF on her way too :sad:

I'm not doing early tests though, did this last year and it nearly drove me mad. No HPTs until period late (which will be sunday/monday).

Fx for everyone!
OMG That is what I want too! I'm going mad! I have back pain today and feel it is more AF related. Poo!

11dpo for me too, and think the cramping is AF on her way too :sad:

I'm not doing early tests though, did this last year and it nearly drove me mad. No HPTs until period late (which will be sunday/monday).

Fx for everyone!
This is what I'm thinking which is why I don't want to do a HPT, but at the same time I'm 3 days late so it's confusing the hell out of me. Irregular periods are a pain in the rear!
Well I'm about 10dpo last night I couldn't keep my eyes open past the kids bed time. I've had 9hrs sleep and still feel like I'm exhaursted and feel queezy is it a sign or just PMS magnified by my mind wanting to feel like this? I don't know. Don't care I just hope I can get the house clean.

Oh I'm a little moody today too, nup that's pms for sure :mad:.
I have pink spotting today, pretty sure that's me out :( Yesterday's test must have been an evap afterall.
I keep getting really small amounts of pink spotting when wiping but not majorly. 16dpo and 4 days late. Still not convinced though :s
Can i now join this thread please?? :)

To be honest i have no idea how many days past ov i am. According to my ticker i'm 2dpo but i'm getting positive opks all over the place!

Got my first positive opk on cd16, on cd 17 i got a positive at 1.30 then a negative at 10pm. Then cd 18 had 1 smilie opk left so in true poas addiction i used it only to find another smilie face!

Throughout this entire cycle i've been getting left side pains, then last night laid in bed BAM right side stabbing, exactly like ov'ing. :shock:

So i could be 2dpo or i could be less than 12hours past ov! Or i could still be ov'ing haha who knows, gonna test again about 2pm!!

For my sanity sake i'm gonna pretend i'm 2dpo, but i won't get excited if af doesnt arrive on time!
I should not have poas. 10dpo so used my last asda test first thing this morning and got a bfn :( is there a chance its still too early or is that me out? I am not sure how accurate test was as it took ages for anything to happen at all as the window stayed clear for around 1min beforege pink started to move along the window and the control line appear...normally it moves along the window pretty quickly. So confused.
Beeble you still in with a chance. Implantation of an egg occurs between i think 4dpo-10dpo so it could be your a late implanter!! lol

Theres a few ladies on here thats have tested at 14dpo and got a bfn then 4 days later got there bfp!!

When is af due? I would test a day or 2 after that is due.

I dont mind peeing on opks but refuse to pee on hpt just because i hate seeing the negative, i'd rather see af! lol

Good luck x x
The pinkish seems to be a little heavier for me now so I'm pretty much convinced it's just a late AF.
Theres a few ladies on here thats have tested at 14dpo and got a bfn then 4 days later got there bfp!!

^^^ this exactly!

it takes between 6-12 days for the egg to travel down and implant in the unterine wall. once implanted it takes 2-3 days to show enough hcg on a blood test, and a furth 2-3 days for hcg to show in urine...

not out til the witch shows! xx

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