Anyone want to join me for a little tww'ing?

I am now about 6dpo (ticker slightly out this month), not feeling any symptoms at all, no cm at all really (although that was common all month, may not take the epo next cycle). Not sure if good or bad that I can't symptom spot, there's nothing to over analyse but also nothing to get hopeful about. Oh well, should probably get some work done. Fx for all.

I'm 2dpo, so I'm only at the start of my 2WW - think this is going to go really slowly as I'm so desperate to get my BFP this cycle. Not feeling very chilled out atm!
I'm 2dpo, so I'm only at the start of my 2WW - think this is going to go really slowly as I'm so desperate to get my BFP this cycle. Not feeling very chilled out atm!

Ha I can relate to that, I've been analysing everything then I get annoyed cos it's early and I end up brushing it off and saying it's probably nothing. :rofl: x
I'm now on CD 28 - no symptoms of anything! I'd be expecting af tomorrow or thurs but seeing as I had an early mc in may I'm not sure when my af will come along. I hope it's soon so I know where I am! Did an early test on sun 'just in case' but nothing. Kinda dreading af coming along this weekend as I'm going to download festival on Saturday! AF + festivals = yuck!!
Hi ladies,

Well I'm 6dpo and had a few af type cramps at around 3dpo and 4dpo (very dull ache) and a LOT more cm than usual especially after ov and seem to be getting hot flushes. Anyways I'm testing in 6 days, the wait is killing me ha!! Good luck everyone :) xxx
Had a bit of pinkish cm this afternoon. Probably start of af but a tiny bit of me still hopes it could be implantation!! X
I'm now on CD 28 - no symptoms of anything! I'd be expecting af tomorrow or thurs but seeing as I had an early mc in may I'm not sure when my af will come along. I hope it's soon so I know where I am! Did an early test on sun 'just in case' but nothing. Kinda dreading af coming along this weekend as I'm going to download festival on Saturday! AF + festivals = yuck!!

Ooh cornishfary - I'm going to Download this weekend too. We are only going Saturday so I can see my favourite band Metallica (again!!). We might bump into each other lol :lol:
Ooh cornishfary - I'm going to Download this weekend too. We are only going Saturday so I can see my favourite band Metallica (again!!). We might bump into each other lol :lol:

Ooh see you there!! It's gonna be fab, hope the weather improves tho!!
I'm on CD28 now. No af or pregnancy symptoms, just the occasional bit of pink/brown cm when i wipe. Did a test yesterday and nothing. Felt really sick all night but think that's more to do with eating and drinking rubbish all bank hol weekend!!
Good luck everyone!! X
Had more spotting today, looks like start of af. Strange I haven't had the sore boobs as I always get those!! However I guess my hormones are a bit mixed up after last months events. X
Have been feeling really sick all day, and loads of mucus!
AF is 4 days late! If my cheapie tests arrive this afternoon I'll soon be able to find out. I was soooo impatient before that I exhausted my supply and the only way I could stop myself testing before AF was due, was ordering more before bank holiday so they'd take some time to get here! The suspense is killing me!!

FX to all you TWW ladies! I hope it's a bumper baby month. :yellow:
10 DPO today... no real symptoms apart from having had thrush right after ovulation and few sicky feelings so we'll see....
Af has most definitely arrived! least I know my cycle is back to normal post-mc. Back to the endless months of ttc again! :(
Aww sorry to hear the witch got you cornishfairy. But at least now you can have a few drinks at Download over the weekend. Are you camping? Weather has been terrible up here and Download pics look very muddy lol. Definately need my Welles lol.
I think I'm giving up hope! AF is now 5 days late. My boobs are hideously swollen and Im still burping to high heaven, but I'm still testing negative!! If she's not here by Monday I'm going to the doctors!

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