Anyone want to join me for a little tww'ing?

Hello! I'm new here. I'm currently waiting. There's another 11 days until I'm due AF. I believe, I could be 5dpo, but I only started tracking my cycle this month. Already in the last few days I have painful lower back cramps. 2 days in a row I woke up HATING my partner! I have no idea why! We're a very affectionate couple, and didn't want to talk to him or kiss him. I'm happy as larry right now!
I've been feeling dizzy, and today I've had the most immense heartburn (i rarely ever get heart burn) and is the 3rd day in a row I've had sicky burps. My tummy feels tender and sore, and I've been feeling rather light headed!!!
We weren't necessarily TTC but are happy with whatever may come along, so I'm excited and nervous to find out whether I am or not! The wait is driving me crazy! I don't want to make the mistake I made last time of testing too early. Unfortunately I had MC early on, around the time I actually got a positive test, so I'm scared that it might happen again too!
So many mixed emotions!! I'm hoping you all might be able to keep me sane while I play the waiting game.
So 14dpo af due today but no sign. Just to recap symptoms
9-11 dpo spotting prob used one liner in the day and one at night
11-13 dpo boobs on fire and burning
13 dpo bfn on frer
14 dpo boobs no longer sore but seems lol I can't stop weeing (?just my imagination) and tightening of stomach almost like I am tensing abs but when i relax to mak sure its not me its still there
Cervix remains high and soft with creamy cm af not here!

Will try and hold off testing again til sat as yest bfn really got to me.
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Hey guys, fx'd for you! I only got my bfp around 3-4 days after af was due so dont lose hope if she hasnt turned.up and you still get bfn. I would advise not testing constantly though like I did because it only causes stress...every 48hrs...seems so long but its cheaper and less stressful hehe xx
I just got back from work after an excruciating slow shift. I've had cramps really bad in my lower tummy and more noticeably a sharp pain under my belly button, I had an inkling that maybe implantation was occurring and i've just come home to find what i expect is slight spotting. AF isn't due for at least 10 days, so FX!!!!!
Ok ladies I have 3 days to go, usually by tomorrow ill have a slight pink/light brown tinge to cm which usually indicates af is coming, so counting down the days, did a test this am which was a bfn fingers crossed@
Hi ladies, please acn you offer some advice. I am new to this and I don't understand a lot of the abbreviations. Please bare with me while I explain as i'm not very good at explaining!

Hubby and I had unprotected sex for the first time Sat 19th. couple of days after I have period like cramps that sent me rushing for the loo but no blood. I wasn't expecting my period as I was about 11-13 days since my last period. I think developed a stinking cold including a very stuffy nose that was also constantly running (weird I know!) and had multiple nosebleeds throughout the day, slight spell of dizziness the other day. Husband says I have been mood swingy but I honestly don't think I have been at all.

Thing is, I read about this stuff online what you could experience during the first 2 weeks after I had the cramps and am worried that I have actually talked myself into these things as I have just realised just how much I want to be pregnant now. I have been doing some internet bought hpt every day for 5 days and it is now driving me nuts. They were supposedly ultra early detection tests. I know I shouldn't test every day and just wait for my period to come but I feel so frustrated.

What are your thought please ladies? I would really love your opinions if you think I am going mad and taled myself into symptoms or if I actually stand a chance at being pregnant? I also should say that yesterday and today (other than being really hungry)I haven't had any symptoms.:oooo:
Af is due today, I've had a tiny bit of pink/red staining in cm last night, but no backache and no cramping this month ad I normally would, but have had so many bfn's I never expect to see a bfp anymore, the only thing different this week is I've had headaches everyday but that could be due to the good weather and dehydration, will keep u posted
Can I join the 2WWing? I'm currently 1DPO on my first Clomid cycle, hoping I'm one of the lucky ones who gets a BFP on the first go!

Ugh, only 1DPO though, gonna be a long 2WW!


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Also back to the dreaded 2ww after an early mc. Decided to get right back on it although not sure if everything came out with the mc as had some pains and extreme bloating since. Currently 4dpo. What would happen if I got pregnant in this first cycle but there was still leftover tissue in there from the mc? Xx
2DPO today and nothing to report obviously. Had some pink when wiping earlier so FX it's from ov! My right ovary is a bit painful, just hoping it's all ov signs. :) x

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I'm only about 5dpo but already desperate to poas!! It's like an addiction! I know theres no point until at least the weekend/early next week but I just keep feeling the need to! X
Sat was bfn cervix remains high and boobs feel like they are sunburnt and stinging but currently 20dpo tomorrow af will be a week late but still getting bfn so upset. Drs booked for Friday to try and get some tests done as cycles clearly not getting regular like I thought!
My nipples are ultra sensitive! I never have sensitive nipples, gotta be from the Clomid cos I'm only 2DPO, there's no way I can have symptoms by now? X

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Sat was bfn cervix remains high and boobs feel like they are sunburnt and stinging but currently 20dpo tomorrow af will be a week late but still getting bfn so upset. Drs booked for Friday to try and get some tests done as cycles clearly not getting regular like I thought!

How frustrating for you hun, hope you get answers soon. X

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Yep that's me in the 2ww now as well.... so we'll see what happens.... xx
4DPO today and have noticed a small amount of creamy cm. Still have a pinching feeling which is only noticeable when I either put pressure on my belly, twist my body round and tmi but also notice it when using the loo and BDing. Still think 4DPO is too early for symptoms though but thought I'd mention them anyway!


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Hi I'm on cd24 of a 28 ish day cycle. yesterday I had some AF type cramps my cervix is really high. I got a bfn yesterday but I'm still in until AF appears. Fx she will stay away this month for us all xx

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