Anyone want to join me for a little tww'ing?

Thanks ladies :)

I am out of tests now so will save my money and just wait and see if AF arrives or not. I am due AF in 4 days so I will keep my fingers crossed that there could still be a positive result for me.
It is so awful not knowing, usually by now I have very sore boobs and vague AF symptoms but I have nothing as yet so I cant tell either way. FX!
I read that it takes 6 days to travel down then another 6 for it to imbed deep enough for it to start interacting with the mother's system.
12dpo for me and think i will probably be out in next day or so, af cramps now worse and tiny brown spot today. Poohy! Fx for all you others though...
Aww no :( hope you get better luck next month x

I am starting to get AF like cramps so starting to feel like it didnt work for me either. Bah humbug x
To be fair we said we'd hold off on trying. Kinda disappointed though :(
I have more cramps today and there is a tickle in my cervix. I think I'm out no spotting just cramps. I still have a few days until AF due and had no spotting but I really think it will happen soon.
Aww no, I hope at least one of us gets some good news :( I feel totally fine today, no symptoms or anything...could swing either way. 3 days till af due. X
Aww no, I hope at least one of us gets some good news :( I feel totally fine today, no symptoms or anything...could swing either way. 3 days till af due. X

im due in 4... such a looooooooong wait! lol x
Couldn't resist, got some more tests today from the co-op but they one I did came back negative :( hoping its just a case of testing too early. x
Oh no, did i start a thread of doom?? I had more spotting and more cramps today so pretty sure its over for me this cycle. Come on ladies, there's got to be at least one BFP so i can live vicariously! And at least we can identify some cycle buddies now...
I know we said that we would hold off on trying, but I'm so tempted to talk to my dr on Monday. I have to go anyway because I have a chest infection, I'm really tempted to bring it up cause we've been struggling since the mc last year.
I hope not, I am holding out for at least one person on here to get some good news. I am pretty new to all of this but it is rather stressful, first month I have a chemical and second month I end up testing loads and getting nothing but BFN then sitting wondering if I am too early or if it is not happening this month :(
I maybe cramping but I'm not spotting. I still think I'm out but the lack of spotting is hopeful. I'm going to wait until monday to test if I don't have any spotting before then.
I'm out sadly, so will moving on to the next cycle. Good luck to everyone out there in the tww, its a bitch!
I was going to test tomorrow it would have been 12dpo but did it today (having a bad day) and SURPRISE got a :bfn:

I know it's too early but really I thought there may have been a shadow, maybe? It just made me more depressed then I already was. So I've decided I'm just going to wait for AF. I'm still a little hopeful I have usually started to spot by now.

Awww! My daughter has just made up a song for me it's the first time I have smiled since I did the test. She's so bloody cute and I want MORE Now!
Retested today (12dpo) and still getting a bfn :( thought if I was in for a chance I would have a faint line by now. So upsetting x
Ive posted some pics asking for line spotters. Some people see it some dont x
Hey all, this may sound like a really really odd question but please bear with me! I'm due af on Sunday and I am also a bit of a poas addict so will really be wanting to test that morning... But I have to go to work an wether bfp or bfn I don't want to find out the outcome until after work...
So... Can I erm collect fmu that day and use it test when I get home from work??? Or does it not work that way? Sorry if this is a stupid question I just have no idea x

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