Anyone still not got a name and panicking?

Gemma & Jake

Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2006
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Hi I have got about 11 weeks to go and although we have got our girls name I am convinced that I am having a boy and can't think of a name I really like. We have a few boys names but none of them are names I really love and I think if I use one of them I will regret it afterwards. I seem to have looked everywhere and there are no names that really jump out at me. I just really don't want to settle for a name because I can't think of anything else.
Hi Gemz! There is a theory that if you are sure about the name for one sex and unsure about the other you will have a baby of the sex you have a name for! Probably an old wives tale but I always had Leorah as a name for a girl but couldn't make up my mind for a boy and I am having a girl!!

When thinking of a name its good to narrow it down. For example I wanted a hebrew name and some people want a name that represents a meaning like miracle or gift from god, or fortunate etc. This can help because then you can pick something that has a meaning to you. Let us know what kind of thing you like and I'm sure we can all come up with some suggestions :D
lol - that was the total opposite for me skatty!!!

I always had melissa for a girl but now im havin a lil man, me and OH had to rack our brains for a name we both liked and could c ourselves using!!

have a flick thru those name books, you can make modern names out of old fashioned ones whichs what we kind of did with Jamie for our LO!!
name books really are the besr resource.

I found this book invaluable as it doesn't bother with the usual David and Johns but has some great cool ideas

It's called 'Cool names for babies' by Pamela redmond Satran, and they've got it on Amazon for £1.49!
Don't panic hun, you've got ages yet. We've still not decided!!!! :shock:
i had a girls name but like u i was convinced i was having a boy every name i thought of i decided i didnt like lol and even wen i went in to labout didnt have a strong boys name but wen i had him and they said it was a boy and did i have a name Braydon Andrew just came out obv ment to be so dont worry to much
Hun if it's a boy you'll know when you see him what you want his name to be.
Hi Gemz,

I'm in the same boat hum ..but with 8 weeks to go ARRR!

A friend at work has just called her son the name I've always wanted for a boy and I'd feel like I was copying if I choose it (even though I've liked it for years) And every other name I think I really like someone in my family turns their nose up at it... The pressure!
we havent even talked about it, my oh will not talk about till he sees the baby, we did that with sophie aswell waited till we seen her till we named her. :D
we too have a girls name, but havn't decided on a boys name, i think we are going to wait till he/she makes an appearance & then decide, its a shame for them not to have a name straight away though as my other 2 did immediately.

as for family turning their noses up at names, i'm sick of this!! i like sonny for a boy, but now have given up telling anyone coz they go 'eer not sure about that one'
its my baby & i will call it what i like ( sorry we will!!)

also like harley, but parents said 'harley davidson!' & i just gave up now telling them.
you can't please everyone.

you'll know what to name him/her when you see him/her.xx
My family just laugh at our name choices, and are always going 'What have you come up with NOW??!!' :roll:

We like Stanley ('sounds like Flat Stanley') and Frank ('Err, Frank Butcher!') and I couldn't care less what they think. They'll get used to whatever you pick hon :)
A friend of mine had her baby 2 weeks ago 2mo and she STILL hasnt got a name for her boy so dont feel bad!! I think they are going with Jenson but they still not sure..her OH wanted Dude or Rocky so she's had a rough time!! LOL!!
We choose Thea's name way before we knew for sure we were having a girl, Richard was cinvinced she was a girl and i was pretty sure too. We couldnt agree on any boys names at all!

Richard was the one who actually thought of our little girls name Thea Louise. Thea means Goddess or God given. Louise means warrior.
I remember telling my mil that we were going to name our son Aaron James and she screwed her face up, knew it was the right name when she said we should name him Godfrey or Herman :lol:

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